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More evidence that the victory will be Nintendo's, Not Sony's


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though not all chavs are from working class backgrounds.


True, and I can vouch for that. I live in what is apparently the 5th richest town in the country (before you ask, I'm not going to give you any money because my family ain't really rich) and the town centre is full of goddamn chavs!

Hell, one of my sister's friends had to take a baseball bat with him on his way to work as he had to go through the park!

They steal from WH Smiths even though they could probably buy out it's entire stock with the money their carrying!


They'll all buy 360's by the way... (actually, they already have)


Did I say buy? Woops, I meant steal.

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I was actually looking forward to buying a ps3... I am a Nintendo fanboy, but I still had hopes for ps3's beautiful graphics... but with that price point?! pffft, I'm going with Wii and 360


(but i know i'm gonna start crying when they reveal Kingdom Hearts 3 for ps3...)

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Let us not overestimate E3's press comments. Of the 100 million or so ps2-owners, how many do you think have ever heard of E3? And how many of those have botherd to follow up on its press-releases. A bad E3 for, sony, certainly, but my guessing is nobody will ever know. People (all the ps2-owners) are simply going to line up for the ps3 because it's predecessor was great.


It's the overwhelming PR-campaign Sony will launch soon that will remind people how important it is to own a ps3. And it will probably work.


ahhh yes but there is 1 thing ur forgetting. the ps3 will b worth a bucket load! a bucket load that any1 under the age of 17 will have trouble saving for. and considering that the ps3 and wii r releasing so close sony cant just do a dramatic price drop like they did in the last generation because of the jump they had on nintendo release wise. and the price drop wont b for ages coz of the cost of the components. if nintendo can steal sonys market in the 1st few months then it could possibly screw sony out of the no1 spot for this generation. also the wii imo will b like the new norm for party games, which alot of sales are generated from. i mean who buys singstar or eyetoy with the purpose in mind to play it by themself?

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I'd rather like to see a follow-up. Watch Snake as he bravely battles Master Chief for HD graphics, while Sony is forced to commit ritual-suicide after dishonering itself by trying to copy Nintendos vastly superior controller.

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This is no evidence of anything. Bottom line is that most people are stupid and misinformed and have no idea of what went on at E3. Sony is still the best for them and PS3 is still awesome. It sucks, but the world works like this.

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John Carmack (the tech god) says PS3 is hard to program for.

360 is much easier to program for and therfor cheaper.

A lot of developers will go to 360 for cheaper and easier development.


IMO thers a big chanse of PS3 losing this battle. 360 and Wii has the upper hand this time.


John Carmack interview.


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You all keep reffering to PS3 console price but you forget something. Lets say you get the money to buy a PS3. Steal a bank or something. What about games? Game Prices are going to be about 70 Euros...at least.... I love MGS but personally i wont give 70+ Euros to buy it

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i think the Wii will be second this time around and X360 will win i can honestly see sony lose allot of its market share. there is no room in the market for 3 consoles. 2 yes. it was sega and nintendo for a longtime. then came sony and sega bowed out. enter microsoft. Who is next to go? i think Sony nintendo have been there done that and they will be there for a long time to come.

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Nah, Sony won't lose that much, they are still the #1 brand (PlayStation) in the video gaming market and sure, it will be hurt alot but not so much that they'll come last in sales/market share.


Thing is there will be a number of consoles they will need to sell.

I think alot of people will save up fully intending to get a PS3, and will end up giving up.


a price cut will probably happen BEFORE its released.

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that would be interesting and a good move from sony. imagine: our console is worth £450 but as we are good to our faithful customers we will sell it to you for a lower price of £350.


Sony fanboy " you see sony are the best going to pwn everything " rushes out to buy the console and forgets about the £50+ price of games.

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on radio 1 eariler they were talking bout the PS3 and Wii. They were saying that the PS3 is VERY expensive at around £450 pounds (the women on the show gasped and asked if thats correct) and then mentioned that the xb360 is £280 for pretty much the same the only difference is that you will be getting games such as gran turismo and metal gear.

The Wii they said is there FAV! its alot of fun to play the only slating they did is that the graphics wont be as good (if your a graphic whore) and its not known if the novelty of the wii-mote will wear off..also will you be able to play the games for hours on end swinging ur arms about?.


Sony will take time to catch up with 360 on the sales race i just cant see it happening :/ and the Wii is less than half the price (prob) sony are in trouble....it will be the name alone that will carry the sales.

As for this xmas the 2 must have gifts will no doubt be the wii and PS3 (+360) alot of lower class/middle class familys wont have the money to buy there kid/s a PS3 so they will get them a Wii.

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