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What The Hell?? Nintendo Wii!!??


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Im interested to know why they are telling us the name now and not at E3.


Kaplan: "It's really noisy at E3 and I don't think we would have had the chance to explain how we came to the name."


Which basically means, "If we announced at E3 that we were calling it Wii, we'd have been laughed off the stage."


Poor old Reggie. I can still see him being heckled to some extent during his E3 speech. A week and a half may not be long enough for people to get used to the name..

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^ It just shows that they knew a name like this would have a impact and they want the E3 to be about games only...


They know what they are doing, they chose "Wii" because of the marketing potencial, so unlike Gamecube they must be willing to market it like mad, so they measured the pros and cons and still got across like that... there's no point in being stubborn now, the name isn't going to change, and Nintendo already does what they'll do with Wii... trust me, on the E3 conference and next Revolution/Wii presentations most of you will probably (at least partially) change ideas.

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Think off the possibilities and come back in like... 10 hours :P please, like you said you just awoke...


let it grow on you, Wii!



its been several hours now, and i have woke up. after a bit of searching forums and news sites, the general word around is it is a shocker.


the word wii is growing on me. i am glad that the name is not "common industry word" + "shape". even though wii is growing on me i can not help but think people will thing its a stupid name. i can not see how wii = we are all one, or what ever nintendo said. it just seems like it going to not work in the way nintendo invisioned it.

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apart from the minority of people in the uk who will associate this name with urin, the rest of Europe will have no problem. all it means is that the wii is at more risk of failure in the uk, in Europe it may well succeed though.

again, in the US, as far as I am aware, the slang "wee" isn't widely used, so it won't affect there (the actual biggest market)

then there is Japan, which won't be affected.

finally there is Australia.. I don't think wee is a widely used slang term over there either.


so basically this is fairly minor.

major for those it does affect, but minor in the grand scheme of things.

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apart from the minority of people in the uk who will associate this name with urin, the rest of Europe will have no problem. all it means is that the wii is at more risk of failure in the uk, in Europe it may well succeed though.

again, in the US, as far as I am aware, the slang "wee" isn't widely used, so it won't affect there (the actual biggest market)

then there is Japan, which won't be affected.

finally there is Australia.. I don't think wee is a widely used slang term over there either.


so basically this is fairly minor.

major for those it does affect, but minor in the grand scheme of things.


Hit the nail on the head


The problem that i can see is that.. to make the Wii succeed in the UK, Nintendo will need a realy good marketing campaign but as we all know NOE let us down at every possible opportunity. Saying that though i think they have done a good job with the DS marketing.

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Wii Are The Champions, will this be Nintendos song at the end of the next generation of gaming to signify ultimate success? Some people may perhaps sing the chorus of that Queen song in reference to comprehensively beating their opponents at team action in Super Smash Bros: Mayhem/Total Chaos.

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its been several hours now, and i have woke up. after a bit of searching forums and news sites, the general word around is it is a shocker.


the word wii is growing on me. i am glad that the name is not "common industry word" + "shape". even though wii is growing on me i can not help but think people will thing its a stupid name. i can not see how wii = we are all one, or what ever nintendo said. it just seems like it going to not work in the way nintendo invisioned it.


It worked for Ford with their Ford Ka

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I think the name is ok now! I'm getting used to it more and more and if you stop saying it's something to do with pissing, then it makes sense.


I can imagine their marketing being VERY grown-up for this. The sections in GAME shops will be all white with silver writing. Very cool and slick!


Can you imagine a massive sign sayin Wii over the games? You would be very interested in what the hell it is, go over there, find out it's a totally unique way to play games and you haven't seen anything like it and want one immediately.


I think it's fair to say this console is not going to be forgetten or mixed-up with the competition. Again exactly what Nintendo wants!


Will Nintendo make the same mistakes it did with the Gamecube in Europe? I'm not sure, but theres a small gleamer of hope that Nintendo are changing for the better!

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Probably already mentioned, but now this site will be called Wii-Europe. That made me snort milk out of my nose.


The name will stil be Revo-Europe.


I really like Wii now.

Just stop thinking like children and think like adults.



Think like a child and you get:

Ps3-> Piss3-> Pussy?

XBox-> sexbox ->Suxbox?

It's not like the competition has way better names.

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Nintendo Wii is actually fine with me now. After reading the news at around 9PM last night, I was a bit tired and was grumpy about it. But I see what they mean now with the name, it's actually quite clever.


If the Wii isn't region locked, and if it fails in UK and games are resorted to three shelves in every game store, then I can still import.

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The name will stil be Revo-Europe.


I really like Wii now.

Just stop thinking like children and think like adults.



Think like a child and you get:

Ps3-> Piss3-> Pussy?

XBox-> sexbox ->Suxbox?

It's not like the competition has way better names.


This is the sort of attitude that really annoys me. In what way is it immature to be aware of the fact that the most common name for 'urine' in the UK is 'wee'? And I don't know about the other British adults here, but I still say, 'I'm going for a wee / I need a wee' rather than 'I need to urinate!'.


