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Silent Hill (the movie), opinions?


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Well, I'm not gonna spoil the movie for anyone, although I'm expecting there will be a few spoilers later on.


I saw this last night and thought it was great! Okay, so the plot isn't that brilliant... but I really thought that the environments and monsters were really true to the games. Heck, they were pretty much exactly like the game, which is how it should be! The atmosphere was spot on too, sections were really tense and some parts freaky, although I thought parts got a little slow.

Oh, and I noticed some great references too (particularly the nurse in that room *shudder.*)


I seriously think that this has to be the best game to movie adaption yet. It's even a good film in itself imo!

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I should be going to see it on Monday I think if all goes to plan. Been looking forward to it for a good while now.


It seems like your average punter though isn't taking to the film all that well, but then that contradicts alot of other peoples opinions in saying that it's the best game to film adaptation so far. I'll just go and see it with an open-mind and hopefully it'll be an entertaining 2 hrs or so.

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I love it. I hate it. I really don't know.


I'm not sure what I make of it. There were scenes I absolutely loved, there were scenes I absolutely hated. The plot, I don't know if I like it or hate it. It's a strange bag.


The acting and dialogue were pants at times, but hey, Silent Hill, mate. The visuals were impressive, and the sound was brilliant. A lot of tunes were snagged from the game.


I felt Sean Bean's side of things were a bit over played; they kind of ruined the tension of the film. There wasn't as much gore as I hoped, but still a sufficient amount. Pyramid head, although thankfully, not over used, I felt still needed more screen time. I don't think they did his character justice.


I felt in the last hour of the film, it started to slip. The ending however, kinda left me satisfied. I'm still not sure what to make of it. I think its downfall is perhaps that it's too faithful to the games. Plenty of people who have had no prior experience of Silent Hill will get confused, no doubt.

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SO is the story of the film based on any of the games or is it new?


I never played any of the games unfortunatly but always wanted too... however i'm not lucky enough to be able to own 2 consoles.


I'm gonna try gather up some cousins to see the film over the week

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Guest Jordan

All I know about it is, its set around the first game but it has nothing to do with the main character from the first game... since he was a guy.

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I thought the first half of it was good, it created the mood of the game really well, it was definately eerie!

Around the last hour I too felt it started to lose the feel somehow, and by the end I really was unimpressed. Pyramid Head definately should've gotten a little more screen time, he was very impressive!


I have to say I thought the dialogue was pretty awful and ruined it a lot for me!

I think that Sean Bean and the male cop shouldn't really have been in the film and the director should've tackled what little meaning they had in a different and more engaging manner... not really much point in them overall.


I think the IGN review of it gets it spot-on!

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The acting and dialogue were pants at times, but hey, Silent Hill, mate. The visuals were impressive, and the sound was brilliant. A lot of tunes were snagged from the game.


I felt Sean Bean's side of things were a bit over played; they kind of ruined the tension of the film. There wasn't as much gore as I hoped, but still a sufficient amount. Pyramid head, although thankfully, not over used, I felt still needed more screen time. I don't think they did his character justice.


I felt in the last hour of the film, it started to slip. The ending however, kinda left me satisfied. I'm still not sure what to make of it. I think its downfall is perhaps that it's too faithful to the games. Plenty of people who have had no prior experience of Silent Hill will get confused, no doubt.


That's the problem with this film. I loved it because it was so faithful to the games. Some people are not gonna like it because of this. I thought that trying to follow the game so closely was a bold move by Gans, but a nessacary one. At least this isn't a disaster like the Resident Evil films.


i saw it today. it rocked so much. did any scenes remind you of resident evil 4 at all? i think its the best game to film adaptation.


It didn't to me. Though funnily enough, one bit reminded me of F.E.A.R. The part when Rose saw the girl run across a room before heading up a flight of stairs. The sound made as she appeared was the exact same pitch as when you see Alma in F.E.A.R. Mind you, that's the generic scary girl thing in horror flicks...

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Just come back from seeing it with a couple of mates. I actually really enjoyed it. It's probably because I like the games and the film is so close to the games, unlike many other of the game to films that come out. It brought up fond memories.


Pyramid head should of been in it more :( overall good and entertaining film. Best game to film to date.

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It's certainly made for the fans of the game. I'm kinda thinking that the reviews that have given it negative feedback are from the people who have never even played any of the games. It does what it needs to do for the fans and for that I'm happy, it's great to watch, maybe a little weird at times, but that is the whole point, you are never really suppose to understand Silent Hill, it's that deranged.

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I haven’t watched the movie yet, but there’s something that bothers me, on the games the monsters were manifestations of the emotions(and fears) of whoever was drawn to Silent Hill, from the movie trailers I've seen the monsters from Silent Hill 2 have been used, along with a dumbed down version of Silent Hill 1's story.

So does it still fit or have they pretty much ripped parts from Silent Hill 1 and 2 then stuck them together?


(Yes I like the games alot, infact maybe a little too much)

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Just seen it tonight, was pretty good actually, kinda butchered the games in the process mind, sticking them into a blender, setting on max then pouring it into a cake mould then left to set, with sugar, lots and lots of sugar.


My favourite part was right at the start when she was going down the alley right after the sirens, but only because it was very similar to a certain alley on the game... even got the camera positioning right as she walked down the alley.


[spoiler=I really wanna know how Cybil survived that horriffic beating, surely she'd have broken ribs, pierced lugs e.t.c. at least she survived long enough for the bbq *evil sneer*

Shame the ending wasnt as graphic and nasty as some of the game endings, however still a pretty nasty ending, being trapped forever...]


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i really enjoyed this movie although it did drag for the last half an hour or so.

i played the original silent hill game when it first came out years ago but i cant really remember too much about it to be honest so i cant really compare them. but anyway, i think it definately stands out of one of the better horror type movies i have seen for a while.

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