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Super Mario Galaxy


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Managed to get up to 112 stars , the last few have taken ages , but (like others) have so far refused to use a guide.


It looks like the remaining 8 are

7 purple comet ones and one of the green trial galaxies (the f'ing roller ball one , controlling that thing drives me mad)

so I think it is only going to be a matter of time before I finally nail this.

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Evil murray if that's true are an absolute fucking wanker and I wonder why the fuck you came on this thread - to slag the game off and ruin it for people. I didnt know that and I;m sure other people don't know that and you've just ruined it fucking prick!!!

I consider a spoiler to be something important. To be honest this may not be true, I got it from the amazingly trustworthy site that was The Wikipedia. I may have spoiled it for myself but I'm really not that bothered [it appears you might be though] as I doubt I'll rape my time [as little as it will take] doing it all over again.


I can't apologise enough for not coming here and shitting roses over how good this game is. So I won't start.


I'm not saying I didn't enjoy the game, as I did. But completing it in under 20 hours [Currently on 66 stars in 21 hours] isn't screaming value for money.

EEVIL I'll give you a 2/10, 1 for having Venom on your ava and another for the Monkey Island nick.

Don't go off topic, disgusting.

I give him an 8.8.

I agree with this rating.


No answer to the question I made about the ending then?

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Length does not equal quality. You know why most games that are ridiculously long are that length? Filler. Tasks that aren't especially fun but pad out the game's overall length to make it feel artificially longer, ie the tons of boring shit in Sunshine.


Galaxy feels "shorter" because it's one awesome thing to the next, there's no filler, everything is high quality and you shoot from one good area to the next good area. When you have a system like that you can only really keep the length going by making more and more unique levels and hell, they have like 40 galaxies with multiple tasks each as it is! There's a damn ton to do really, it's just never a chore and hence the overall playtime is lower.


Different genres are more suited to huge lengths than others. It's much easier to make an rpg ridiculously long ass than a platformer as they revolve around journying around huge worlds and going through what's sometimes mind numbingly slow battles and TONS of them. A game like Galaxy, with little story and cutscenes, all gameplay, all the time, little to no breaks, was never going to be 40-50 hours long. No truly GREAT platformer is ever going to be that long and you should be happy with the length of Galaxy considering it never lets down from start to finish.

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It's sold 750000 in it's first week in the USA, absolutely amazing sales. It's already a million seller worldwide and no doubt has some huge sales left to gain from the Christmas holidays.


It's also helped Wii sales surpass 230000, a much bigger rise then Halo 3 caused for the 360.

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I consider a spoiler to be something important. To be honest this may not be true, I got it from the amazingly trustworthy site that was The Wikipedia. I may have spoiled it for myself but I'm really not that bothered [it appears you might be though] as I doubt I'll rape my time [as little as it will take] doing it all over again.


I can't apologise enough for not coming here and shitting roses over how good this game is. So I won't start.


I'm not saying I didn't enjoy the game, as I did. But completing it in under 20 hours [Currently on 66 stars in 21 hours] isn't screaming value for money.


Don't go off topic, disgusting.


I agree with this rating.


No answer to the question I made about the ending then?


You free to your opinion, I'm not going to argue that, however I think 20 hours is a fair game length for a platformer, you don't see many that are longer and I reckong by the time you get all the stars you will be starting to look at 35-40 hrs anyway.


Why doesn't this game have a timer. I hate games not having them

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I didn't mean to sound so angry, I wasnt really, mildly annoyed, but written word has a stange way of changing tone :)


Anyways, how is 21 hours for little over half way through the game undervalue. That's what you said wasn't it, 20 hours for 61 starts?!!? But theres 120 stars, or 121 stars. How is that bad? Thats amazing. What other games have you been playing that has better value than that in a single player experience?!?!

