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Final Fantasy XIII


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Do you think people are putting up tents and making long queues for this game? Thought I would go down to one of the electronic stores and buy the CE there and send the other one back when it arrives to tomorrow. But I don't want to be standing at the entrance before they open if I don't have to. It would look stupid if I were the only one.


To be honest, when I went into the game store to pick up FFXIII it was quiet, every other time a brand new FF number came out there were lines to pick it up, it was...odd, S-E should not have taken so long to bring it out now, people have perhaps moved onto other RPG's (Namely WRPG's like ME) Even in Japan, even though it was easily a million seller hit, it has not reached 2 million like the other FF series. With game development costs on the rise and the decline in sales for older video game series, it's a worry (Only ones that I have seen unaffected is the Mario series, Dragon Quest and Monster Hunter)

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Played the first half an hour or so, took a quick break for pita bread. Really enjoying it so far, if this is the 'slow and painfully boring' part of the game it's shaping up to be a great adventure. My only narks are the bizarre camera movement and motion blur (but I'm sure I'll get used to it) and no option to tweak the sound levels.

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I've been playing it for about half hour too and so far it's pretty bland, i'm literally just running forward occasionally pressing A. I'm sure it'll get more interesting I just need to stick with it.


The thing that annoys me the most though about the 360 version is that the cutscenes (both FMV and in-game) don't seem to be in HD! Talk about low res!

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I've been playing it for about half hour too and so far it's pretty bland, i'm literally just running forward occasionally pressing A. I'm sure it'll get more interesting I just need to stick with it.


The thing that annoys me the most though about the 360 version is that the cutscenes (both FMV and in-game) don't seem to be in HD! Talk about low res!

Yeah. The 360 version runs at 560p. Go PS3. :p

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To be honest, when I went into the game store to pick up FFXIII it was quiet.


When I went to GAME to switch my copy everyone was buying it, while an arguement was raging behind the counter as to what FF game has been the best so far. :D


My 360 version arrived this morning but I had a change of heart and took back to GAME and switched it for a PS3 version.


Im up to chapter 3 and love it so far. The battle system has just opened up as has the levelling system so I look forward to delving into that further. Im a big fan of the battle music, I think its very up beat and catchy.


The only thing im not keen on is Vanille's accent and character. I think she's gonna be the Selphie/Riku of the game, who I never really liked, too chirpy for my liking. Loving Snow though, what a hero! :)

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I had a chat with one of my XBox mates from Sonic and SEGA racing, he got FFXIII and after a little inquiring I decided to take the plunge, took my Limited edition Star Ocean and Tekken 6 and traded them both in for this bad boy. After the first tutorial it seems to have gone back to pure turn based, in the style of FFX - 2, not a bad thing at all in my book. So apart from the little things like no towns and such I am getting into it.

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Going by what I've played so far the game seems pretty good. All i've really been doing is walk forward, fight enemy, walk forward, fight enemy, walk forward, fight boss. Coming across the occasional chest/glowing sphere thingie on the way. Got into the sphere grid type thing, still don't know how to switch out party members so far, might get a tutorial on that later...lord knows I've had one for everything else.

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Another thumbs up from me with a part of this game...FUCKING SKIP BUTTON!!!


I am so shocked that S-E would give us the freedom to skip shitty FF scenes, so wish once again that FFX had it

To be fair though...unless you're playing through it again...it's not like you'd die in FFX to have to replay a scene. :p


Really liking this game so far, it's much more like FFX and has so much more depth (character development and interaction-wise) than XII. And the battle system is top notch.

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To be fair though...unless you're playing through it again...it's not like you'd die in FFX to have to replay a scene. :p

No, in all my years of playing games, FFX had to have some of the worst scenes ever made within a video game, the beginning was such a bore fest, and it's insane how such a game feels so slow right from the start of the game, obviously they have fixed that with FFXIII making us go right into action (Kind of the pacing you got from FFVII)


Really liking this game so far, it's much more like FFX and has so much more depth (character development and interaction-wise)than XII.


Character development yeah your right, but thats not something you should be happy about when comparing it too FFXII, FFXII was a complete mess halfway through the development, if Matsuno was able to make the game how he wanted it would have turned out like the great classics like Final Fantasy Tactics and Vagrant Story(Which funny enough rapes all the numbered FF for me besides FFIV and FFVI)


But to be fair, FFXIII characters are sucking big time, even worst then the FFX characters, only characters that have interested me is Lightning and Hope (But even thats scrapping the barrel)


Vanille is already the worst FF character ever, where did she get her accent from?

Even without the accent she would still be an annoying fuck.


Progress...Chapter 4...is it the right time to be putting spoilers in now?


