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That reminds me, was I the only one sitting there hoping that the Doctors rewind was gonna go into Tennants era as well?


Funnily enough I was starting to wonder when it started if they were going to go 'all the way' but more quickly like showing shots from all the different doctors from 'stand out episodes'.

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Very impressed with the storylines and arc that Stephen Moffat has written for Doctor Who. A fresh change in direction from the Russell T Davies era. Really great episode today and the whole series, great seeing the wedding of Amy and Rory too :) Also the part seeing the Dalek shout Mercy 3 times was brill:laughing:

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REALLY enjoyed this final episode, much better than last weeks and one of the strongest of the series IMO.


I'll be honest though, the Rory story (trademarks that) has confused me. So he's a real person now yes? Did he exist in the first place? I got the impression he was created to setup the situation?


Oh and...


Egyptian God... on the Orient Express... in Space... :blank:

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Rory originally got erased by the cracks in the universe and got duplicated by the Autons


However, with the Big Bang 2, all the cracks were closing and thus never erased anything so Rory somehow managed to live but managed to keep the memories of his time as an Auton


Wibbley Wobbley Timey Wimey

Edited by Serebii
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Rory originally got erased by the cracks in the universe and got duplicated by the Autons


However, with the Big Bang 2, all the cracks were closing and thus never erased anything so Rory somehow managed to live but managed to keep the memories of his time as an Auton


Wibbley Wobbley Timey Wimey



Timey Wimey......... Stuff! It is then! :wink:

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Very much a 50/50 season for me, almost literally! Have really liked/loved about half the episodes, the other half, passable/absolute rubbish!


But a GREAT final episode and I'm very much looking forward to the next series! :D


Though I'm not sure how much I like River as a character, so hopefully next season isn't full of her!

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I really liked this series, I've been trying to keep track by watching them on iplayer, I like the doctors quirks, his way of explaining time, the previous doctor used 'ah well you see..umm' and he uses timey whimey, it fits imo.


Amy I like more and more, maybe because this time round the doctor's companion doesn't want to jump into his pants and rory is pretty cool, the idea of him waiting 2000 years for amy was sweet!

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The wedding scene was immense. When Rory said "it's like that old saying" I immediately realised why the Doctor told the story of the TARDIS to Amelia. And the time vortex-wearing Doctor was brilliant. I love time travel issues and stuff.


I also loved how this was very different to previous season finales. Instead of saving the universe by defeating an enemy, it was about escaping the current situation and fixing everything. The real saving of the universe looks like it will happen next season.

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Just watched it, and, whilst predictably a massive case of Deux Ex Machina and the Grandfather Paradox rolled into one, it was highly enjoyable. Stephen Moffat is such a good writer, especially when compared to bloody Russell T Davis.


Overall, I love Matt Smith, and this is the first time since the beginning of the 21st century restart I've watched an entire series. I really, really love Matt Smith, and I can honestly say I thought all the episodes were good, although I have to say Victory of the Daleks and The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood were a tad generic. Overuse of Daleks and bland aliens aren't great...

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Fantastic end, fantastic series overall. I can't tell you how much I've loved it this year. Matt Smith is a complete revelation as the Doctor, and has managed to walk right into my top spot as my favourite Doctor ever over Tom Baker. He just has the lot; funny, warm, heartbreaking, scary, magical. Complete genius performance. "I can buy a fez." :D :D Glad the whole cast is staying too, as we all fell in love with Amy and Rory. Massive sigh of relief that they'll be here next time.


Moffat's first series to me has been massively better than previous ones from RTD, and I don't say that lightly. I loved the RTD era and felt Moffat had a tremendously tough task ahead of him. That he batted it out of the park in this way has made me extremely happy!


Can't wait for Christmas on the Orient Express, and series 6/32/etc/whateverwe'recallingit.

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As soon as he started going back I knew he was going to appear during the statues ep wearing that coat, and shut up all the people who whinged about continuity. And when you hear the things he says to Amy, you realise the line was much more suited to what was going on in the finale than what was going on in that episode.


It's a shame he didn't go back just one more step, bring back David Tennant to film one scene, I love stuff like that and I know loads of people would've. But in a way it made more sense to end it where he first saw the cracks.


Great finale, great Doctor, at least three-quarters a great season. Looking forward to whatever comes next!

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However, with the Big Bang 2, all the cracks were closing and thus never erased anything so Rory somehow managed to live but managed to keep the memories of his time as an Auton


Wibbley Wobbley Timey Wimey

AKA, desperate bullshit.


I don't think I was paying all that much attention, so could someone clear this thing up for me. They were saying that when the Doctor flew the Pandorica into the Tardis exploding, everything would be hunky dory again. None of the series would've happened, everyone would've forgotten what happened because it never happened, unless a random item/saying/whatever causes them to remember what never happened.


Except the Doctor would fuck himself over, being on the wrong side of the cracks when they close: Cue everyone being sad. Five minutes later he's alive and well on the 'right' side of the cracks. Was this explained with something better than timey wimey shizzle?

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Was this explained with something better than timey wimey shizzle?


Yes, it was all down to Amy's memory, even though she would temporarilly forget the Doctor, he would still be 'alive' in her head somewhere as her 'imaginary friend' certain things on her wedding day were 'engineered' in such a way that it would cause her to remember, thus bringing him back... he returns... they remember everything.


Or something...

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