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I'm a complete idiot for telling you all this, but as i'm a lovely person and you'll all probably find out sooner rather then later:


Play-Asia will be getting stock of the 'Club Nintendo' Mario Galaxy soundtrack...i for one want it and many of you on here will too i suppose!


Keep checking that website people! :yay:


EDIT: It's now all over the Nintendo sites! Play-Asia will melt down! :D

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I didn't mean to sound so angry, I wasnt really, mildly annoyed, but written word has a stange way of changing tone :)


Anyways, how is 21 hours for little over half way through the game undervalue. That's what you said wasn't it, 20 hours for 61 starts?!!? But theres 120 stars, or 121 stars. How is that bad? Thats amazing. What other games have you been playing that has better value than that in a single player experience?!?!

Technically theres


242 Stars


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I've had this game since release and... I've played about 15mins of it!


I'm staying away until I finish Metroid... and I've not managed to finish that yet because of me not having any game-time... I'm sorry lads, I've been defeated, my girlfriend has managed to keep me away from gaming!


Thats never happened before, never even been close... I'm all loved up at least! ha ha

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A game like Galaxy, with little story and cutscenes, all gameplay, all the time, little to no breaks, was never going to be 40-50 hours long.

I'd disagree there, I'd say 1/4 - 1/3 of the time I spent playing was watching Mario fly to/from Galaxies, or planets within said Galaxies.


Good to see the piss poor evasion of star creativity inclusion of blue coins which we saw in Sunshine wasn't present. Although I can see some of the "hidden" stars in the levels are going to annoy me immensely.


100 purple coins is going to be frustrating, it's bringing back the combined memories of finding 100 coins and 8 red coins. It actually is weird to see a Mario game with not that many coins about.


Wasn't happy to see Bowser Jnr. again, we need the old school Koopa Kids. I know Bowser is quite the playa, so even some more of his children would be a welcome change.


Anyways, how is 21 hours for little over half way through the game undervalue. That's what you said wasn't it, 20 hours for 61 starts?!!? But theres 120 stars, or 121 stars. How is that bad? Thats amazing. What other games have you been playing that has better value than that in a single player experience?!?!

Apologies, I misunderstood the time given on the Wii to be my play time [i assume it was my last start time or whatever] I've actually played it for 13 hours 46 minutes.


Soon you will be able to pre-order the official soundtrack on Play-Asia!


NNo link, posting with Wii.

The soundtrack was sexy, especially the operatic essence of the boss theme. Didn't someone post a link a few pages back?


Since no one wanted to answer it when it wasn't in spoiler tags, I'll slam it in some just in case.

At the end when everyone is back in the Mushroom Kingdom, are they implying that like when stars are reborn they're never the same, the actual ending is everyone getting along?


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Technically theres


242 Stars


It's 241.



This is a wild guess, but when I have completed it 100% I will have used about 40 hours on it. Whereas about 25 of them are from the first time. I will check the calender when I'm done.


Serebii: Have you noticed changes in missions other than Cosmic Comets? In some leves I can swear that that rock wasn't there before.

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It's 241.



This is a wild guess, but when I have completed it 100% I will have used about 40 hours on it. Whereas about 25 of them are from the first time. I will check the calender when I'm done.


Serebii: Have you noticed changes in missions other than Cosmic Comets? In some leves I can swear that that rock wasn't there before.


Serebii said 242, as the final hidden star to be gotten by both Mazza and Luigi.


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Serebii said 242, as the final hidden star to be gotten by both Mazza and Luigi.


Mario doesn't get a 121th star. Only Luigi does.


Edit: Ah, checked Gamefaqs and apperantly you can get the 121th star with Mario when you are done with Luigi


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I knew it. Same happened to Twilight Princess. Was in second place for a few days but then it dropped down to 33rd. I don't think it will fall that far but it will never reach the top spot. I won't be surprised if the latest reviewers have been influenced by the first ones.


Also remember that SMG will have more reviews than OoT, right now it has nine more.

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