Oh and this sphere grid in this game is already >>>>>>>>>>>>>>FFX sphere grid

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if Matsuno was able to make the game how he wanted it would have turned out like the great classics like Final Fantasy Tactics and Vagrant Story(Which funny enough rapes all the numbered FF for me besides FFIV and FFVI)


Strange you should say that...I found FFT fairly weak and the dialogue and story was almost medieval. Combined with the fact it was practically all battles and short political updates, it turned me off completely. As well as that, I downloaded Vagrant Story when it got released on the PSN store recently and found it to be very boring, at least in this day and age, whereas I've instantly been hooked on many other old titles. Just the gameplay and story of VS seemed really unenjoyable to sit through in the few hours I could be bothered playing.


The only enjoyable thing for me in the Ivalice universe was Tactics Advance, purely because it didn't try to have a serious story and was simply 'life became a storybook fantasy'. Far better than the political drivel they have tried to shove in our face in FFT and FFXII. People like their story of heroes taking on evil villains, not sides waging war. It is meant to reflect fantasy, after all, and not full-scale wars driving the story.

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I was at work last night and booked the rest of the week off to play on this bad boy. Time to get down to some serious play time...well once I get some sleep. :)


I had some good banter with the lads at work who are on playing it and so far we all agree that the battle system is fantastic, the FMV's top notch and the characters are great. The only ones we seem to dislike are Vanille ( reasons stated before ) and Hope for being brat. Lightning and Snow ( or Beanie Boy as my mate called him ) FTW!

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I actually liked some of the political drivel of XII. Certainly more entertaining than a soap opera.


Even Sakaguchi said that Square should never had let go of Matsuno because of his talent in story telling and gameplay idea's. But hey, it thanks to Nomura and Kitase that have driven the Final Fantasy image into a young teenagers trying to save the world against older people and usually the most powerful empire.


But now with each Final Fantasy game on the decline on sales and even Wada saying how the Final Fantasy series needs something new and change the series the way it is.


Strange you should say that...I found FFT fairly weak and the dialogue and story was almost medieval. Combined with the fact it was practically all battles and short political updates, it turned me off completely. As well as that, I downloaded Vagrant Story when it got released on the PSN store recently and found it to be very boring, at least in this day and age, whereas I've instantly been hooked on many other old titles. Just the gameplay and story of VS seemed really unenjoyable to sit through in the few hours I could be bothered playing.


The only enjoyable thing for me in the Ivalice universe was Tactics Advance, purely because it didn't try to have a serious story and was simply 'life became a storybook fantasy'. Far better than the political drivel they have tried to shove in our face in FFT and FFXII. People like their story of heroes taking on evil villains, not sides waging war. It is meant to reflect fantasy, after all, and not full-scale wars driving the story.


Matsuno made the worlds deep unlike all other FF games, each monster had history, everything in games he made had a huge amount of depth and history. This is one reason why I always loved his work compared to Kitases and Nomura's. I just think Matsuno gave his games some soul. No offence to all you lovers of VIII, X, X-2 and even XIII...but those games feel so...plastic. It's like I am watching a typical anime series.


But it's obvious about our tastes in the Final Fantasy series anyway :heh:


Progress: It's time they get some people who know how to write a story, or at least a decent love story, VIII, X and X-2 have all had the shittiness of really badly told love stories, and having snow fuck a girl who looks 14 and he looking like 26 as well is just wrong.


Oh and the music is soooo average which is a shame since all the other games in the series have always been outstanding.

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I loved the love stories for VIII and especially X & X-2 and so far im enjoying this one aswell.


If this is the decline of the FF series keep it coming I say! :D


All I can say is...wow :hmm: (But then again the Tales series sucks in this area as well, guess they are just like most animu then)

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All I can say is...wow :hmm: (But then again the Tales series sucks in this area as well, guess they are just like most animu then)

No matter what you try to convince people, they'll never believe that FFT had a more developed story or characters than FFVII, because it's simply not true. lol.

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No matter what you try to convince people, they'll never believe that FFT had a more developed story or characters than FFVII, because it's simply not true. lol.


Man it's been too long since I have played Tactics...are we really talking about the same game? Or are you talking about Tactics Advance (White hair lol).


Once I am through FFXIII, I'll go back and play FFT from start to finish again.


Many of my friends have loved FFT more then most of the FF stories (They curse me because I was the one that got them into SMT and Dragon Quest lol )



Proooooogress....2nd disk lol


EDIT: Now I remember the other script writer game designer they should give the chance to make a story in the next mainline FF game Masato Kato, man did FFVII, Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross Xenogears and FFXI. Man is incredible in script writing.

Edited by killer kirby
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