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Not completly sure on the new theme tune though but im sure it will grow on me.


Was just about to post about that, the only bug about the new series. I didn't like the opening credits for it, the theme tune was a little weird as well. I like the logo though.

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I loved the first 10-15 minutes with the Doctor meeting young Amy... and the setup for the episodes theme 'the corner of your eye'... all brilliant!


However after that, as an episdoe, I thought it kinda went downhill. The alien and plot turned out to be very generic and easily forgettable, and the CGI was aweful which didn't help.

I also though it was a little naff introducing us to a new 'series hook' so soon "the silence is coming" (or whatever)... in an attempt to keep people watching... but in reality, a theme we probably wont find out about until ep.11!


Anyways I think the episode/plot of this one was meant to be a little throw away, because the main focus of this one had to be getting us used to Matt Smith and I thought he was really good.


He does sound and act like Tennant at times!... which is actually kinda nice, because it leave you with a smile on your face that Tennants Doctor is still in there as part of who he is!


Not sure about the new Tardis (and it's retro gadgets theme), but I'm sure it'll grow, and the new outfit is pretty aweful (he looked better in Tennants ripped clothes!), but hey that's never really something to focus on!


Looking forward to more!!

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I must say i was a bit aprehensive with the new Doctor.... but by the end of the episode i was grinning like a maniac.


Matt Smith really grew on me throughout the episode- as Retro_Link said, he does remind you of Tennant at times, which is wonderful!

I am liking the new Tardis very very much, very Steampunkish so... all good! ^_^


It was indeed a very generalized episode but... hell... it's only starting... bring it on!!:bouncy:

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I didn't warm to David Tennant after just one episode and I'm definitely not in love with Matt Smith after his first one either. He can definitely do the goofy stuff but I need to see more of him and how he copes with the more serious things. He might be just too young (and idiotic) to be taken seriously. I suddenly wish Rokhed was here to balance out all these peace and love vibes everyone is sending!


It was a good enough series opener and kind of interesting to watch him transition from being the tenth to the eleventh Doctor.


And yes, the CGI was utter bollocks. Dire.

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I didn't warm to David Tennant after just one episode and I'm definitely not in love with Matt Smith after his first one either. He can definitely do the goofy stuff but I need to see more of him and how he copes with the more serious things. He might be just too young (and idiotic) to be taken seriously. I suddenly wish Rokhed was here to balance out all these peace and love vibes everyone is sending!


It was a good enough series opener and kind of interesting to watch him transition from being the tenth to the eleventh Doctor.


And yes, the CGI was utter bollocks. Dire.

I wish they'd spent a little more CGI money on the opening scene at least, the flying/crashing Tardis was truely aweful!!


I thought Matt did a very good job, I'm certainly not in love with him as the Doctor yet though.


Like I said before I thought the opening 10-15min transition scene was brilliant and very well acted.

However, there were times during the episode where I thought he was trying a bit too hard (understandable). Some of it felt a little over the top, especially the scenes on and around the village green, and a bit more towards the end with the spaceship.


But on the whole I thought he was good, but like you say, we'll need to see more.


I also wasn't totally convinced by Amy's character.

Come the end I found it a bit of a of wierd relationship. She'd been obsessing over this guy she met 12 years ago, and had almost been classed as mental at one time because of him. And then just back to normal, with no real :o from her when she met him again etc...


Anyway... Nazi Daleks and Mummy Cybermen aside... let's see what you got!!

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I suddenly wish Rokhed was here to balance out all these peace and love vibes everyone is sending!
If rokhed was here, he'd have a go at you about this:
And yes, the CGI was utter bollocks. Dire.
Honestly, this is an important part of Doctor Who! Where would we be without awful cgi, remote control robots and tin foil tubes?This stuff is the core of the show's charm.


I was personally get very impressed with Matt Smith. I didn't think I was going to like him at all, but is acting was sublime. And if you didn't think he does the serious stuff very well, go back and rewatch the way he delivered that line about how Amelia isn't scared of anything (at the start, over the fish custard).


Sure the episode was a bit filler-y, but in a way it was an ideal way to introduce a new Doctor and quickly show many sides of his personality. I'm not even a fan of the show really but I think I will definitely be following this season on a weekly basis :)

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I really liked him as the doctor actually.


