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Sandhurst Year 11 Prom + Afterparty 2006


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Ok, so, I had my prom last night, and I just got back. I'm not one to write big posts but in short, here's what happened at the afterparty:


  • One of my male friends came out of the closet and snogged a bisexual guy.
  • In return, two 'unsure' girls snogged. They ended up having a competition to see who'd gay kiss lasted the longest. Boys won :P
  • Paul drank half a bottle of tequila, ended up laying spread-eagled in the conservatory all by himself, and throwing up. We sent him home at 6:30 in the morning.
  • Martin had sex in a sleeping bag with some girl I've never seen before, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROOM WE WERE IN. He said he was disappointed that he was so quick though. Jokes followed.
  • I think I drank 5 bottles of Smirnoff Ice + WKD, as well as several slugs of vodka. This was enough to give me a killer headache, which went away after 3-4 hours but is giving me hell now, trust me!
  • I went to sleep at 7am clothed, and wake up 10 minutes later to find another girl laying in front of me. Kind of a shock to wake up seeing a girl with you. So I just put my arms over her and hugged her before falling asleep again with me holding her. Kekekekeke.
  • Singstar for the PS2 and Buzz the Music Quiz came out quite early on. Unfortunately I lost at Buzz because everyone stole my points in the Point Stealer round, and I didn't play Singstar because of my awful headache.
  • Two female friends had a pretty major breakup, something to do with sleeping with someones brother or something. Funnily enough, these two were the ones who later made out in the gay kiss competition.
  • I learnt that J2O is the lifesaver of headaches. So is water.


I must have forgotten something here, but I just got back and am still slightly hungover. The prom was alright I suppose, but not as good as I'd anticipated. Crap music, no slow dance songs, DJ kept breaking his equipment..


The limo seriously owned though. It was hot, hot, HOT pink, and we had 2 great CD's to play. One was a collection of music from 1963 [Absolute shite actually] and the other one was just titled *Oldies*. Perfect, it had stuff like Baby got Back, Girls just wanna have fun, Eye of the tiger, tainted love, etc. When us 7 boys exited the limo, we decided to play Baby got Back on full volume so when we got out, it'd be right at the part where it says 'I like big butts and I cannot lie', and I think we probably had the best exit. Yeah!!


So, anyway, what have your prom/afterparty/leaving school celebration been like in the past? And has anything here really shocked you or is it pretty normal?

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i never went to mine. why would i go to a party with people that i had spent the last 4 years avoiding? my school was full of tosser who tried to be big men but ended up homeless fuck wits. whereas i am not 3 weeks away form qualifying as an accountant. so 2 finger up to them. never know i might get the satifaction of turning one of them down for a job oneday.

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i never went to mine. why would i go to a party with people that i had spent the last 4 years avoiding? my school was full of tosser who tried to be big men but ended up homeless fuck wits. whereas i am not 3 weeks away form qualifying as an accountant. so 2 finger up to them. never know i might get the satifaction of turning one of them down for a job oneday.


I've been to 3 secondary schools. The first two, I was in your situation. This one has been truly amazing. I have some brilliant friends.

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i never went to mine. why would i go to a party with people that i had spent the last 4 years avoiding?

Pretty much why I'm not going to mine. My middle school was AMAZING and probably the best experience of my life and I cried so much when I left, but today I've finished my gih school that I've been at for 4 years and don't feel anything other than excitement and wonder about my future.

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I've had a couple of good leaver's does.


The "prom" at the end of secondary school was alright. England were playing Portugal though - so everyone was watching that. The food was crappy, the DJ was alright.


However, some girl had a house party after that. I slugged back a few beers washed down with vodka. Ended up chatting to people all night long - some people called me a "pretty safe guy" which was nice. Not much happened. I think I remember punching a wall...


The 6th form leaver's do was great. It was a mixture of good friends, good memories, good music and alcohol. Many a great moment - dancing to classic tunes and getting complemented by girls. Wha-hey!

