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In Your own Opinion Was The Cube A Failure?

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I got my GC on launch day and have had zero mechanical problems with it, same with N64 and SNES before it. Sony and MS should take notes here


Quite a few people had a problem with Cubs crashing when they first bought one. There was a letter about it in NGC and mine didn't work properly either. Had to replace it and the guy in Game said people had been having the same problem.

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In your opinion. RPGs are all about personal opinions and feelings.


I totally agree. Many people I know didnt like FF8 but I loved it as I could relate to Squalls character and I was drawn into the story more. I think with RPGs most people play the game but come out have a different experience.

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I totally agree. Many people I know didnt like FF8 but I loved it as I could reltae to Squalls character and I was drawn into the story more. I think with RPGs most people play the game but come out have a different experience.


Sort of like reading a book. With books, each reader brings something different. It's the same with RPGs. We all bring something individual, and therefore its a different experience for each of us.

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In your opinion. RPGs are all about personal opinions and feelings.

Yes it was my opinion, i don't need to say in my opinion in everything i say do i?


I own ToS and have completed it twice, it is an amazing game but the Final Fantasy series has certainly not died on the Playstation and i have given examples why.

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Errrm back on topic?


I think the Cube has been a success because it has forced Nintendo do define what kind of company it wants to be. It has forced Ninty to look long at 3rd party support and produced some really entertaining and innovative games. It has achived stylish and beautiful graphics but yeah commercially it wasn't the biggest success.


But hey, I played it, enjoyed it, loved my ickle system and will continue to do so. In my eyes this means it's a success.

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Also who wants stale crap like FF X erm no thanks unless the new FF the series died on the PS a while back. ToS was way better than any FF on the PS.



Did you get too close to Sin? Tales is a wannabe rpg that copied many aspects of ff games. A fire summon called Efreet? Cruxis? Yevon? Same thing?


Anyway in terms of the games, gamecube was far away from a failure. I think we can agree though that gamecube failed in terms of sales of the console.

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Final Fantasy 7 and 9 own TOS, maybe even 12.


Turn-based fighting is never a fun thing. It is a test of endurance. So far everyone has endured turn-based fighting and therefore it remains. When are people finally going to realise it's just about the worst thing you can do to yourself that doesn't involve bleach and the consumption of said bleach?


Did you get too close to Sin? Tales is a wannabe rpg that copied many aspects of ff games. A fire summon called Efreet? Cruxis? Yevon? Same thing?


Tales has a far better fighting system than Final Fantasy does. I'm also fairly sure those summon names are quite common in RPGs and probably didn't originate from Final Fantasy in their entirety. Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, and when you make something BETTER that's good in my book. Cloud and the gang could sure learn a thing or two from Lloyd and his little pixy/elf friend Genis.

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Most rpgs names originate from some sort of mythology (guess where "sin" comes from doh!) some are not but if they appear frequently as some do you can bet it probably does have some history to it (a.k.a. masamune was not created by squaresoft)To be honest I enjoyed final fantasy better than ToS basically because i felt ToS bulky and restrictive in comparison and going through ToS i seen similarities to ff 10s storyline which I won't divulge because someone will fight this to the end. toodles.

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Also who wants stale crap like FF X erm no thanks unless the new FF the series died on the PS a while back. ToS was way better than any FF on the PS.


Now thats just a load of crap. No matter how much you tout it as your "opinion," this is one case where opinions can clearly be wrong. ToS is not better than any main series FF, other than perhaps X or V. ToS was indeed a great game, but it wasn't a classic, some parts were just downright boring, the story was poor (to say the least) when compared to any Playstation final fantasy, the music wasn't interesting enough (even 8 years down the line, every time I pick up my guitar I find myself playing the FF7 boss theme yet I can't even remember a single piece of music from ToS), everything about the PS FF's was classic and ToS is just not in the same league. It did not inspire the same strong feelings of involvement or liking or absolute infatuation with the game (unless you're a simpleton)...I suggest you go and play 7, 8 and 9 again and because I can't really believe that anyone who's actually played them properly can still prefer ToS...


