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Metroid Prime 3: Corruption


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- First level - You are attacked on a spaceship while meeting with the ship’s captain…action packed


- Play feels motion controls work better than dual joystick


- Super sensitive pointer in “advanced” mode


- Beam stacking ala Super Metroid


- Visor switch: Hold minus and flick Wiimote in certain directions


- Boss fight with Ridley at the end of the first level. Excellent difficulty curve by the time you reach the boss.


- Back tracking in MP3:C makes more sense than in previous Primes


- Extra development time was to give the game more polish. Nintendo wanted “Twilight Princess” levels of polish. Game is focused on Metroid fans and hardcore gamers, but still accessible to newcomers due to controls.


- Second level - floating city focused on exploration


- Larger environments, bloom lighting, better textures than Prime 2


- Corruption Mode not available in demo


- Play says it could be the biggest revolution in FPS gaming since Halo.





Good Stuff!

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What was so revolutionary about Halo? (Genuin question, not ripping the piss)

TP level of polish...hmmmm


I honestly don't know. Grenade button maybe. Not knocking Halo though, awesome series, however I wouldn't say it was revolutionary.


MP3 looking better by the second.

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I honestly don't know. Grenade button maybe. Not knocking Halo though, awesome series.


MP3 looking better by the second.


I loved the grenade button, I really missed it in Gears of War...


I didn't see anything really stand out in Halo (like you I'm not knocking it, I can't wate for Halo 3) except its extreme polish.

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Isn't the idea of a ship being attacked at the beginning of the game seriously ripped from HALO? It is a good game but Half Life has bettered it surely...oodles of times. I even think Goldeneye / Perfect Dark had console controls nailed. HALO does control well but I don't think its the best. If anything it is remembered for it's set pieces. It does seem that the Metroid franchise gets compared to HALO quite a lot. Shame really as Metroid reminds me of ALIEN at times!

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I honestly don't know. Grenade button maybe. Not knocking Halo though, awesome series, however I wouldn't say it was revolutionary.


MP3 looking better by the second.


Not revolutionary, but nobody claims it is. It's just a fantastic FPS.

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Well apart from Play magazine.


Also not sure about weapon stacking system, could make combat really boring not being able to change weaponary.


This is retro studios i trust them even if they decided to create the whole metroid game based in a Cardboard box.


They have had plenty of time to focus on the single player this time. No distractions.


metroid primes music is awsome


Exactly. Halos music is only good on the main menu...Metroid prime wins in music and graphics i would think.

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