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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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I hope we see more of Smash Bros Brawl soon. ATM, I'm not really that impressed. Looks (screenshots and video) like Melee 1.5. 5 characters shown seem to have exactly the same moveset, gameplay seems very similar, controls (according to hints) use the GameCube controller.


To me, it doesn't look like a sequel yet, looks more like an expansion pack.


Of course, thats based on what we've been told. Hopefully theres an awful lot left to show us. I'm hoping that the single player is totally different to Melee's, and that they actually use the Wii Remote. Sure, you could say "If it ain't broke, don't fix it", but I want a new game, not a standalone "Expansion Pak".

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I'm personally content with better graphics, more characters and online play.


From what I've seen on the website for SSBB, it is delivering in the graphics department. I will buy this regardless of control scheme. I tend to agree that the conventional Gamecube controls does serve The Smash Bros. series the best.

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I hope we see more of Smash Bros Brawl soon. ATM, I'm not really that impressed. Looks (screenshots and video) like Melee 1.5. 5 characters shown seem to have exactly the same moveset, gameplay seems very similar, controls (according to hints) use the GameCube controller.


To me, it doesn't look like a sequel yet, looks more like an expansion pack.


^Word. I feel the same at the time. Although i'm sure they have a lot of surprises for us. And don't forget this one's online!

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I'm not sure how I feel about having third party characters in it.


Its pretty cool to be able to play as non-Nintendo characters, and big characters too, such as Snake.


I think some are going abit overboard, though. A few third party characters are fine, but at the moment it seems like every character under the sun in any game ever will be in this game. :heh:


Limit it to a few. Make them more unique, less rehashes of other characters, and it will be even better.

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It's kind of hard not to make it an "expansion", I mean there's only so far you can add to a game. Melee was much better because it had a lot of stuff and a refined combat system, now it's harder to come up with stuff. So, better graphics, online play, new characters and improved areal combat is not bad.

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When you have a games that're so dependent on raw gameplay such as racing or fighting games it's difficult to bring about huge changes and still keep it feeling the same, such as OoT and Mario 64 managed to do. All you can really do is add a few mechanics and tweak for a year so it plays absolutely perfectly. Even though most of the moves are the same, Smash Bros 64 plays a heck of a lot differently than Melee just because of the physics, let alone the new mechanics and levels. I'm sure we'll be getting a similar change from Melee, I can tell just from all the levels being smaller than the game will be much more fast paced.

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All a lot of users here have been doing lately [myself included] is complaining about the quality of Nintendo games as of late, especially after the release of Twilight Princess. Could this really lead to us ditchin' the Nintendo bandwagon and going accross to other systems permanently? Could this be the generation Nintendo loses a record number of long time fans as a result of an inavoidable trade off of trying to appeal too much to non gamers while ignoring the traditional gamers? Could this really be Nintendos last generation in the console market? :shakehead

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All a lot of users here have been doing lately [myself included] is complaining about the quality of Nintendo games as of late, especially after the release of Twilight Princess. Could this really lead to us ditchin' the Nintendo bandwagon and going accross to other systems permanently? Could this be the generation Nintendo loses a record number of long time fans as a result of an inavoidable trade off of trying to appeal too much to non gamers while ignoring the traditional gamers? Could this really be Nintendos last generation in the console market? :shakehead


When you say alot of users who are you talking about? because i didnt hear any other users moaning about Zelda's review score average had droped 0.1% so it must be the worst game ever!

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All a lot of users here have been doing lately [myself included] is complaining about the quality of Nintendo games as of late, especially after the release of Twilight Princess. Could this really lead to us ditchin' the Nintendo bandwagon and going accross to other systems permanently? Could this be the generation Nintendo loses a record number of long time fans as a result of an inavoidable trade off of trying to appeal too much to non gamers while ignoring the traditional gamers? Could this really be Nintendos last generation in the console market? :shakehead


Yeah, Twilight Princess sucked.


WAIT LOL NO IT DIDN'T. You make no sense whatsoever as per usual, keep it up!

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Solitanze's only reason for posting stuff like that is the attention he's getting. Ignore him.


Anyway, though I'm normally not very happy with games not adapting to new controls (eg F-Zero Wii is rumoured to be), I believe the developers are right with Brawl. Online and 7-player (is that the max?) multiplayer, along with a new battle system will do fine for me.

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Solitanze's only reason for posting stuff like that is the attention he's getting. Ignore him.


Anyway, though I'm normally not very happy with games not adapting to new controls (eg F-Zero Wii is rumoured to be), I believe the developers are right with Brawl. Online and 7-player (is that the max?) multiplayer, along with a new battle system will do fine for me.



i think thats enough for a smash bros game , 7 players online

nintendo should organise some online tournement and that the scores will be recorded on an nintendo website stuff like that

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i think thats enough for a smash bros game , 7 players online

nintendo should organise some online tournement and that the scores will be recorded on an nintendo website stuff like that


Myself and someone called Domi are doing an N-Europe VS HCRealms tournament when it releases. We're also doing an HCRealms Tournament, including doubles matches etc. Hopefully we'll do something similar on this site?

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Myself and someone called Domi are doing an N-Europe VS HCRealms tournament when it releases. We're also doing an HCRealms Tournament, including doubles matches etc. Hopefully we'll do something similar on this site?


You should probably arrange it a few weeks after the release to give people time to find the character that best suits them, but yeah, I'd definitely be interested in doing some sort of N-E tournament. Time zones would be an issue for me, but easily avoidable with weekends.

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You should probably arrange it a few weeks after the release to give people time to find the character that best suits them, but yeah, I'd definitely be interested in doing some sort of N-E tournament. Time zones would be an issue for me, but easily avoidable with weekends.


Word up on that. We were saying on the Realms about a month.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Guys.....this has got to be fake right?




I believe the biggest give away is the picture of Sonic for example...its the same art from the Secret Rings promo pics...They wouldnt use that would they?


Either way I dont even care ^^^ That is one of the most beautiful things Ive ever seen. (DIDDY KONG FTW!)

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Who's that blue thing next to samus???

Wow....that's amazingly accurate to who I'd have in it:

Except I would only have Sonic from Sonic; though if not swap Knuckles for Tails (since Tails is the real sidekick and Knuckles is dumb as shit, or have Shadow/Robotnick so there're more badguys.)

I wouldn't have Meowth

I'd have Ridley

I don't know if I've have the Black Bull there.

An Axe user &/or Female from Fire Emblem

And maybe 1 or 2 more old unknown characters

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Who's that blue thing next to samus???


It's Dark Samus is it not?


Anyhoo, I like the roster, has a good number of people in there that I'd like... an who wouldn't want to beat on Sonic with Mario for old times sake! Ha ha!

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Maybe they should include a character from a fire emblem game that we've actually played non-japanese.

Or if they want to right that wrong just release them translated.


Ah well, looks pretty fake considering mario's in the exact same stance he was in the video and some of the images for the characters have been designed differently i.e. Marth design looks different from Roy.

If this was real though I would be happy with this setup albiet with a few more characters that we wouldn't expect.

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Maybe they should include a character from a fire emblem game that we've actually played non-japanese.

Or if they want to right that wrong just release them translated.


I think there's a possibility that Marth will actually be replaced by Ike from Path of Radience, or a swordsman from Goddess of Dawn. The castle stage in Brawl has flags with apparantly the same symbol as those of Daein. It'd be odd to have a PoR stage with no character for it, and Marth isn't really the star of Fire Emblem any more than Cloud is of Final Fantasy. Ike's way cooler, anyway.

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