mike-zim Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 basically just put thing you have often wondered and see if someone has an answer. 1) this really doesn't have an answer but it is something i have always wondered. COLOUR. when we are kids we are told that is blue that is red that is green etc. What if what one person see's as Red another see's as Blue. we could all like exactly the same thing but not know it as blue to me might be a nice colour others see it as red (thinking it is blue) and do not like it. see where i am going with this? confused? 2) Why does easter egg chocolate taste different to normal chocolate? thanks anyway.
Nintendork Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 Colour is based on the physical spectrums of visible light, it is a standard which cannot be chaged or deviated upon.. it's either a high frequency (blue end of the spectrum 900 wave lengths/nm) or lower frequencies (red end 500 wave lengths/nm) Can't change that unfortumately it's physics. Those frequencies correspond to retinal cells rods and cones which are 'bleeched' by the light which causes the nervous transmissions to be sent to the brain which interpret the colour. It's totally scientific and the idea of a colour blind person simply the cone cells in the eye are not as responsive as you would expect from a healthy person. They may generalise frequencies of light or simply blank certain frequencies.. but I totally know what you mean man. I once had a dream that I saw a colour which I've never seen before- totally blew my mind. And the thing is I can't describe it or compare it to anything i've ever seen before it was so fucked up. I was just bathed in this weird colour of light. Who said weed is bad for you?
mike-zim Posted April 5, 2006 Author Posted April 5, 2006 Well there you go. philosiphy beaten by science. ok what about easter egg chocolate then? and is there anything you have ever wondered?
Pestneb Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 actually, the colour one isn't beaten by science. Your question agreed - we all see say red as red, but do we percieve red as red? I can't remember the actual wavelengths, so I'll have my own wave lengths which will be measured in units of pn's. red is 1 pn, orange 2 pn, yellow 3pn, green 4pn.. how I percieve the wavelength 4 pn maybe the way someone else perceives 1 pn. it may be completly common. some people see aural things, hear visual things - their brains are wired up wrong. but perhaps we are all wired up differently. it may be that what your brain perceives when it sees wavelengths of 1 pn isn't anything I'd recognise as a colour. but in the end its impossible to figure out, I tried to figure out a experiment to prove or disprove this theory - but so long as the person has been told "1 pv is called red" there's no way of comparing how they perceive that colour - you can only prove that they can perceive it. not beign huge on brain chemistry, it may be possible in the future to track the flow of data through the brain, and get an idea of what is actually perceived, but for now its a useless idea, except that perhaps all of us have the same favourite colour...
Ollie Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 mike-zim said: basically just put thing you have often wondered and see if someone has an answer. 1) this really doesn't have an answer but it is something i have always wondered. COLOUR. when we are kids we are told that is blue that is red that is green etc. What if what one person see's as Red another see's as Blue. we could all like exactly the same thing but not know it as blue to me might be a nice colour others see it as red (thinking it is blue) and do not like it. see where i am going with this? confused? 2) Why does easter egg chocolate taste different to normal chocolate? thanks anyway. 1 - OMG, I thought I was the only person that wondered that! It is impossible to prove, so I guess we'll just have to wonder forever! 2 - Good question. And would it be so nice if we had it all year round instead of just at easter?
Babooo Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 I've always wondered how aeroplanes can fly. I've heard all the explanations but I'm still not sure. I just don't get how a lump of aluminium with wings can fly all over the world. I'm not dumb or anything, its just I can't get round the fact that aeroplanes can fly. I know its all about gravity and shit, but it just baffles me.
Pestneb Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 question 2, i thinks its because it is generally thin. I find the thinner a piece of food is the tastier it is, probably due to a greater surface area to volume ratio. chewing probably helps, but you end up diluting what you eat with your saliva more then. babooo said: I've always wondered how aeroplanes can fly. I've heard all the explanations but I'm still not sure. I just don't get how a lump of aluminium with wings can fly all over the world. I'm not dumb or anything, its just I can't get round the fact that aeroplanes can fly. I know its all about gravity and shit, but it just baffles me. its not a lump of aluminium. would help if you let us know what specifically stumped you, but get 3 identical deflated balloons, fill one up with water, another with an equal volume of air, leave the last one empty. drop them all in a bath full of water, and then describe to us what you see.
Guest Stefkov Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 ive wondered why phonetically isnt spelled phonetically itself. shouldnt it be an 'f'. i got some more but im in spanish and need to do some work rather than be here all the time.
Cube Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 mike-zim said: 2) Why does easter egg chocolate taste different to normal chocolate? probably because companys can get away with using cheap chocolate for them, so they do. (just a guess) And about the colour thing (so glad to see it spelt like that on the internet), it's impossible to tell, and wouldn really matter anyway. We just reconise the frequency of it, and thats really all that matters to the brain.
