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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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Man you have done an awesome job I have to say, I guess its really difficult to get any info if you haven't the game yourself.

I find it surprising though how it is difficult to get the info, unless it has been updated over the past week.


What websites give you lists of AT and pokemon so far?

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Brawl in Autumn 08 for Europe would mean that, that techinically could be the 'BIG' game of Q3/Q4 08, and no other huge franchises by Nintendo will be released end-of the year in our territory because of it.


I reckon Wii Music, Brawl, Disaster and Pikmin Wii is what Nintendo has left for Europe in 2008. Not bad you say? Well, no....but with 8 months left after Wii Fit and Mario Kart are released, i wouldn't say it's a great line-up considering Wii Music and Pikmin won't be to everyones tastes! Lets hope E3 has some surprises (supposadely it will).

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Brawl in Autumn 08 for Europe would mean that, that techinically could be the 'BIG' game of Q3/Q4 08, and no other huge franchises by Nintendo will be released end-of the year in our territory because of it.


I reckon Wii Music, Brawl, Disaster and Pikmin Wii is what Nintendo has left for Europe in 2008. Not bad you say? Well, no....but with 8 months left after Wii Fit and Mario Kart are released, i wouldn't say it's a great line-up considering Wii Music and Pikmin won't be to everyones tastes! Lets hope E3 has some surprises (supposadely it will).


Yeah, I hope it comes out Q2 or maybe Q3 purely because I don't want it to be the big Christmas release for us. A few weeks or a month after Wii Fit will do us nicely.

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ZOMG Smash Bros Autumn! That is so fuckin silly man!


Reggie cited the reason as a production problem, claiming that Nintendo would have to open and convert new factories in order to step up disc duplication, which would no doubt prove costly and wasteful in the long run.


Why not use the discs for Kart andf Fit instead and push those back a few months, Brawl is bigger than both combined

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God no, how can Nintendo get away with fucking Europe so hard? Seriously, they think just because we get Mario Kart and Wii Fit now, we'll happily wait for Brawl? What kind of metality is that? We shouldn't even have to wait more than the time it take to translate the game. And they even dare to compare Wii Fit and Mario Kart with Brawl. As I've said, two rocks don't make a gold nugget.

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