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In my opinion another mistake by Sony


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Surely this move, if its true, will kill off independent retailers. I have such a shop called Chips near me and I get on pretty well with the staff there. The owner told me ages ago that small chains like that only survive due to the 2nd hand market as they make very little profit off new games.

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I heard this news about 8 month ago, i think its true.


EDIT: and fucking stupid.

You mean "Image Constraint Token"? I think that move is delayed until the end of the decade. IGN Gear wrote about it..

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What next? We're not allowed to buy used cars? Well using Sony's logic, buying a new car, takes away a potental sale of a new one. If this is true, I will NOT buy the PS3. I'm so sick to fucking death of companies trying to get every last penny they can get out of us. The thing that pisses me off is, if Sony did this, it would become accepted, and would become the norm. ARGH.

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Hmm...that reminds me...





Ehm, the "accessory" that saved the US video gaming market was a mistake?


And I don't think it's true (the PS3 not-being-able-to-run-preowned-discs thing), it would be market suicide for Sony to do it.



BTW, I remember reading somewhere awhile ago that Japan tried to stop the pre-owned video gaming market since it made the video gaming markets sales drop. Anyone know anything about this?

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Guest Stefkov

also anyone heard about that game where if you play it and die you can never pplay the game again, thats a load of bullshit. this is a crap move by sony, gonn tell my friends and they arent gonna be too happy.

this reminds me i heard of this quite a while ago but not like this.

i heard it as when you buy a game it registers to your system alone and you cant sell it off again, i hear this a long time ago, so basically it was true.

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Initially I thought the idea was a wind up and if not it was bloody stupid ... BUT.....

the more I think about it , the more I reckon Sony are onto a winner.


Considering how reliable Sonys' hardware is , they know that you will be forced to buy a new console at £400 every 13 months (just after your warranty expires) , but not only that , you will also need to re-purchase your exsisting games every 13 months too (because your old copies are linked to your now busted consoles).


On reflection , this is actually a genius bit of marketing by Sony.

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