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I need peoples oppinion on something.


There is a competition on RedBubble. The topic/title is "The Substance of Things Not Seen". I'm not sure I'm interpreting it right (if there is a right way to interpret it). I think the best way to describe how I see it is the effect something that is not visible can have on something, or the importance of invisible things to make something else. Ie, the invisible thing has substance/importance.


So I entered this:




I figure it shows the importance of hidden things, since it doesn't show me running around like a loon with a torch (ie the work involved) to get the trails, but it does show the effect it has on the picture/film (it was taken on a film camera). It sort of shows the after effect of the work involved, but not the actual work itself. If you get what I mean?


Any oppinions on this as an entry (it didn't mention that it had to be a new piece specifically for the competition)? Am I interpreting the title right?

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hmm, all I'd say is that light isn't something not seen.


The bit that's not seen is me running around with the torches to make the light. I had to run around in front of the camera with torches to make the light trails. There is no trace of me on the film/in the picture (so I'm the thing not seen), but the effects of my actions are visible and quite substantial.


Although you could argue that all photos are the effect of something not seen (the photographer). Unless it's a self portrait photo.

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Seems fine by me. And you could further argue that it represents the way that light travels (granted, in actuality it travels in straight lines) which is not seen.


Random image from Japan (click to enlargigate (and even biggerer available upon request)):



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Goaferboy; I would say it's a fine picture - the lightschtoof is arty enough to intrigue the audience, but it does lack a certain point. The light lines don't come across as anything more than a random shape, which may lose you marks. But I think it's definitely fine to enter that.


I guess 'negative space' wil be very important for composition in such a competition?

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Yeah the picture is a bit pointless really. I have messed around with pictures like this (not mine), but I haven't had any success yet. I did manage to make the bottom of a bathtub glow as if it was filled with light instead of water, but the picture was so badly framed that I abandoned it.


Not sure if I posted my other light paintings, but here they are anyway:


The cliched motorway shot. This was the first long exposure with light trails I did. I was afraid of 2 things when I was young: the dark and heights. So naturally I went to take a photo on top of a motorway bridge in the middle of the night. I like to think I'm over my childhood phobias, but that was pushing it. Good times:



This was one of the first I did with a torch:



This was random, but it sort of spells my name (Luke), which is awesome. The picture is not that great due to some rain on the lense and a few background details left in, but I did the best I could, the unedited picture was a lot worse.


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It's to do with exposure and shutter speed. You basically leave the shutter open for a longer period of time to expose the film to the image/light for a long amount of time.


So you capture movement over a long period of time and not just a quick 'snapshot'.


I've always wanted to experiment with this and produce some awesome star trail pictures, such as...



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That last building is the building in Entrapment [that Sean Connery film].

Kuala Lumpur right? is it a bank?


That's one odd film! They added a shanty town into the scenery of KL that isn't even there.:awesome: Its just a normal office building, with a nice shopping centre at the bottom called Suria KLCC. That film was really set in Hollywood lala land.

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How do you do these?

Im quite intrigued.


Pretty much what RL said. You set a long exposure and turn the sensitivity of the sensor down (thats a real simple way of putting it anyway). The camera will only display really strong light (the torch/lights/stars) or things that are still for a long amount of time. That allows you to run around in shot without being seen as long as you don't stand still for too long. But the torch will show up because it's a strong light.


Hopefully that makes sense. Basically: Long exposure, small aparture gets those results.


The easiest way to do it is go into the camera mode that lets you change the shutter speed, but lets the camera take care of the other settings accordingly (usually labelled S). Set the shutter speed as high as you want (I do 30 seconds, but higher times will allow you to do more) and let the camera worry about the rest. Then run around with a torch for those 30 seconds, just make sure the torch is always pointed towards the camera (obviously!).

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:o OMFG those are awesome!!


How on earth did they get that exploding volcano one?!!


And what is that river one, part of the Amazon?... what ever it is and with the reflection in it etc... it looks incredible!!


Tidal channels near Iran's Qeshm Island. [Google Maps]


Here is a link to the site. There are more amazing photos. I picked the prettiest ones. :heh:









Yeah, I have that effect.


It's those kind of views that make me wish I could be an astronaut, heh. Beautiful.


We can dream!!! :D


If you can watch it, 'James May at the Edge of Space' is amazing. Maybe you can download it from somewhere. The last 15 minutes is just amazing.

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Bit large but I tried to take this for a good photo to show the flower in IRC the other day, it's just smaller than a penny in reality ftr. Even though my camera takes awesome autofocus photos, I had to use macro and manual to get it focused properly, silly camera I don't know how to use!




Aaaand I have a one of a caterpillar but it's not so great so maybe another time.

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