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Nope. Torchwood still has 4 episodes left.


Ah, k... I did wonder as both series don't usually end up airing at the same time do they? I know they're on different night but still, usually one of them ends before the other begins.


Anyway, looking forward to Dr Who, should be reasonably entertaining if nothing else. :)

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Ah, k... I did wonder as both series don't usually end up airing at the same time do they? I know they're on different night but still, usually one of them ends before the other begins.


Anyway, looking forward to Dr Who, should be reasonably entertaining if nothing else. :)

Na not usually. Doctor Who isn't normally split in two though, which is why this occurred

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OK 5mins in and I've almost given up.


EDIT: Given up! First time I've not watched it for who knows how long... seems rubbish!


That seems like a stupid thing to do. It was an awesome episode. You can't judge things by the first few mins.

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I loved it! A lot of fun, genuinely funny and filled in some missing stuff. Thought Alex Kingston was a bit shakey but I admired her attempt at making her character seem younger (and was obviously a bit inspired by the way Matt Smith, John Simm and David Tennant have acted post regeneration.)


It's all confirmed she's the girl in The Impossible Astronaut so now we need to work backwards and piece together her life.


  • Conceived in the TARDIS on a bunkbed ladder by Amy and Rory.
  • Amy is replaced with a pregnent-less duplicate and real Amy gives birth to Melody who is stolen by the Church.
  • The Church, working with The Silence build the astronaut suit and take the little girl and brainwash her into becoming the perfect Doctor-killing machine.
  • But she gets sick and regenerates into "Mels"
  • At some point Mels is taken to Leadworth to wait for the Doctor's arrival
  • And then Let's Kill Hitler happens



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I loved it! A lot of fun, genuinely funny and filled in some missing stuff. Thought Alex Kingston was a bit shakey but I admired her attempt at making her character seem younger (and was obviously a bit inspired by the way Matt Smith, John Simm and David Tennant have acted post regeneration.)


It's all confirmed she's the girl in The Impossible Astronaut so now we need to work backwards and piece together her life.


  • Conceived in the TARDIS on a bunkbed ladder by Amy and Rory.
  • Amy is replaced with a pregnent-less duplicate and real Amy gives birth to Melody who is stolen by the Church.
  • The Church, working with The Silence build the astronaut suit and take the little girl and brainwash her into becoming the perfect Doctor-killing machine.
  • But she gets sick and regenerates into "Mels"
  • At some point Mels is taken to Leadworth to wait for the Doctor's arrival
  • And then Let's Kill Hitler happens



Well it said she took ages to find Amy & Rory, but yeah, that's it exactly.


Thought this episode was absolutely amazing. I didn't twig that Mel would be River and I love how River gave all her regenerations to save the Doctor.


Loved the ep from start to finish :)

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There were some great bits about this episode but it felt pretty rushed. I didn't like how River totally changes attitude near the end and character.


I think that required a bit more character development and Moffat seems much better at character revealing than developing.

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There were some great bits about this episode but it felt pretty rushed. I didn't like how River totally changes attitude near the end and character.


I think that required a bit more character development and Moffat seems much better at character revealing than developing.

She was brainwashed to kill the Doctor...once that's done, the brainwash is pretty much gone.


Besides, I don't think it's gone completely yet

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I thought one of my issues was that the Church built up the fact that the baby was going to be used as the perfect weapon to kill the Doctor.


And then all it does is give him a kiss and then bugger off.


I guess the idea was that if she's someone he loves, and the daughter of Amy and Rory than it's near impossible for them to kill her first, but still.

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I thought one of my issues was that the Church built up the fact that the baby was going to be used as the perfect weapon to kill the Doctor.


And then all it does is give him a kiss and then bugger off.


I guess the idea was that if she's someone he loves, and the daughter of Amy and Rory than it's near impossible for them to kill her first, but still.

The perfect weapon is the one that gets the job done, and she gets the job done

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OK 5mins in and I've almost given up.


EDIT: Given up! First time I've not watched it for who knows how long... seems rubbish!


Know exactly what you mean.


I watched it earlier and it was pretty rubbish. I stuck with it to the end and it had some decent stuff come through... eventually. Well, maybe it didn't and the "decent stuff" was just because I'd watched it so much I'd retuned into its crapness. :wink:

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The only thing that I found odd was how that justice department insisted on punishing people who haven’t committed their crimes yet.


It seemed they were new to time travel and were rather rubbish at the whole thing. They said they arrived too early for Hitler.

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Just finished watching the episode on iplayer. I thought it was pretty good. Id quite like to see the mini justice seeking time travellers return at some point as I think theres a lot more we could learn about them.


I agree that Melody's turn in the episode was a bit too quick, it really looked like her brainwashing just vanished after she completed her mission but she was convinced to help after she saw he was still fighting to save her parents.


Its kind of sad Mad Monkey is no longer around, id have enjoyed him moaning about yet more Melody/River in the show :p

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gaggle64: Wonderful episode overall, this was great pick up from last season's rather tepid finale. I do think Moffat has lead the show into an awfully convuluted place though and we only seem to be going deeper. We need a huge reset of somekind at the end of the season, it seems like everyone has to have watched every episode twice and taken notes. It's fine for dedicated fans but I can't help feel it's probably alienating a lot of the more casual TV audience.

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gaggle64: Wonderful episode overall, this was great pick up from last season's rather tepid finale. I do think Moffat has lead the show into an awfully convuluted place though and we only seem to be going deeper. We need a huge reset of somekind at the end of the season, it seems like everyone has to have watched every episode twice and taken notes. It's fine for dedicated fans but I can't help feel it's probably alienating a lot of the more casual TV audience.

I've been checking around and it seems the casual ones aren't getting alienated as people me think. They're loving it. If anything, it's the "dedicated" fans (I put it in speech marks because I'm dedicated and loving it) who are having issues with it, saying Moffat should go etc. which is hilarious when they were saying he should take over when RTD was running the show. Of course, there are some people who say it's too complicated, but that's probably just because they don't know some of the history, and you can't expect to jump into a show half way through the season and expect there to be no references or plotpoints based on past things.


That said, Moffat did apparently say in an interview that the next series will be less arc based than S6

Edited by Serebii
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I thought it was very good, and I wouldn't call myself a big fan of Doctor Who at the moment at all. Matt Smith has really grown on me. I always liked him somewhat, but I've become especially fond of his portrayal of the Doctor as a kind person who leads by example. Inspiring and thought-provoking without being holier-than-though. It's impressive how they get the balance right.


It's true I no longer understand Doctor Who, so I just switch off my brain and hope it's entertaining. This delivered, with lots of humour and eccentricity. I think it's indesputable that it's extremely complicated now. I do watch it properly, it's just that the half-season finale (which I also enjoyed) made it clear that you're not meant to understand it until all the pieces are in place (more so than before). It's just Steven Moffat's style.


I could moan about my least favourite aspects, but there's no point. If they keep up this standard, Doctor Who is in sure-enough hands for now.

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Yeah Moffat confirmed this is the most arc heavy Doctor Who has ever been and that next series will probably be the least arc heavy New Who has been. Which is great! Doctor Who's all about change, experimentation. I just hope people who've not enjoyed how arc heavy this series have been will give Series 7 a try.

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