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England Team Discussion


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Guest Stefkov

Platty that picture looks like a game, the players look like theyre in a game but the fans all look blurred.

thats very strange, thought it was a game.....


GO UKRAINE! beats those spanish bastards.

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Bah, back to England squad discussion.


I am bloody sick to death of people criticising Owen Hargreaves. He's a quality defensive midfield player who is intergral to Bayern winning the Bundesliga. The manager himself admitted he couldn't imagine a Munich midfield without him.


People get justly on his back because


a) he is always a sub and people expect subs to come on a produce something wonderful and score like Defoe can do.


b) He plays in Germany and so people dont see him week in and week out performing for Munich. I can tell you, I bet bloody Jenas wouldn't get into the bayern munich midfield

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Bah, back to England squad discussion.


I am bloody sick to death of people criticising Owen Hargreaves. He's a quality defensive midfield player who is intergral to Bayern winning the Bundesliga. The manager himself admitted he couldn't imagine a Munich midfield without him.


People get justly on his back because


a) he is always a sub and people expect subs to come on a produce something wonderful and score like Defoe can do.


b) He plays in Germany and so people dont see him week in and week out performing for Munich. I can tell you, I bet bloody Jenas wouldn't get into the bayern munich midfield


I'm going to stand up for Hargreaves, as well. I don't think he deserves half the stick he gets. I think he's a very talented young lad, and it's a shame that he doesn't play more regularly for his country. I agree with what you said about Jenas. I really don't rate him that highly.

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The BBC raised the point yesterday, but why the hell did Sven take Walcott when he is obviously not prepared to use him, instead making J.Cole play as a striker.

I, despite being an Arsenal fan, think Walcott should not have been taken and Defoe/Bent should've been, as you can count on him to bring goals, and be prepared and experienced such big games before.

Walcott, as much as I like the lad, hasn't got a great goal scoring record *read, no scoring record* in the past year like Bent or even Defoe had.


Me thinks that Sven has made this decision, and suddenly realised he has majorily cocked up and seen that Walcott isn't ready but just doesn't want to admit it for fear of being labelled the fool he is. From yesterdays game it is evident he's a bit thick when it comes to substitutions, in comparison to Murinho or other managers, who bring on subs to positively change the game, Sven brings on subs and they have a negative impact.

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Well, its too late to talk debate over whether he should of come or not like everyone seems to be. Don't worry he will play, I didn't expect to see him come on in the 1st game (as much as I wanted to)


And i'm pleased he's come, adds more excitement and magic.

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Divert your attention away from the Paraguy game. If you win the thing who will really remember it? You should really concerntrate on beating my team by the "four or five gaols" most of the pundits predicted a few months ago.


We are no pushover. We are used to the heat and will have the advantage in the games even if they are being played in the evening. Leo Beenhakker is a great coach and will have a plan to stop England.


You should be worried.


Although also as an England fan I am hoping for a draw - best news for both teams. Will allow Trinidad to practically be guaranteed of going through if they beat Paraguy on the final day.

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And i'm pleased he's come, adds more excitement and magic.


Excitement, yes. Magic, do we know he's got it?


I think there maybe too many people hoping he'll come on and work wonders. Maybe thats why Sven held back.

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England fans are so naive that way, they expect miracles. I see most other countries fans hoping for good things from their star players, if they get it, fantastic, if they dont, sure they're a little peeved but they understand and are realistic. The fans i see in thi country scream bloody murder and would castrate the players they expected to do well. I mean, remember the Beckham trip thing? Jesus, everyone wanted his head for that, hes just one guy in a team.


England fans annoy me, i was out in town saturday and the mess and crap left by them all was a disgrace. Plus, why so happy? It was an own goal was it not? And we played pretty shit. Seriously, England fans need a good kick up the arse. Too optimistic when things go right, too pessimistic when they dont.

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And none of them seem worried about Trinidad. Sorry to say this but Sweden have a better attack than England do. If Trinidad can keep out Sweden shouldn't they be worried just a little?


But lets also be hounest and say Sweeden played like sh!t... yeah they could get it up the field but could they put in a decent finnish? nope they couldnt .. they had a bad day and they could play 10 times better.

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Divert your attention away from the Paraguy game. If you win the thing who will really remember it? You should really concerntrate on beating my team by the "four or five gaols" most of the pundits predicted a few months ago.


We are no pushover. We are used to the heat and will have the advantage in the games even if they are being played in the evening. Leo Beenhakker is a great coach and will have a plan to stop England.


You should be worried.


Although also as an England fan I am hoping for a draw - best news for both teams. Will allow Trinidad to practically be guaranteed of going through if they beat Paraguy on the final day.


I think they were saying thursday is forecasted as rain, so hopefully the team won't have to stress about the heat bringing them down in the game. Either way i just want to see them well, i don't really mind as such when we lose - its just when we lose because we're not gelling or working well as a unit. The match against Jamaica was amazing i mean granted they were poor that day, but seeing us finally pull through together like that was lifting, even if we only got one goal as long as we played consistently well i would honestly not have cared even if the pundits said we should have gotten 6. That was my one quarrel about the paraguay match in this heat we're meant to hold the ball and keep possession but that wasn't the case, and for our sake in the future i hope we've finally seen now how vital it is to do that.

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Lol. I didn't even know this thread existed.


About Hargreaves, there's an article about him in the papers today and I felt a bit sorry for him to be honest. He is a decent player, deserves to be in the squad but he isn't flash either because of his role. Personally I wouldn't play him in the starting 11, but then again booing him seems pointless.

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I've been listening to Three Lions 98 and I'm all hyped up now!

Can't wait till the England games are on when I don't have my exams like tommorow so I can go and watch it with tons of mates like 4 years ago.

Oh and Three Lions 98>96

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Yeah I saw Errikson say that earlier. Absolute bullocks, and even if he is there's no point playing him tommorow. Lets win tommorow and then play him in the Sweden game which won't have as much pressure as we'll be through.

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Yeah I saw Errikson say that earlier. Absolute bullocks, and even if he is there's no point playing him tommorow. Lets win tommorow and then play him in the Sweden game which won't have as much pressure as we'll be through.


By rights, he shouldn't even be played in the Sweden game. There is no way he is even near half fit.

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