Din Posted April 27, 2006 Posted April 27, 2006 Konfucius said: So I did a little comic, how they possibly came up with the name. I know it's stupid but someone had to do it I'm sorry but that did make me laugh!
Gaijin von Snikbah Posted April 27, 2006 Posted April 27, 2006 At least there are some smart people among us. Though Wii might sound stupid to English speaking people. It sounds FUN to Hispanic and Asian people.
Belease Posted April 27, 2006 Posted April 27, 2006 You can find depth in anything though. In fact, apart from being deep on so many levels, the name is also wrong on so many levels. You can't escape the fact that calling your console after something that is a slang term for urine is a bad move. You can say it's immature all you want - slang terms generally are immature, that's the point. Nobody is going to hear 'wii' as a noun and not think of 'wee' - c'mon. We don't use 'we' as a noun, but we do use 'wee' as one. Hence why everyone in the UK will automatically think 'wee' when they see 'wii'. (Plus, if you see it written down with two 'i's, you will automatically substitute them for 'e's when you get told how it's pronounced.) They would have been better off calling it 'wi' really, no matter what it stands for. You don't have to like the fact that's how people's brains work, but you do have to accept that's what they will think. There's no point moaning about people making automatic associations - that's the whole point of good brand names. They make unconscious links to other things - hence 'wii' is probably the WORST NAME EVAR.
Marbles Posted April 27, 2006 Posted April 27, 2006 Quote Because, it’s really not about you or me. It’s about Wii. And together, Wii will change everything. wii have a suggestion. Reveal hidden contents
Belease Posted April 27, 2006 Posted April 27, 2006 It's good to touch. It's better to feel. It's best to Wii.
gimo80 Posted April 27, 2006 Posted April 27, 2006 *Walks into a game shop* Hi there, could i have a wee please? Yes, I know that sucked but so does Nintendo at the moment. Sigh.
glucoseaddict Posted April 27, 2006 Posted April 27, 2006 Eliytres said: Fourth: Think about DS, now what the hell is that? Oh, dual-screen. Now think Wii, what the heck is that? Wireless Interactive Interface maybe? I don't think Wii stands for anything. And I hope it doesn't either - it's more more effective as a name if it's abstract and, well... wierd. At first I laughed and then immediately cried. Painful memories flooded back from when the gamecube was revealed and all I could think was "handle... purple... ". But now I'm liking the name, alot. Excellent marketing oppurtunity, memorable name etc. Very unfortunate about all the 'piss-take' jokes :p (Sorry, but I just had to!). Ammo for Sony and Microsoft but I think it will work for Nintendo. So I'm happy! PS. It sure is a good thing that Nintendo didn't wait til e3 to reveal this - Kodak theatre would have been heart-attack-central for all Ninty lovers! Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I'm lovin it!
Mokong Posted April 27, 2006 Posted April 27, 2006 You don't suppose this could be the infamous "3rd secret"? :p as for the ideas of it being an abbreviation, didn't Nintendo say in the press release thats its an easy name to remember because it "won't have abbreviations"
Jamba Posted April 27, 2006 Posted April 27, 2006 OK gonna get this in before the page crashes. I agree that the shape of the name is quite nice but does anyone else think that the logo is quite mediocre?
Kurtle Squad Posted April 27, 2006 Posted April 27, 2006 At least Pestneb is having some constructive input. And Belease, I do agree with what you are saying to an extent, but after a while, the name will just be accepted. I mean the word Playstation sounds 'cool' to most people now, whereas to start with is was definately a Gaystation. Also, iPod is a pants name if you think about it "An Eye Pod!?" But now it's cool!!! There are also other nouns that mean something, but you don't really realise because you think of the thing when you say it (can't think of any at the moment). There are also non-nouns... Anyway... And I see the name as more of a "WEEEEE" like you're enjoying something rather than pissing; something to do with the i's...I don't really see it as pissing at all, you immature bunch. I agree with Jamba; but i think the logo is supposed to be minimalistic, like the console itself.
spirited away Posted April 27, 2006 Posted April 27, 2006 Mokong X-C said: You don't suppose this could be the infamous "3rd secret"? :p as for the ideas of it being an abbreviation, didn't Nintendo say in the press release thats its an easy name to remember because it "won't have abbreviations" Somehow i dont think so...