Turn-based fighting is never a fun thing. It is a test of endurance. So far everyone has endured turn-based fighting and therefore it remains. When are people finally going to realise it's just about the worst thing you can do to yourself that doesn't involve bleach and the consumption of said bleach?


I disagree strongly, turn based battles can be incredibly tedious if done wrong, but there are games which they are perfectly suited for, such as Chrono Trigger (specifically) and the Final Fantasy series, it brings a sense of strategy into the game...I agree random battles are very annoying, but the same can't be said of TBB's, without which, games like Advance Wars and Fire emblem would not work. I liked ToS' battle system, but for one based on action, it was ridiculously simple, everytime I went into a battle I found my self hammering A...ocassionally the B button...maybe the C stick to add a little variety...there were no huge summons to make it worthwhile...All in all, it could have been better.



Anyway, In my opinion the cube was a resounding success, it had the best games out of all 3 consoles, and even from a purely fiscal perspective, it managed to earn Nintendo a fair bit of dough.

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i think did fail, just because the launch of the xbox which was a totally new entry in the console world probably sold more than the cube did, im not sure on the numbers but im bettin it did. most people i talked to had an xbox or a ps2 maybe 2/10 had a cube.:(

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The GC wasn't a failure for me for the past two years. Before that I had the feeling there was a lack of good games. And that supposed lack was a good thing because what it lacked was 3rd party support. So instead of buying lots of EA franchises and such at some point I started to play Zelda WW because there were no other games around. I never played a Zelda game before, oh how stupid I was. Metroid Prime, RE4, Killer7, Battalion Wars, Paper Mario 2, Chibi-Robo are all great games I didn’t regret buying in the slightest.

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I think it's the fault of N64's tech & market strategy. Cube is fine, nothing wrong with it.


I think Cube is seen as a failure because Nintendo lost the market share considering that they were the King of consoles till N64.


And I think that's where the fault lies - N64. I suspect N64's fall was the reason for Cube's fall. If N64 had been a smash hit like SNES, Nintendo would have kept the big devs, making N64 the home of all big titles. Cube would've had more chance of holding onto them.


But, PS1 overtook N64 and Sony side got more key titles in the end. PS2 "inherited" that momentum. Personally, that's the only thing that went wrong with Nintendo.

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1 player you say...i was mis-informed heh.


Ok i really like FF especially the PSX's games like 7 and 9. But i found X and X-2 on the PS2 were just boring...nothing really new and it didnt really have that magic me thinks. I found ToS perhaps more refreshing so i hold it more dear i guess, i could also relate to Lloyd, dunno just got on with his character which really helped.


Anyway Suikoden rules the RPG kingdom :p

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Ok i really like FF especially the PSX's games like 7 and 9. But i found X and X-2 on the PS2 were just boring...nothing really new and it didnt really have that magic me thinks. I found ToS perhaps more refreshing so i hold it more dear i guess, i could also relate to Lloyd, dunno just got on with his character which really helped.



I totally agree with regards to the FF games. I loved the PSOne FFs but X and X-2 just didnt capture my attention. I played them through to completion but I didnt really like Tidus or Yuna for that matter. The only character I liked out of them was Auron purely because he was so B.A, the less said about the travesty that was X-2 the better.

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X-2 was nothing more than pop princess, bubblegum barbie bull that should never have beared the name final fantasy. Its a sad case of squares corporate side "If we make a sequel...it will make double the money of our highest selling game to date!" all they cared about was X2 profit, lets never speak of it again unless in mockery.

Back to the thread. The cube was a failure in the respect that not only developers not wishing to support it but also increasing amount of shops withdrawing support, however it was a great console with some wasted chances for excellence. To the poster who said that you can rent psp games and not ds thats because retailers are still shifty about nintendo and because psp is not that far behind ds even though it was released nearly a year later and with the software charts psp wins although that may be down to the fact that people are also buying the umd films for their psps along with games. Rental stores would be looking at software charts instead of hardware so theres you're reasons.

