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Final Fantasy CC: The Crystal Bearers!


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Now I feel guilty for not only liking the mainline FF games (I can handle zips and stuff, sorry :heh:) but I feel like I should hate the Crystal Bearers too. Compared to the first trailer and the potential it showed, I think its still here in this video. We get to see that what battles look like, we get to see that the races of the FF:CC world are there, we get to see that there seems to be a kind of "use the force, Luke" element to the gameplay.


The cactus is called a Cactuar, btw guys.

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You haven't pointed anything wrong with the game that's tangible.


The game does look beautiful, has voice acting, a good implementation of Wii controls and when you talk about Square-Enix this is THE BEST outcome we could have for this game, something different and with personality like Kingdom Hearts. How can you even group this among other shovelware?!


The cactus is called a Cactuar, btw guys.


Yeah, this. Stop complaining about the cactus, its a staple in the FF series.

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It's like some sort of virus is affecting part of the forum crowd's judgment! First we all applaud everything for being different, and then we take it down for not being cliché.


I found the giant cactus brilliant. I found the music brilliant. I found the graphics brilliant. The concept. The steampunk. The VO's. The blablablabla.

The fuzziness could just be the source of the vids. Wouldn't bother me all that much if it wasn't though.


How about we all run ourselves an antivirus scanner, and then come back to comment on it?

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Wow, don't know why people hate the music at the beggining....it's different, and well....it's actrually giving me a nostalgia of God Hand ^^


Glad to see this game still around and kicking, lets hope that they don't forgot all about the game again and we have to wait another year or 2 for a new trailer >_>

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My inner telepathy is sensing Pokemon Coliseum/XD... Looked fabulous in edited one minute trailers, remember when we saw the pics of the hero riding that hover bike and we instantly thought 'cooool'... Little did we know it was actually a boring reel. Even with this games similarity to Skies of Arcadia in mind, I won't even get my hopes up. FF:CC disappointed the fuck out of me with all those gorgeous pics, vids and the chibi style. Remember that game also had voiceovers, real time battling and... crystals.

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Erm, well this looks... interesting.


Visually I'd say it's "good" and I don't mind the music or anything...but as a whole the game looks very messy. It doesn't seem like everything works very well, there's sporadic camera moments, jittery, bad looking animation, some really messy texture work...


Overall it's looking amazingly un-polished for a game that's had such a long development time. I can only assume they've been struggling to really get everything to work, I guess the control scheme was a challenge for them to impliment and make enjoyable (if it is...)


It might be a good game if they really pour on some polish towards the end and fix up all the very visible flaws and get the gameplay flowing smoothly. Right now it looks like it'd kinda make me ill to play.

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I watched the video again, making a point of trying to see how all this negativity can be justified. Tbh, there was only one real thing I expected people to pick up on the first time I watched it, and no one has, I don't think. There seems to be a waggle QTE in amongst it all- why's no one crying foul about Crystal Bearers being a lame waggle fest...? I'm impressed. :heh:


As for this dodgy music at the start. I listened to it in particular and well... its a western tune which accompanies a western, desert section of the action. Whats so wrong with that? :blank:

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There's a ferret in it!


By the way, think I know why this game can't do anything wrong for me: it's got spheres in it. I love spheres. From the Tetsuo "kill all the guards surrounding me in the hospital and leave their bloody limbs dangling off the ceiling" kind of sphere to the Mewtwo psychic-sphere in Melee. Ahhhh, spheres. :)

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Just seen the trailer for XIII, looks great. This is a joke. The music, the enemies, the main character. I'm usually very positive and I loved the first trailer, but this is awful, especially when you compare it to what they're doing elsewhere and what they have done before in the CC brand.


Matter of taste. XIII seems awful to me.

And why the grudge against the ennemies? They're classic FF ennemies.

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This is a joke.
See it this way, these are clearly two videos, first a gameplay one, with funny music, and then... the trailer. (read bold in la fontaine voice)


They didn't release media in 2 years, and probably only had one slot on Echoes of time to put the video, thus merged them together; the real trailer starts at 1 minute.

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Just seen the trailer for XIII, looks great. This is a joke. The music, the enemies, the main character. I'm usually very positive and I loved the first trailer, but this is awful, especially when you compare it to what they're doing elsewhere and what they have done before in the CC brand.


You mean that lame ass boring fest shit they've been doing for the last 20 years?! Now with 80% more GUNS(!), for that western XTREEEEEME look, because no one was buying the previous ones. I like how sites said " FF XIII Gameplay Trailer", because of the 20 seconds footage of same unmistakable boring gameplay all the FF have.


And I know you are not comparing the graphics, because that would be stupid coming from someone on a Nintendo forum.

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The music, the enemies, the main character.


Enemies are standard FF fare, but I guess the main problem with the characters is that you can actually tell their genders, and they don't wear trendy japanese clothes. To be frank, I'm pretty overdosed on japanese zazz*.


* What is zazz? Here is explanation by Mr. Kurt Kalata.


JRPGs -- and many other Japanese games, and anime too -- are in serious danger of fatal zazz saturation.


Some zazz is good to have. Think of it like putting sugar in coffee. A cube or two makes coffee less bitter; some zazz adds flavor to a game and its characters. But just like pouring too much sugar into a cup of coffee ruins it, over-zazzing a video game turns it from bland to obnoxious. Remember back when anthromorphs with 'tude were in vogue? Sonic's 'tude levels were within acceptable parameters, and it's still hard to deny the appeal of his Sega Genesis incarnations. But then you also have Bubsy the Bobcat, who was pumped full of more focus-group tested 'tude than any single piece of intellectual property should ever be asked to contain. If anyone actually remembers the Bubsy games, I'm sure the memories are not pleasant.


Here's an example of the progression of zazz saturation: a timeline of SNK fighting game title characters.




Terry and Ryo look like two guys out of a martial arts flick. Iori and K' look like they're from an anime. Alba and Luise look like they're from a Japanese fashion magazine. I understand that with so many other products on the market, designers have to make their franchise and its components stand out, but it's honestly starting to get ridiculous. Other examples include the gulf between the characters and aesthetics of Mobile Suit Gundam and Gundam SEED, Sonic the Hedgehog (1991) and Shadow the Hedgehog (2001), and to cite a stateside example, the differences between the 2D Prince of Persia titles and The Two Thrones. Substance is being eschewed for style.

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See it this way, these are clearly two videos, first a gameplay one, with funny music, and then... the trailer. (read bold in la fontaine voice)


They didn't release media in 2 years, and probably only had one slot on Echoes of time to put the video, thus merged them together; the real trailer starts at 1 minute.

Yeah that's interesting actually. If you go from the trailer without the gameplay footage at the start it comes across better.


I prefered the HQ Trailer, it did look better from that.

I think the desert gameplay footage and the aweful music for 1min at the start of the trailer just set the wrong tone.

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