I think he is a lot funnier than david tennant so far. A lot more sarcastic I think. Tennant I thought was annoying in HIS first episode. He went on about a big button for 5 minutes at one stage if I recall.


We'll just have to see if he's as charming or great ath the serious parts but ya I'm sure he's everything you'd want. Prefer his clothes too.


I like to look of the tardis inside and out. Amy is great as well.

Great start I say and yes in fairness the bad cgi is part of the charm at this stage, its like red dwarf :)

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Don't much go for this idea that he's somehow channelling Tennant's Doc. :confused: The only time I thought that was how he said "Amelia Pond. Like a fairytale name". But he felt very much his own thing to me. Very funny, a bit sarky as mentioned, more eccentric than Tennant's Doctor, and a bit edgy too. You get the feeling that he's capable of much more than you're seeing in this ep. Also, the chemistry between him and Amy was much more alive, more believable than what we've had before imho.


Roll on next week says I. A really successful start for the whole thing.

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Matt Smith was fine but he has a very peculiar face. At times its old, at times its young, at times its well...




But he did a fine job.


Although I doubt I'll tune in until the finale. If there was some overarching thing I may tune in every week but there's no reason to for me. And I mean more than just the villain of the week saying "ooh the silence is coming!" I presumed the little girl became the assistant, but for a brief while when it was made out as if Amelia had disappeared I hoped that would be some storyline that would go over the whole season. But alas.


Also, James Corden is in it at some point. Enough reason to avoid it as much as possible :heh:


(did we really need 5 minutes of the Doctor throwing food around?)

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I thought it was alright, but it just made me think of the film Men in Black and Moffat's own "Girl in the Fireplace" episode. The house set-up was also a tad "Blink".


Was very impressed with Karen Gillan and thought Matt Smith was fine, exactly what I expected. Incidentally, I consider both Tennant and Eccelstone to be truly excellent Doctors, so there's no shame on Matt if he doesn't match them.


The one thing I was disappointed by was the writing. OK, the jokes were as good as usual (Patrick Moore, the laptop etc), but where was the pacing? I didn't think this was as good as any of Russell T Davies' four season openers, Season 3 and 4's were particularly phenomenal.


Steven Moffat's good, but The Girl in the Fireplace was the only one of his I thought was as good as the hype. Blink was a little bit flat and overrated. The library one was not exceptional at all.


But... gorgeous visual style and I look forward to the rest. I hope there's a comedy one from the guy who wrote The Shakespeare Code and The Unicorn and the Wasp.

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I loved it! It's certainly the best introductory episode of the new series' don't you think! Postives for me were : the pacing, the comedy, the alien spaceships ( giant eyes FTW), Matt smith ( who is oddly attractive in a confusing way) . The only negative for me was the theme song...but I'm beginning to like it now. What's next weeks episode about?

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I thought it was alright, but it just made me think of the film Men in Black and Moffat's own "Girl in the Fireplace" episode. The house set-up was also a tad "Blink".


The one thing I was disappointed by was the writing. OK, the jokes were as good as usual (Patrick Moore, the laptop etc), but where was the pacing? I didn't think this was as good as any of Russell T Davies' four season openers, Season 3 and 4's were particularly phenomenal.


Steven Moffat's good, but The Girl in the Fireplace was the only one of his I thought was as good as the hype. Blink was a little bit flat and overrated. The library one was not exceptional at all.


WRONG! Moffat had the better storylines over RTD, Davies stuck wit predictable cybermen and darleks. Moffat has the kinda monsters that are believable, the shadow monsters, moving statues, monsters that hide in the corner of your eye, much more creepy ideas. This was much like the first ep of Tennant (cept he didnt sleep for half it!) something to ease the viewers into. tho time will tell as to who has the overall better series Moffat or RTD

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On the subject of the opening titles... I actually really like the new theme tune. Really took a liking to it straight away - it's pleasingly different, yet feels kind of retro-ey. In fact that only thing I didn't like was the cast font.

I dunno, it feels like it's lacking Bass for me. Won't know for sure if I love it til I get the BluRays pumping in my surroundsound

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Yeah the opening titles, whilst new, felt strangely familiar with there retro feel.


