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New rumors just appeared...possible true


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Earlier I posted about some very awesome Revolution and DS rumors. I have just got done chatting with CaVaYeRo who posted them and he claims them to be real saying that he has several insiders. He also mentioned that several of his past rumors (like Zelda and Castlevania DS) came real. Anyways he (and some friends) did a summary of all of the rumors in English. I would say that the list is plausible and I bet that at the very least a few of them will come true.


All of us, we were expecting to collect enough information to bring you a new edition of rumors. First, we have to say this rumors are not neccesary related to E3, as some of you were hoping. Anyway, the posibility to receive new info about the E3 in the next to weeks still exist and we will offer it to you.


First of all, we are going to talk about the "little sister", NDS Lite. It seems that we will have this console in Europe on 9th or on 16th Juni. Some sources point at friday 9th as the most probable date. Continuing with the DS games, we are going to talk about two of them that maybe we'll see in Nintendo´s portable console. We mean, a remake of original PSX Soul Blade, the fighting game which started the Soul Calibour series. A big idea from Namco people, no doubt. We can also afirm that the 4th sequel of this game is been performed for next-gen systems, and Revolution will also receive this game (that info was anounces long time ago, even before to know the Revolution´s posibilities). Going on with DS, we have already told that perhaps we ill be seeing Lara Croft "jumping of fun"... Write down a remake of Tom Raider 1 for NDS using the special features. It is almost confirmed a sequel for Revolution. In adicction, the GameCube version could add some extra-capacities different to the recent ones. ¡Lara is becoming Nintendo-fan!.


The rumor of seeing Nights into Dreams in Revolution is becoming stronger. You know, Nights into Dreams was of the Sega Saturn´s star titles. Now, in Revogamers we already know that this is not a rumor, but a fact. The second act of this IP is coming. Yiji Naka, creator and owner of the caracters, has been developing it for more than one year. At this time, the title is 65% on developing time and basically we will use the revmote to play it.


Now we are going to talk about the console, because all the info pointing at June/July as lauch period in Japan. The other countries will recive it between September/October. A lot of details point at a sudden launching. In adicction, it will be white in the very beggining. In the future, the black version, and other special editions will come, depending on the game. Something else, the small sensor bar coming with the system that we have to put over the TV will be white too.


It is time to talk about some games for our Revolution. Let´s start with a strong and hopped rumor... Kid Ikarus will come back with a big change, 100% Revolution. It seem that Nintendo and Retro Studios are back with the game, the same people who was able to relaunch Metroid to the top in GameCube. We have read a lot of words and we have seen a lot of fake images... but it's said that this rumour will come true and the name will be Ikarus...


More games. Probably a new sequel of StarFox is on the way for Revolution. It will be 100% controlled with the revmote, without the classic shell or nunchaku: Having the controller as a TV remote, we could control the inclination of the ship at the same time that we point the objects. Remember, we don´t have to pay attention to the movement of the vehicle.

In the same terms, some rumors tells about a horse racer game, managed with the rev controller, just for the japanesse audience, and likely will never come to this land. It may come from Namco.

Continuing with the remote, one version of the famous Fight Night is probably being developed by EA for Revolution, and you will need two revmotes, each one being each fist. It is not very difficult to imagin how can we play a boxing game, right?

Once again, we are going to talk about the Burnout Revenge rumor, but this time we add something new: it is possible that the version coming to Revolution is not Revenge, but the next one. We will pay attention.

And the last one... a new edition of the music game Samba de Amigo, original for Dreamcast, is in development and it will use two rev controllers. So, let´s start to train with your own maracas!!


Before the controller unveiling he told us: "never understimate Nintendo". After that, he falled in love with it and remembered us: "i can say that this is a great, great product (...) it is a revolution (...) i would like to make a game (...) it is the first time i can move something in a 3D space". I supose you know who are we talking about, Peter Molineux. Everyone knows that his company has been adquired by Microsoft but we've been absolutelly confirmed (by a source who worked for them last fall) that the company was starting the developement of new Black and White and The Movies versions for the Revolution (shizzle!).


Harrison was in advance of us this time, because last month we already had information about the Rockstar-Nintendo relationship. In those days we were told that 35 Dev Kits have been sent to Take Two /Rockstar London. We don´t know which titles has the company on mind, but it is not probable the GTA option (mistake in the old info).


One of our contacts assures what "BigTac" said. Ubi has 9 games in the oven, some of them for launch. And it is absolutely sure the same version of Prince of Persion in Revolution.


Smash Brothers is a classic game in this rumors section and in every Nintendo web. Well, we come up to all this rumors over there with right information: the name of the project was Smash Bros: Mayhem, one month ago. In Spanish Mayhem menas "Total Chaos".


As you already know, Nintendo wants genres in their catalogue for hardcore gamers, the big recognized problem in the current GameCube's one. Well, it is not confirmed, but the company wants to make happy that users with the most famous multiplayer shooter. ¿How?, we have been told that Nintendo is discussing with Valve the posibility to bring the new edition of Counter Strike exclusively (on consoles) to Revolution. We are not sure how will this topic finish, but an important point for Valve is the sales failure of the current console version.


