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just looking at my collection and a couple that i have played...



eternal darkness

killer 7


any sonic game




mario sunshine

baten kaitos. i dont know what people see in it!

any games with those stupid drums

pikmin! stupid and short!


I can only think of under-rated games really.




Killer7: Didn't sell or get the attention that it deserved. An absolutely fantastic story and great dialogue. The graphical style was cool and collecting blood was addicting. One of my fave games ever.


Eternal Darkness: I played this through 4 times, and i didn't get bored once. Some fantastic moments in this game, with a brilliant story and good voice acting to match it. A great game with a personality. Also one of my fave games ever.


Cel Damage: A GC launch title, but hardly known. It's cel shaded and its by EA. But, don't let that put you off. It's one of my favourite cube games in multiplayer.



Over-rated: Only one game springs to mind, and that is Timesplitters2. It seems good when you play it, but it just seems to lack something. I've often called it the game without a soul.

  King Boo said:
metroid prime is the closest you can get to gaming perfection imo. if you didnt like it you probably found it too hard and got stuck. im not going to argue


I absolutely and completely agree with you! It was for me, the most enjoyable game to play in a long LONG time. And since i was new to the series and i didn't know what guns or visors were, it just made it amazing. I'll never forget it.


I think Pikmin is slightly underrated JUST because of the 30 day thing...It's not even that hard to beat!!!


I don't get why people are saying Mario Kart, Wind Waker & Mario Sunshine are overrated...because people already know that they don't quite live up to their predecessors.

If you ask me, Mario Sunshine & Wind Waker are especially underrated. They are two of the only games that I've actually been 'dragged' into.


I think both Halos were overrated, but it's hard to say now because people are realising that they were and such, meaning they're leveling out with their actual goodness.


GTA is definately overrated. Full Stop.


Starfox Adventures is underrated simply because it's not a 'real' Starfox game, but I really enjoyed it. I just wish the fighting was less flat.


Glad to see so many agree that Starfox Adventures is underrated. I think its an awesome adventure, and the graphics and music are top class too.

  Stocka said:
Glad to see so many agree that Starfox Adventures is underrated. I think its an awesome adventure, and the graphics and music are top class too.


I LOVED that game. Didn't want it to end but sadly it did and far to quickly....


How is Beyond good and evil underrated it is amazing.

I agree that Sunshine and Wind Waker is massively underrated. Especially The Wind Waker it wasn't quite as epic as Ocarina of Time but it was a joy to play throughout and it had a great feel to it.


However what I find massively underrated is Metal Arms Glitch in the System.


Underrated: Donkey Kong jungle beat. not enough people talk about this and I’m guessing it didn’t sell well which is a real shame because its one of the gamecubes best games (even if its really short). Phantasy star online 3 CARD is also underrated. Most people probably dismissed it when they saw it as a “card game†although its got more in common with Advance wars then say YU-GI-OH! or something.


And everyone should play Pikmin 2.


Overrated: Metroid prime 2, I like Metroid prime 1 a lot, but the sequel is just really dull (imo)

  Helmsly said:
Underrated: Donkey Kong jungle beat. not enough people talk about this and I’m guessing it didn’t sell well which is a real shame because its one of the gamecubes best games (even if its really short). Phantasy star online 3 CARD is also underrated. Most people probably dismissed it when they saw it as a “card game†although its got more in common with Advance wars then say YU-GI-OH! or something.


And everyone should play Pikmin 2.


Overrated: Metroid prime 2, I like Metroid prime 1 a lot, but the sequel is just really dull (imo)



Totally agree on DK: Jungle Beat - One of the cubes best games and frankly the best Donkey Kong game since the first Country title on the SNES, its short but its great fun and it feels really fresh, although my hands started to hurt after a while. Pikmin 2 as well, I think a lot of people were put off by the 30 day limit in the original (Which doesn't make it too hard, but it makes you rush through it instead of exploring) and so didn't buy this although its probably one of the strongest games on the system.


As for Starfox Adventures, I loved that game - The graphics are still some of the best on the cube and even though the controls on the bike sections were sloppy and the game was quite short it was great fun and I feel it's one of the most under-rated cube titles. Say what they will, I still believe most magazines marked it down because of the Rare leaving Nintendo thing. DK64 was a 'not as good' Mario clone, yet it got rave reviews. The 'not as good' zelda clone on the other hand...


One game I would say got exactly the press reception it deserved was Geist. A great concept with sloppy gunplay and too many cut-scenes breaking up play (Everytime you posess something, is it really necessary?) - Had some cool little moments but could have been so much more, much like Crystal Chronicles I hope the inevitable Revo version builds on the potential and creates a truly top drawer game.

  triforcemario said:
I felt that Sonic Heroes was a bit underrated...


Back to the cupboard for you TriforceMario! Nope. No food or water! Sonic Heroes was probably the worst Sega made game that I have ever played, it annoyed me so much that it makes my skin crawl!!!!


By the by, I know these are for the Dreamcast but hey: Underated = Chu-Chu Rocket and also Toy Commander. Such amazing multiplayer fun!



cel damage

ace-golf (beats mario)

Star wars clone wars


lego star wars - probably my best cube game

jungle beat



I think the shorter games tend to be underrated on account of value for money... but as you pick them up cheap now, they are much sweeter than the review scores reveal.


I have to agree with the wind waker and especially Starfox adventures. Some of the best graphics in that generation. Even nearly compareable to Xbox360 graphics IMO.

  Jamba said:
Back to the cupboard for you TriforceMario! Nope. No food or water! Sonic Heroes was probably the worst Sega made game that I have ever played, it annoyed me so much that it makes my skin crawl!!!!

NOO!!! Let me out! I'm too sexy to die in a cupboard!


And strangly enough, I don't mind sonic heroes, ok, it was nowhere near as good as the original sonic games, or even sonic rush, but, I prefered to to the "to much exploration, too little speed" games known as "Sonic adventure 1 & 2". I still feel however that Sonic heroes is just missing a little something, a bit more exploration, no too much, just enough, like in the original sonic games, in which you could take different paths to complete each level.


under rated- Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

over rated- Animal Crossing-so not worth loading up my GC for a qucik 10 mins play MUCH better suited to DS.


also i found paper mario 2 to be a tad over rated and so is super mario sunshine.

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