Mundi Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 One thing i have alway´s wondered about. Time traveling how can we now that maybe in the distant future someone made a time machine and changed something here but we never knew about it. And what are the consequences of time traveling alway´s when i think about it 1. When you try to change history something stops you and history can´t be changed (which would mean there is a higher power and whole concept of free will is bullshit) 2. A pararel universe is created when you change something that happens 3. You go back in time to stop something or kill someone or whatever you wan´t to do just so it involves something happening not happening or someone not being born or killed before his time the whole universe would start to repeat itself because when you stop/kill something/someone it would never have happened wich would mean you never wen´t back to stop it and because of that it does happen and you go back to stop it wich would mean it never happened and because it never happened you never know about it so it would and it would happen endlessly trapping the world in an endless repetive cycle (i know it sounds confusing but i can´t explain it easier )
mike-zim Posted April 5, 2006 Author Posted April 5, 2006 Have you seen Time machine the new one? in there it explains the theory of not being able to change what happened. basically if you built a time machine to stop something happening and then went back and changed it the need for the time machine is then void meaning the time machine would not be invented. but i wonder if a time machine were invented independent of any personal reasons and you used it to go back then theoretically you could change the past.
faz99 Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 But then you kinda wonder, why haven't we seen anyone from the future yet. Maybe there is something so awful going to happen we will see them then, and they will ignore all the bad stuff happening today because thats nothing compared? But if a parallel universe is created when you go back, then we will never change... Interesting one that.
Supergrunch Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 Why do triangle sandwiches taste better than square ones?
Dan_Dare Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 here's a good one: what the hells bells do we do once we run out of oil to make plastic? Petrol and stuff is on its way out in a few years but plastic is EVERYWHERE! My mate said they could synthesise it out of rubber or something, but I'm still not sure.
BeerMonkey Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 if the "BIG BANG" did in fact happen what is the purpose of the other planets?
Guest Jordan Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 I've always wanted to know why men have nipples...
AshMat Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 Some men do breastfeed. I read a story on the web, i think there is a website dedicated to it but i forgot the name. Another one i heard was that in the womb we start of as girls, but then become men (unless you become a girl)
MunKy Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 Jordan said: I've always wanted to know why men have nipples... Men have nipples becuase all fetuses start female, the Y chromosone is added (or not) after. Something like that roughly.
Sub-Parable Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 Replika said: if the "BIG BANG" did in fact happen what is the purpose of the other planets? They don't have any purpose, just like our own planet. The only true "purpose" of the planets, including ours, is to merely orbit a ball of mass constantly converting into energy, both heat and light . It's only by a freak accident that amino acids formed on Earth, constructing the premordial soup from which all life evolved.
Sarka Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 Mundi said: One thing i have alway´s wondered about. Time traveling how can we now that maybe in the distant future someone made a time machine and changed something here but we never knew about it.And what are the consequences of time traveling alway´s when i think about it 1. When you try to change history something stops you and history can´t be changed (which would mean there is a higher power and whole concept of free will is bullshit) 2. A pararel universe is created when you change something that happens 3. You go back in time to stop something or kill someone or whatever you wan´t to do just so it involves something happening not happening or someone not being born or killed before his time the whole universe would start to repeat itself because when you stop/kill something/someone it would never have happened wich would mean you never wen´t back to stop it and because of that it does happen and you go back to stop it wich would mean it never happened and because it never happened you never know about it so it would and it would happen endlessly trapping the world in an endless repetive cycle (i know it sounds confusing but i can´t explain it easier ) I have always thought about that. It gets really confusing so I just figure that time travel is impossible so I don't worry about it. I also wondered about the colour thing, and could people see everything completely inverted. Either colour wise, horizontally or verically? Also, when you go to the toiltet at someone else's house do you pee into the water or, to avoid large noiuse, so you pee slightly off the water and on the toilet so barely any noise is heard and it's less embarrasing but less hygenic?!
BGS Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 Supergrunch said: Why do triangle sandwiches taste better than square ones? I've always wondered this too! And the way grated cheese sandwiches taste infinitely better than sliced cheese sandwiches. Probably something to do with the inscreased surface area I guess.
Eenuh Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 Even though I've been in a film oriented course and learned about everything there is to know about cameras (even the stupid boring technical stuff), I never really figured out or got to understand how it is a camera (both photo and film) can copy the image in front of it on film. To me it just sorta seems like magic...
Nintendork Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 MunKy said: Men have nipples becuase all fetuses start female, the Y chromosone is added (or not) after. Something like that roughly. Correct, we all start out as a blank canvas of the female form, as the embyo develops the gonads go to either male or female genetalia. Eenuh said: Even though I've been in a film oriented course and learned about everything there is to know about cameras (even the stupid boring technical stuff), I never really figured out or got to understand how it is a camera (both photo and film) can copy the image in front of it on film. To me it just sorta seems like magic... In film cameras various frequencies of light (sometimes IR (infa red film) but usually ultra violet) cause AgNO3 + Cl2 to 'photodissociate' to form crystals.. this precipitate is called silver chloride which is a yellowish precipitate (sepia photographs) Earlier techniques used silver bromide, silver chloride and silver iodide I think.. it's got a lot more high tech these days but that's the basic principle behind black and white/sepia photography.
Bluejay Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 Supergrunch said: Why do triangle sandwiches taste better than square ones? Yeah, and why do crinkled crisps/ mini cheddars taste better than no-crinked ones.
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