And your PS3 -> Pussy / XBox -> Suxbox comparisons are irrelevant. The sole reason why I think that Wii is such a ridiculous name is that when you say it, you don't need to change the pronunciation in any way to make it into a word to do with toilets. People won't automatically hear PS3 and think 'pussy'. But this thread has proved that when British people hear Wii, it's natural to think of wee.

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This begs for a typical DCK rant, sorry:


I said before that I'd grow accustomed to ANY name they gave to it. I was very wrong.


Wii sounds like bullocks, it sounds like stupidness, it sounds like overall lack of intelligence. Click here to see what I mean. Come on Nintendo, how do you think this is going to help you bring it to the mainstream market? By an accesible name? Use N5. Use something cool. Don't make it sound like another toy.


This name will hurt Nintendo, I have no doubt it will. I thought GameCube was bad, I though Xbox 360 was bad and I thought Windows Vista was bad, but this, this is worst of all.


It really seems Nintendo likes hurting themselves, it really does.

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Well I've had a sleep on it; and I have to say, It's grown on me more.


It shows the ignorance of the English speakers that just because a consoles name isn't in English it's "stupid" though.


And I wish people would stop saying it's the worst marketing decision ever. The Gamecubes lack of games in the 1st few months and being out 18 months after PS2 where far dumber.

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This is the sort of attitude that really annoys me. In what way is it immature to be aware of the fact that the most common name for 'urine' in the UK is 'wee'? And I don't know about the other British adults here, but I still say, 'I'm going for a wee / I need a wee' rather than 'I need to urinate!'.


And your PS3 -> Pussy / XBox -> Suxbox comparisons are irrelevant. The sole reason why I think that Wii is such a ridiculous name is that when you say it, you don't need to change the pronunciation in any way to make it into a word to do with toilets. People won't automatically hear PS3 and think 'pussy'. But this thread has proved that when British people hear Wii, it's natural to think of wee.


Agreed! Anyone who spouts off about immaturity is living in denial.


It shows the ignorance of the English speakers that just because a consoles name isn't in English it's "stupid" though.


You're really missing the point. We can handle non-English words. It's non-English words that SOUND EXACTLY LIKE RUDE ENGLISH words that we don't like. Nintendo Ghey? Nintendo Dic? Nintendo But? Any of those sound great?

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I don't know what gave you that idea; we use it just as much as you guys.



thanks, I was guessing. so its the UK and Australia that are affected.


and DCK, N5 wouldn't appeal to the demograph they want, the wanted (I assume) a very neutral name. sadly they missed for the Aussies and brits.

I know Ireland and Scotland use wee as small, so i guess they don't use it as urine?

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thanks, I was guessing. so its the UK and Australia that are affected.


and DCK, N5 wouldn't appeal to the demograph they want, the wanted (I assume) a very neutral name. sadly they missed for the Aussies and brits.

I know Ireland and Scotland use wee as small, so i guess they don't use it as urine?

Dude, I'm Dutch and people just start laughing at the name here. They're not only missing the English-speaking market, but any market with sensible people.


- Excuses for first reaction state -

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Nintendo didn't come up with the name so that people would say 'wee' as in piss all the time though did they? They generally wanted it to mean 'we' where it's a console where everyone can enjoy it together, play on it's Wi-Fi against people round the world and play with the whole family! for the first time your mum, nan, grandad etc...can play a console with you without going on about how they don't understand all the buttons or how to control it!!!


'We' are playing together!


I generally didn't have a clue what to think of the name when i first heard it. I still have some doubts now, but i just went to IGN and it looks so different when you click into it etc...unlike Nintendo, you know. No-more kiddy look! No typical games console name, nothing like Nintendo has done before! It looks like something for the future! It will hang around.


Surely this shows that Nintendo are going to take chances this time! Finally! No-more 'this will do' attitude or 'we better not' or 'They can wait! (Europe)'


Look, Nintendo are a superb company but if they chosed to continue like they did with the Gamecube then i can see them just given us up.Even though the Gamecube hasn't been a complete waste of time, it didn't do as well as we all hoped and thats with superb Zelda, Mario, Metroid games backing it!


They need to change, not be like they are anymore.


I seriously hope Nintendo are thinking the way i am, because i generally believe they need to change their ways or they will fail. I don't want them to end-up like Sega, just making games.


Most of my fondest memory's have been with Nintendo games. The feeling of adventure in The Ocarina Of Time, the feeling of pure surprise when you picked up Super Mario 64 for the first time. The Superb Snes Mario Kart, still extremely playable today!


Wii need this back people! We need these type of changes in games again to bring fresh memories!


and thats exactly what the Nintendo Wii is going to do. CHANGE the way we play games for a very long time. It's unique and fresh, exactly like the console.


Now lets just hope Nintendo do change and don't make anymore mistakes (like releasing the Wii here in 2007) or my whole post is going to look stupid!



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Mike speaks the truth!


Wii is a good name for Japan but for the UK its going to be a problem. I can just imaging an advert with a big rich voice annoucning "The Nintendo Wii". It just sounds too silly.


And yes, names like Ipod and Google etc didnt sound right when we first heard them but atleast they don't sound like a slang term for Urine when you say it outloud.

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