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Final Fantasy XIII


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I really don't get the FFVIII/FFX hate. Both strapped me to my chair, in their own ways.


FFVIII's storyline felt so stunning, because it made no sense, but in a lovely way. Come on Esthar, you're great!

Also, I loved how in the first 2 playthroughs I didn't realise how to exploit the junction system (I was like 9 at the time of playing), so it felt senses-shatteringly hard, adding an extra dimension to the game. It took me a week to beat Fujin and Rajin. And I remember crying when I finally managed to get to the cockpit of the Ragnarok (with my level 16 Rinoa), having finally realised how to defeat the propagators, then when the "Sorceress" music came on, I thought I'd have to fight Adel/Edea/Rinoa, so I was throwing my controller about. Genuinely tense moment.


FFX is in my top 5 PS2 games of all time. It's just so big. I have 400+ hours clocked on one of my saves. Come on Yuna, your strength value is the highest of all the team.


I love the artwork of the Fayths too. Added so much. Genuinely intrigued as to which Aeon I'd get next, and what they're Fayth stone thing would look like.

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Yeah, both were really good RPGs, dunno why people hate them as much, great games. Then again I don't get why people would put FF9 above them too. It was a good game sure, but it wasn't as good as other FF RPGs in my opinion. The battle system was raped by having trance that would activiate at the end of battle. Also what was the deal with only 2 people summoning, never used them and so only saw the summons once to see what they looked like.


Some of the characters were poor too, but that's just my take. Yeah sure it was going back to the roots so to speak, but it really felt like a downgrade after playing 7 and 8 since you couldn't fit the characters with what you wanted them to have.


Well 13 tomorrow, looking forward to that ^_^ not bothered if it's linear or not, I don't see how getting 8 or higher is average either. Good battle systems help RPGs and if the story is interesting I'll be finishing this to the end.

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When will people learn that some people simply have different tastes... it doesn't matter if I rank FFIX above FFVIII and you don't. Or if I still think FFVII is the best FF ever. Or if I am deluded into thinking FFX was actually a playable game. As long as you alone enjoy playing it that's what matters.


The thing that matters the least, is what Edge magazine thinks.

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But then no one would be able to give opinions and the thread would be just..........dead :o lol It's the joys of explaining how you feel, as long as there's no "YOU FUCKING SUCK FOR LIKING THAT, blah blah" then all is good.


There's plenty of games I've liked and people haven't and having discussions why is great.


Anyway, ON TO THE GAME! *waits till tomorrow ¬_¬*

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GAME didn't have any CEs left so now I have to wait till Wednesday :( I ordered it online expecting I would get it today. Stupid Tuesday release >_>

Even more annoying I got a test on Thursday that is going to decide wether or not I qualify for exam.


I like it when the games are linear. Too much space makes me worried if I'm going to miss something. In FFXII I constantly explored one side of the map untill I reached the middle, turned back and chose a different direction, turned back and continued on the first direction, just slightly bit further, turned back and so on. As for cities there is no need for them if there isn't anything to do there. Too many rpgs have large cities with tons of insignificant people to talk to. I played White Knight Chronicles last week. Big pretty cities with only two-three easy chests with worthless items and that's it. No quest or anything.


Since no one has mentioned lack of quests I assume there is at least some good ones later in the game? (no need to elaborate)

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. As for cities there is no need for them if there isn't anything to do there. Too many rpgs have large cities with tons of insignificant people to talk to. I played White Knight Chronicles last week. Big pretty cities with only two-three easy chests with worthless items and that's it. No quest or anything.


The last game I had FUN and loved in terms of Linear RPG's is Baten Kaitos Origins, I swear the only linear game with a good and well thought out story with easily the best protagonist and the best cast of characters in it, as well as good side-quests and one of the best worlds, Why can't Team Kitase be able to make games as touching as monoliths games? :hmm: (While I am at it Matsuno games as well, to date Final Fantasy Tactics has the best story ever told in a Final Fantasy game...IMO)

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But then no one would be able to give opinions and the thread would be just..........dead :o lol It's the joys of explaining how you feel, as long as there's no "YOU FUCKING SUCK FOR LIKING THAT, blah blah" then all is good.


Ha, I agree that discussion in all forms is good. I just don't understand people starting with "I don't understand how you don't like... x"


This is the kind of game I think will get a rental from me, or at least be picked up when it drops below the £20 mark in some crazy deal one day.

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I think they sent out the emails early but didn't send them till saturday or today even..looking forward to this, i thought i take the plunge..this will be my first proper play through of a FF game! Just hope it keeps my attention otherwise it's a goner (like most games)..lol

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I'm in the middle of decorating my room, but I had 4 hours to spare whilst paint dried. I was hoping the post man would bring the goods and I could enjoy it for a brief while, alas Postman Pat let me down.


It better arrive tomorrow, because the ASDA advert in the paper almost made me cry, with staff discount I'd have got it mega cheap. Curses GAME and my foolishness to expect it to arrive early.

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Well ShopTo did great then. I didn't order until Friday either, and it came first thing today.


I only played about an hour before (at my girlfriend's now) but I could tell that it was extremely polished. Still hadn't got past the sort of tutorial sections yet, but it had me interested. It reminded me very much of FFX due to the initial fighting on thin walkways in a dark, futuristic city. It's certainly more appealing to me so far than XII.

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I'm in the middle of decorating my room, but I had 4 hours to spare whilst paint dried. I was hoping the post man would bring the goods and I could enjoy it for a brief while, alas Postman Pat let me down.


It better arrive tomorrow, because the ASDA advert in the paper almost made me cry, with staff discount I'd have got it mega cheap. Curses GAME and my foolishness to expect it to arrive early.


Advert...ASDA? Elaborate please :)

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How much is asda advertising it for? I gave my local asda a call to see if they will be selling it past midnight as they did with ME2 (24 hour asda and all that) but they're not *sadface*. Gamestation first thing tomorrow/in 5 hours w00t


...then straight to uni :(

Edited by Sooj
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Alrighty then I have the game and I have played up to Chapter 2.



+Very surprised on how it went right into action rather then the dull openings that FFVIII and FFX had.

+3D camera!!! this should have been in X and X-2, but to know it's in this, I am quite pleased, now I can have a more of a look around at the scenery



-Already I think the story is annoying.

-Characters are that fucking dull it's annoying, heck the only character I like is the chocobo.

-Music, do not get me wrong(Well, the ones I heard on Youtube :heh:), some of the songs in it are good...but from what I have heard so far in the game it's so....meh only one I like so far is the battle music...oh and where is my awesome fanfare!? FFXII can get away with it since everything was playing in real time, but FFXIII you go into a battle area.


Still undecided about the battle system or the world itself. It is indeed polished like sheikah said, but I already miss the old Ivalice world, my favorite world of the Final Fantasy series still.

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Do you think people are putting up tents and making long queues for this game? Thought I would go down to one of the electronic stores and buy the CE there and send the other one back when it arrives to tomorrow. But I don't want to be standing at the entrance before they open if I don't have to. It would look stupid if I were the only one.

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