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Yep, basically since it began again. Have loved every minute.


Only problem is that authoring issue on a couple of episodes. It's only noticiable in dark scenes, but one of the episodes it is in is dark near constantly so it's fairly noticiable. Very distracting. I know some people are checking with BBC DVD to see if they'll fix it, such as with past DVD releases with errors

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Just watched the "Night and the Doctor" shorts...they're really good. Small selfenclosed stories on the TARDIS, a bit fun and ridiculous but also very touching.


I recommend you all find them, unfortunately BBC flags all the youtube ones so I'm unsure as to where you can find them

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Steven Moffat has teased that "The final days of the ponds are coming during the next series. Then the doctor will meet a new friend".


Seen it on the offical Doctor Who twitter feed and on their facebook page and they have also said more information will be revealed tomorrow.


So a new companion at some point next series, I don't want Amy to go :(


It also makes me wonder how much longer they will keep the River Song angle going, in theory they could keep that going for many series to come due to time travel but I would assume they would bring it to a close at some point.

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Thing with River Song is that we know that she meets multiple Doctors, not just 10 and 11 (Moffat said she met 10 more during the time between Waters of Mars and End of Time) so we're not done with her


Her appearances don't have to be major "ZOMG IT'S RIVER" events


The thing with the Amy & Rory I don't get is why they're being brought back...they had a rather nice end in Season Six...so why bring them back

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Let's just retcon the mythos and hope nobody notices: http://www.guardian.co.uk/tv-and-radio/2010/oct/12/doctor-who-immortal-reveals-bbc?INTCMP=SRCH


Not surprised to be honest but you'd think in a sci-fi show they'd make a big sci-fi deal about it.

Old news plus the regeneration limit was imposed by the Time Lords and broken by them loads. Time Lords are now gone so logic dictates that the limit is also gone

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Was still rubbish they didn't write it into the main show.


Also the Time Lords aren't gone, they're just back sealed where they were before no?

They're dead. It's just, before they died, they attempted escape as per The End of Time. Chronologically for them, that was before The Doctor killed all of them and the Daleks.

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I just had to come ask after it got voted second best tv of the year... do people actually watch this for real? I mean, you actually like it? Not in a joke "so bad it's good" B-Movie way?

I'm baffled... oO

I honestly do not understand this, if such is the truth...


I'm being dead serious, here, not taking the piss or anything... just actually curious.

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