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Super Mario Galaxy


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Cosmic Mario racing? Done every one of those first time I think , as long as you use the long jump it's ridiculously easy and you beat him by miles...well apart from on that one swimming one.




It's cos I put too much pressure on myself. I see his cosmic-y face and think "ok, I'm going for this" and I end up messing up a jump somewhere, or hitting a wall by accident, or something daft.


Its intense. :(

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There seems to be a fair bit of raving about Gusty Gardens, sure it was nice, but I don't quite see what all the fuss is about with it?


Awesoe looking graphics; fantastic music score...


And one of the massive gravity puzzles was AMAZING (think it was the 3rd star on it).

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Come on, deep down, you must have suspected. :) I don't think it's that big a spoiler. It's not like knowing that such and such a character is in Twilight Princess or anything. :P


I sat down at about half 2 last night and just played this game. I did the same thing with Twilight Princess last year. I would MAKE time for this game, even if it meant I could only play the game at midnight. I just sat down, without distraction, and played this game. It really is a fantastic experience.


To be honest, it probably is my favourite Mario title now. I liked Sunshine and 64, but this really is something else. This is like discovering your first game, again.

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Peopel DIDN'T know!?!?!?! What is up with you people, you moan when people dont use spoiler tags on other games but it's alright on Galaxy, get some fucking consistency. Evilmurray ruined it for me like a tit, but he didn't know (he's one of those people that slated the game after getting about 10 stars) so I was hoping it was not confirmed, but now it is.


THANKS GUYS!!!!!!!!!!


On another note, I think Mario's gone back to the top of the Wii sales chart in Japan, but slipped out of the top 5 in the UK!!

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If I was a mod Zell, you'd be banned (I'm exerating of course). Not only for posting a book spoiler and a reposting and game spoiler, but also because the fact that you don't think it matters is irrelevant: it is a spoiler. A very big one. Spoilers aren't just about story, this is a game, we want surprises that was a surprise. I wish you kind folks would keep it that way. Spoilers should be dealt with.

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What has he ruined?! Nothing! When I found out that you could play as Luigi at the end of the game, I was like "kinda cool I guess" but nothing more. People don't use spoiler tags on SMG because the plot is non-existent and the knowledge of Luigi is something that most normal people don't give two shits about. This is no epic Snape kills Dumbledore spoiler.


If you didn't know already: you play as Luigi. Big deal.


You obviously don't get it at all...I was on a media blackout for this for ages...and whilst I had already heard of the spoiler you spoilt (off a friend GRR!) I hadn't heard of a lot of them such as the power ups and was like wow thats cool. It made the experience so much better for it, I liken this kinda of spoiler avoiding to why people didn't want to know that Luigi was unlockable. The I don't get why you so go spoiling Harry Potter.

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Spoilers are called spoilers for a reason, not everyone knows about so it ruins it for people. There have been several people that have blocked news,videos and screens of the game so the game is so much better to them, then people come along just blurting it out the very thing people have tried to avoid.


Point is even if it is common knowledge, it's still a spoiler so use spoiler tags.

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I don't understand why people come into a thread about a game they are halfway through if they care about the story.


I haven't been to the Assassins Creed or Mass Effect threads since they released because I haven't got them yet and don't want it spoiled. I didn't come in here until after I finished it. Infact, I had RedShell ban me from this thread even before release, because I went on a media blackout.



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I don't understand why people come into a thread about a game they are halfway through if they care about the story.


I haven't been to the Assassins Creed or Mass Effect threads since they released because I haven't got them yet and don't want it spoiled. I didn't come in here until after I finished it. Infact, I had RedShell ban me from this thread even before release, because I went on a media blackout.




We come in to share our impressions of the game without spoiling it for others, thus the invention of the spoiler tag. Other people have seen fit to use them on this forum & thread.

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