Investigating the revolutionary controller in Zelda: Twiligth Princess, we have been told that we will use the "classic shell" during all the game, this way we play like in the GameCube, and we keep inside the revocontroler, for example, to shot in first person. So, we don´t have to expect an complete adaptation for revmote/nunchaku tandem. Anyway, it is still posible to find a special dungeon (with a special item for the Revolution) where the new features have to be used. The aspect of the game has absolutely changed and maybe they are going to surprise us at E3.


The rare online magazine Spong told yesterday that we will see Pikmin 3 in the next E3. Well, we don´t know if it will be there, but we are sure that the game is totally ended. Remember that long time ago we were told about the simple management of the game (just using the revmote). Note: We said you could just point at one Pikmin, and then press"A" and throw it off the ground literally, for example.


(I will skip all the Bic Tac's part. You can find it in http://www.revo-europe.com , message boards).




This is all for today. Let remember that there is short time for the show and next weeks maybe we'll know something else about the expo. If that happens, or if another news and rumors come to us, we well see you in the new version of En Voz Baja.


As we promised in the last edition, we have put together in this topic a list with all the rumors that we said in the past and now have become truth, list that we hope to see growing in two weeks. Greats from the staff.


(Writters JmL, O.R. and CaVaYeRo. Translator Shezard. Info get from a variety of industry's insider contacts)


The Article:



Well... Some of them look real but... what are your thoughts?

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A lot of that seems very possible... except for the June launch. I would be very surprised, but Nintendo is being very Apple-y lately, so it could happen.


As for Peter Molyneaux, even if he was developing for the Revolution before, I think those titles would have to shift to Microsoft, unless MS was feeling particularly giving or it was put in the contract. Rare was developing Kameo and PDZ for the GameCube, if I remember correctly, and those ended up with the Xbox family.


As for the rest, it could very well be. These "rumors" are fairly conservative.

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In Spanish Mayhem menas "Total Chaos".


I found that quite funny. Mayhem means total chaos in any language!


Retro working on Kid Icarus? Seems unlikely, but then if you'd told me they'd be working on a new Metroid game several years ago, I would have said the same thing.

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I hope Rockstar get involved in development for the Revolution. Hate them or love them, but their games do have a lot of influence over which console to buy. There must be no limit to the support and quantity of titles that the Revolution gets.


YaY. With the FHC beating old ladies wil seem more real than ever :yay:

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It'd be good to get GTA games on Revolution.


Hot coffee sex incident but better, deep penetration with FHC's amongst other explicit activities...






Well... Some of them look real but... what are your thoughts?


Starfox would be perfect with the Revmote, barrell rolls from side to side would be a breeze, just roll the RevMote in the palm of your hand, fire the back trigger, press A to use standard power ups or targeting, and other buttons to use special power ups...

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the thing about fight night etc using two controllers, wouldn't they need to give a revmote away with every game to make sure that everyone had two revmotes, I suppose they could do a pack that was more expensve that had a controller with it and one with out, like donkey konga 2.

But if the rockstar and valve rumours are true then nintendo are really being agressive this time round!

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Educated guesses for the most part imo.


Probably a new sequel of StarFox is on the way for Revolution. It will be 100% controlled with the revmote

Probably... It will be... :zzz:


in Zelda: Twiligth Princess, we have been told that we will use the "classic shell" during all the game, this way we play like in the GameCube, and we keep inside the revocontroler, for example, to shot in first person. So, we don´t have to expect an complete adaptation for revmote/nunchaku tandem.

Using the 'classic shell' for TP??? Isn't it supposed to be a GAMECUBE game? Then why wouldn't we use the GAMECUBE controller?

If I have to put one controller down when it enters first person, and then pick up the FHC to aim... I'll just use the Gamecube controller only - don't want to be switching controllers alot during the game.


Unless... :idea:


We use the shell with the FHC inserted. Shell will controll most of the game and when we enter first person, we can just aim the shell as the FHC will already be in it. I like the sound of that idea.


But if the shell isnt included with the console then we will have to buy it extra to play TP with the FHC features. I know we can still use our Gamecube controllers but I really like the idea of FHC functionality peppered around the game.


OOT might just lose it's title of 'Best Game Ever'... (here's hoping!) :bouncy:

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LOL @ that Kevin guy on that page.


He is doing the same rookie misstake like others..


OMG Revospecs is just like Xbox, Revo graphics wont be any better then Xbox now...Nintendo is the d00med..





Seems he is correcting himeself somewhat later on..


Or not, I was reading it backwards...

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You never know... the Revolution could be the first console ever to come with 2 controlers!


Thats a good idea, but for some reason no company has ever done it!


My dad always goes on about why we have to pay for another controller! that would shut him up for once. :laughing:

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gluccoseaddict, thats what the article meant about the shell, that it would have the revmote in it too!! It didn't mean you would just use the shell for the sake of using it.


And Perrin Kaplan (ivthink) was talking about how they are going to package the Revolution - whether it would have a nunchuck AND whether it would come with 2 revmotes - I think it has to come with two personally!!

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