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Nintendo Conference Disscussion


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I started it thinking they'd come out with some new stuff to counter sony (i was like "those ******** how dare they copy ninty again!" when my mate txt me at 7:30 this morning.


the conference video was cool but i've seen most of it b4. the speaker on the remote is a gd idea, i like that. but i was like o ffs when reggie said "we'll tell u some...but not all the secrets of the wii"


wonder how many other inventions sony can rip off in the next 6months until launch.


great show tho, cant wait for Metroid, WiiSports, Red Steel, those games look awesome!

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ok, that simply ruled.


Super mario galaxy, the speaker on the controller, red steel, Miyamoto's opening, the sport games, warioware,starfox ds, yoshi Island 2 DS and I'm forgetting tons.


My choice was made, and simply has been confirmed, Nintendo FTW.

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Amazing show. I almost cried of joy when Miyamoto started conducting zelda music with the wiimote. And Metroid Prime 3 Corruption! Super Mario Galaxy! Red Steel! Zelda! (No Smash Bros. though:()

And two versions of Zelda..., will they be released at the same time? If not I don't think I'll be able to wait for the game and probably buy both:hmm: .

Anyway, Nintendo win E3. :grin:

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Is there a rumble in the Wii controllers?!?!?!??

Yes, which is great news!


I forgot about the controller shell! I wish they had given us more info on this.


Wonder what the 27 playable games are? And they said there would be more in video form as well. I'm still holding out for a few surprises!

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1st Party

Super Mario 128


Twilight Princess (i have a funny feeling we actually might see it Wii only and even further improved graphics and still be out for the Wii launch)


Super Smash Bros. Wii


Donkey Kong Wii


Metriod Prime 3 (i think this could be the game the winner of that compo plays on stage)


Wario Ware Wii


Mario Sports games (Tennis, Baseball, Golf)


Pokemon (in some form, maybe a Wii spin-off or even Diamond and Pearl for DS being revealed)


And a number of new franchises


3rd Party:

Red Steel

Madden NFL Wii

Tony Hawks



Raid over the River DS

Dragon Quest

Dragonball Z


:( I liked your version better.

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I cant believe i missed the live feed =(, i wanna see the games. (Red steel trailer is brilliant).


Im annoyed about lack of information. No shell shown. No estimate in price (would of created ALOT of media attention).


Im just waiting for a kind fellow to post pictures now or a downloadable version of the conference.

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I've got to download the conference so I can watch it over and over.

But let's look at the other games for a bit : Excite Truck looked like a really FUN arcade racer. And that other game, with the tsunami, had some impressive graphics.

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There was so many titles set for launch, and great games too. It makes all other launchs seem weak in comparison.



Super Mario Galaxy (if launch)

Twilight Princess

Red Steel

Metroid (if launch)



Dragon Quest

Crystal Chronicles

Wii Sports



I don't have the time or money for this.

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There were some games I expected but didn't see, but I am very impressed by the conference. Most notably, Red Steel looks incredible - and it's third party!


Other games that caught my radar: Disaster, Mario, Metroid. I'm sure Zelda will be great - but old news already! The always on feature is just brilliant.


Nintendo always save a game or two to reveal on the show floor anyway, I'm sure Wario Ware is one of them.


Weirdest thing for me was how far along Red Steel is and how much time it got on stage, yet no new Nintendo games got as much attention...

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I loved the conference, but i can't get out of my mind them not given us a damn Wii and Zelda release date! I mean how long exactly do we have to wait?


My guess is that it was launching on November 17th but because Sony announced that, Nintendo have to re-think. Hopefully we will be told a date in the next few weeks but i doubt it.


Thats annoying me, i don't want it to annoy me, but if you read Nintendo.co.uk's E3 news post, that really hype it up as though we will finally be told everything.


ARGH! When will i get my Wii!!!!!

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