Back to rpgs, if baldurs gate counts then I guess its the winner. toodles.

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I think it's the fault of N64's tech & market strategy. Cube is fine, nothing wrong with it.


I agree, a lot of people didn’t want to commit to a Nintendo console after the N64 because we didnt know how well supported it would be.


A lot of people got stung with the N64. They paid a lot of money for a great console when it came to Nintendo games but they didn’t come out every month. in between we had very little in the way of decent third party games with only Rare filling in the blanks.


Rare going to Mincrosoft (even if rare seem to suck now) probably didn’t help matters.


It also didn’t help matters that new Gamecube titles where £40 but the very same game would but £30 on the ps2. I also noticed that when a game came out on all 3 consoles, for some reason the GC version would be out a few weeks after the Xbox and ps2 versions sometimes later. For example, Lego starwars only came out a month or so ago for GC but everyone else got it Last year. In fact it was already on the PS2's platinum range late last year.


On top of that if any of those titles had online options , they would be taken out of the cube version.



One last thing, it sounds ridicules to say this now since so many people own DVD players and how cheap they are, but the gamecube really could of done with DVD playback.


At the very least they could of released this here:


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Now thats just a load of crap. No matter how much you tout it as your "opinion," this is one case where opinions can clearly be wrong. ToS is not better than any main series FF, other than perhaps X or V. ToS was indeed a great game, but it wasn't a classic, some parts were just downright boring, the story was poor (to say the least) when compared to any Playstation final fantasy, the music wasn't interesting enough (even 8 years down the line, every time I pick up my guitar I find myself playing the FF7 boss theme yet I can't even remember a single piece of music from ToS), everything about the PS FF's was classic and ToS is just not in the same league. It did not inspire the same strong feelings of involvement or liking or absolute infatuation with the game (unless you're a simpleton)...I suggest you go and play 7, 8 and 9 again and because I can't really believe that anyone who's actually played them properly can still prefer ToS...




I disagree strongly, turn based battles can be incredibly tedious if done wrong, but there are games which they are perfectly suited for, such as Chrono Trigger (specifically) and the Final Fantasy series, it brings a sense of strategy into the game...I agree random battles are very annoying, but the same can't be said of TBB's, without which, games like Advance Wars and Fire emblem would not work. I liked ToS' battle system, but for one based on action, it was ridiculously simple, everytime I went into a battle I found my self hammering A...ocassionally the B button...maybe the C stick to add a little variety...there were no huge summons to make it worthwhile...All in all, it could have been better.



Anyway, In my opinion the cube was a resounding success, it had the best games out of all 3 consoles, and even from a purely fiscal perspective, it managed to earn Nintendo a fair bit of dough.


You speak the truth. FF is leagues ahead of ToS.

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I think that the Cube was a failure...


1) Capcom bought Resident Evil 4 and Viewtiful Joe out on the Playstation 2

2) Sega brought Super Monkey Ball and the Sonic Mega Collection out on the Playstation 2

3) Nintendo milked its ageing franchises dry and bombarded us with sports games with Mario in such as Mario Football/Baseball/Tennis/Golf and etc.. 3rd parties would also just shove Mario into a game when porting games to the cube, like DDR Mario. We only got 1 real Mario game and dozens of rip offs. They turned Mario into a whore and milked us for everything we had.

4) Bongos....nuff said...There was a tonne of hype about an amazing Gamecube peripheral and we got some cheap plastic bongo drums... There are lots of fans of Donkey Konga, but im not one of them.

5) Animal Crossing: Nintendo being total idiots.

6) Mario Party 4,5,6,7....... Worse than EA.

7) Barely any games were released when it mattered...you would only get 1 good game a month or so when the PS2 and Xbox were getting over twice as many.

8) Nintendo destroyed their image...The DS is their knight in shining armour.

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