WRONG! Moffat had the better storylines over RTD, Davies stuck wit predictable cybermen and darleks. Moffat has the kinda monsters that are believable, the shadow monsters, moving statues, monsters that hide in the corner of your eye, much more creepy ideas. This was much like the first ep of Tennant (cept he didnt sleep for half it!) something to ease the viewers into. tho time will tell as to who has the overall better series Moffat or RTD
Well hang on, Moffat seems just as keen to use those enemies too and from the trailer they look more over used than ever!... Daleks as Nazi's in WW2? and Cybermen as bumbling mummies?...

He could have been brave and taken a break from them, but no he's just as keen to establish his series around the classically recognisable villians for audiences sake.


Obviously it's impossible to tell at this early stage, but I'm wondering if being lead writer will have an effect on the quality of Moffats stories. The series opener (whilst perhaps intentionally throw-away) whilst starting with an interesting concept, soon became extremely generic and forgetable!

What happened to the whole "don't look directly at it... only view it out the corner of your eye..." (almost Blink-esque) quality to the story. That was soon completely forgotten about and they were soon having direct confrontations with what was some lame snake that just seemed to randomly come in from off-screen no matter what the location!

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WRONG! Moffat had the better storylines over RTD, Davies stuck wit predictable cybermen and darleks. Moffat has the kinda monsters that are believable, the shadow monsters, moving statues, monsters that hide in the corner of your eye, much more creepy ideas. This was much like the first ep of Tennant (cept he didnt sleep for half it!) something to ease the viewers into. tho time will tell as to who has the overall better series Moffat or RTD


Both Russell T Davies' and Steven Moffat's best episodes were excellent, but Steven Moffat had a whole season to focus on one epsiode, whereas RTD wrote about five and trimmed everyone else's. I would say Russell T Davies understands entertainment a lot more.


Now personally, I don't "get" Moffat's creepy monsters, as I've never been scared of shadows or the corner of my eye. Not that I want scares anyway, just entertainment. The statues were a great idea though, I admit that.


Russell T Davies may have used the Daleks, but he did so magnificently in Season 1 and 2. He also invented the Judoon, whose first episode was like a perfect version of this (the "alien fugitive" idea was done in Men in Black and Smith & Jones, which was an astounding, fast-paced episode).


This wasn't a "bad" episode at all like The Waters of Mars, Midnight or Planet of the Ood. It's just that it had the makings of being brilliant and didn't quite get there.

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Huh? I thought those two were Davies' best ever episodes...


Midnight was experimental, original and quite creepy, I admit. I can see why some people would like that one. It felt to me though a bit like an amateur dramatics experiment (people arguing in just one room, lots of repetition). Not terrible, I just prefer the camp, sci-fi stuff, and I didn't think the dialogue really went anywhere.


The Waters of Mars (co-written by Phil Ford) to me felt like there wasn't much to it - just one long chase - apart from the bit where the Doctor turned arrogant, which I loved.


Russell T Davies wrote the best episodes, but the only one with a 100% good record (in my opinion) is Gareth Roberts, who wrote The Shakespeare Code and The Unicorn and the Wasp, and co-wrote Planet of the Dead.

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I totally agree with the whole waters of mars bit, it was a odd filler episode that added nothing. I wasnt a big fan of the unicorn and the wasp episode really, not one of my faves. All in all i think everyone will agree that the new season looks exciting and that the future looks good for it

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It amuses me I've heard some people say Davies writes the best because he gets all the "big" episodes (season openers, closers etc)...of course he gets them, he's the showrunner :heh:


Anyway yeah Waters of Mars did feel kinda filler. It was fine. The main woman was like a poor man's Sissy Spacek. And having just watched it again yesterday (or at least the end) I laughed everytime they said "Time Lord Victorious" Secret?

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It amuses me I've heard some people say Davies writes the best because he gets all the "big" episodes (season openers, closers etc)...of course he gets them, he's the showrunner :heh:


No, it's because he did many of them spectacularly well. :heh:

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Or Facebook being the cause of social decline.


Apparently though there is an article in todays. "Facebook ruined my daughter's future" or something like that.


No, it's because he did many of them spectacularly well. :heh:


...did we watch the same episodes? :heh:

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