monkeyDluffy Posted April 27, 2006 Posted April 27, 2006 I can see what their trying to do (sort of) but I think any name that needs an indepth explaination is stupid! I read kaplin saying that people don't see ipod/yahoo/napster as silly names but ipod doesn't mean to go to the toilet does it! I know I'm gonna get acid tongues for this but it has almost put me off getting one. I showed the vid to my mum just for an opinion and she was confused then laughed, is that what nintendo really wants when people see it? to be laughed at? I'll just call it "why":)
Hero-of-Time Posted April 27, 2006 Posted April 27, 2006 Well after the initial shock I went and played on my 360 and came back on here to see what everyone else thinks. My thoughts have gone from shocked to acceptance then back to shokced. I seriously have no idea how to take this news. When I wnet on Xbox Live I mailed a few of my mates who were on at the time. All arent really big gamers they just dabble with many mainstream games. I told them the new name and they laughed their heads off and a few replied " who the hell is going to go into a shop and ask for that?" Is this the kind of response that Nintendo are looking for because reading MANY a forum thats what they have got.
Kurtle Squad Posted April 27, 2006 Posted April 27, 2006 Okay....When I say Nintendo infront of Wii I think of Wee Poor old Wikipedia has had to lock their Wii page from editing. I still think that once you read/say it a lot and get used to it or whatever; you will think of the Wii, rather than trying to aim yourself correctly. Give it time. Remember when we had to get used to the idea of the Wii FHC?!? But now I've even heard positive comments on using the controller as sords or guns and such from pretty much Sony Fanboys.
Jay Posted April 27, 2006 Posted April 27, 2006 As somebody said on another forum, being the laughing stock of the country worked for Jade Goody. Tis a good point
monkeyDluffy Posted April 27, 2006 Posted April 27, 2006 and if the younger people are put off by asking for Wii what are the older people ganna be like!
Charlie Posted April 27, 2006 Posted April 27, 2006 V (roman numerals) = Wii Very simple and clever name. I don't mind it. Remember what everyone said about Xbox 360 this time last year? People were saying that no one would call it that and just stick with Xbox 2? Yeah, they were right.....
Cubechris Posted April 27, 2006 Posted April 27, 2006 Hey, atleast they did this now, gives you time to get over it for E3
Nintendo Fan Posted April 27, 2006 Posted April 27, 2006 Come on now Nintendo mostly everyone just got used to calling it Nintendo Revolution. Why change it to something which doesn't even mean anything or coorespondes to the console. The name Revolution went well with the console because its a Revolutionary console. Whereas Wii just takes the piss and i mean taking the F****** PISS
Meo Posted April 27, 2006 Posted April 27, 2006 Keep in mind that the future of the console is not going to be decided by its name just because you English people have the slang word "wee". Remember, the English language might be the most used language in the world, but you might start dropping your immature jockes and realize that the world is bigger than you think, and that that word doesn't mean anything to the rest of the world population. UK and it's jockes isn't going to break the sucess of the console. Impressive, one month ago everybody said that graphics don't matter, gameplay does, and all of the sudden everybody starts complaining about the systems name. Gameplay rules, huh?
GigaPlay Posted April 27, 2006 Posted April 27, 2006 I think Nintendo didn't do enough research into this. They obviously had America and Japan in mind, where the slang word 'Wii' is not often use to describe urine. They didn't bother researching the UK, and wouldn't even think of Ireland, where urine comes into mind. Hopefully they notice, so they can at least make the name more appealing in these countries, I would of thought that they were one of the biggest markets they had afterall. I bet somebody posted this too. =/
demonmike04 Posted April 27, 2006 Posted April 27, 2006 Innovative name...but bloody hell, its better to stay arrogant and still call it the revolution. ALSO: The console isnt featured on the video but the controller is, so was that control design the final decision? Im wondering what the console will look like now. EDIT: Lmao stocka!
Hero-of-Time Posted April 27, 2006 Posted April 27, 2006 The thing is its not that the name is stupid its just that it is linked with peeing. If they gave it a name that was just stupid you could get used to it but with it being linked with toilet activities it will take some time for it to sink in.
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