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The food wasn't too bad, actually. I've had alot better at receptions though. The DJ was terrible for us, really disappointing. He did play some good tunes occasionally, though. Most of the time was spent chatting to each other and mock dancing on the floor.

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Not going to the prom. Its tonight.

Been begged by friends and my mum to go, but i really couldnt see myself enjoying it. My best friend jade kicked me coz i wernt goin but ah well.


Spose to have a date to go tonight, but cancelled out!!!


Ah fuck it, no point complaining.

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I love these big school 'dos'. They're really good because absolutely everyone (apart from some rejects) go to it. We have a Christmas dance every year (Ceilidh, Scottish dancing) which is the best part of the school year. Got our 6th year prom this time next year which you're meant to bring a date too and pay for her £40 ticket. I'm going for a modern girl who will hopefully pay it herself.

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The anoying thing about mine, is some people have exams the next morning so won't be going, but most of my friends will be there. I hope I don't embarras myself to much, as normaly I can be quite, but after some drink I have been known to dance and sing etc, and be very load.


Also for some reason all the guys at partys I go to, do arm wressles (most of which I win, though I lost one last time, have been doing weights since-but so has everyone else).

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I love these big school 'dos'. They're really good because absolutely everyone (apart from some rejects) go to it. We have a Christmas dance every year (Ceilidh, Scottish dancing) which is the best part of the school year. Got our 6th year prom this time next year which you're meant to bring a date too and pay for her £40 ticket. I'm going for a modern girl who will hopefully pay it herself.

Pretty true in my case, i always thought i was a reject. But its not why im not going to the prom.

Discovered i wernt a reject when the teachers put all our pictures on a slideshow and when a pic of me came up pretty much every one cheered. Still smiling about it (it was at like lunch time).

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My post-secondary school prom was great. My band played cover songs in all-black suits. Yeah, that was good. Afterward, we walked five miles through the park and around the lake, past the big Hall and across the farmer's fields to a friend's house where we had pizza and cake and Beer and a bouncy castle at midday through to the early hours. Though, we were civilised and good-hearted with our celebrations. It was beers and sunbeds and sunshine and Big Dreams for the kids from a Small Town. The kids I saw today were just obnoxious 15-year-old ****s half-drunk on cheap alcopops in the middle of town.


It was my last day at sixth-form today but I didn't do much. I was invited to the pub by the indie clan and then to another pub by some girlfriends but chose to go see MI3 with my friend Luke who's not really into the whole pub-at-dinner scene. You make decisions.


I'm not going to the prom this time round. Couldn't afford it.

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Don't worry dyson more mores stuff will come back to you as the week goes on. The Horror.


Martin couldn't remember sleeping with the girl in the middle of the floor after 1 hours sleep, so I don't suppose that bodes well. He couldn't remember him giving Mark a gay kiss either; which he ended up winning the contest over.


I'm scared.

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sex.... in a sleeping bag... with a girl you don't know.... in a crowded room...that he can't remember.


NOT GOOD at all! really pointless and highly hazardous. Get to know a girl first!


Gay kissing... interesting. Its quite common for girls to get off with each other here at uni. But not guys, that would be errr. gay.


Or they actually gay, its not the best way to come out, i'd imagine. Bit of a shock for people.

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Man reading this has got me kinda hyped up a little bit more about my 6th year dinner dance/prom.


We've booked a limo (now becoming the norm) which will hopefully rock. Before going in the limo, going out for a little drink to relax. The dinner dance will last until midnight and after that we'll either go out clubbing and then go to the rooms we booked at the hotel or just go straight to the hotel after the prom with bottles of vodka/whatever.


It should be a great night. Although I am still unsure as to what to wear. The dinner dance is on the 5th of June and I have bought 2 suites for it. 1 is a type of suit that you would wear to interviews/funerals etc the other suit is kinda "pimp'd", all bling bling and such (shiney). I might just go with the pimp'd look lol.

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