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@Sméagol that's hugely appreciated, thank you. Cards are charged at the start of the month which is when Patreon advises to dish out rewards, so I'm going to go with that model for now.

I'm not sure I'm following you on what you can and cannot see... What part looks like a suspicious link?  Perhaps a screengrab could help. Or is your post from before I added the new box?

The button disappearing was an issue with Patreon's script caused by it being loaded in two places, thought I'd stamped that out, could it be some adblocking software that hides it

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40 minutes ago, Shorty said:

@Sméagol that's hugely appreciated, thank you. Cards are charged at the start of the month which is when Patreon advises to dish out rewards, so I'm going to go with that model for now.

I'm not sure I'm following you on what you can and cannot see... What part looks like a suspicious link?  Perhaps a screengrab could help. Or is your post from before I added the new box?

The button disappearing was an issue with Patreon's script caused by it being loaded in two places, thought I'd stamped that out, could it be some adblocking software that hides it

I'll post a pic tonight, I'm leaving in a minute. But I don't have any adblocking software.

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8 hours ago, Sméagol said:

I'll post a pic tonight,

Chrome versus Internet Explorer.

I assumed you didn't need to be able to read all that, but if you need a closer look, let me know. I used the link all the way below the sidebar. 

Edit: Oh, and like I said, for a second, in Chrome it looks the same as it does in IE, but then the link disappears and the box enlarges. The same in Opera.


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Hm that's weird. The bottom link you quoted is just a normal text link, no surprise that works. The one at the top uses Patreon's js, just for styling the button I think. I assume you're getting some js error when that happens but without being able to recreate it, it's hard to say what. If anyone else reports it, maybe I'll just put a hardcoded link at the top, too. Thanks for the effort in sending the screencaps.

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6 hours ago, Shorty said:

Hm that's weird. The bottom link you quoted is just a normal text link, no surprise that works. The one at the top uses Patreon's js, just for styling the button I think. I assume you're getting some js error when that happens but without being able to recreate it, it's hard to say what. If anyone else reports it, maybe I'll just put a hardcoded link at the top, too. Thanks for the effort in sending the screencaps.

Ah, let me try something.

Edit: Yup. 3rd party cookies. I'm always blocking them, and it leads to problems occasionally (like Twitter embeddings).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Is there a way to change how paragraphs are working in the (not so) new forum?

Currently pressing 'enter' starts a new paragraph, but as far as I can tell there is no way to just do a new line. Is it possible to go back to the old style where pressing 'enter' was a line break and if you wanted it to be a new paragraph you could just use two line breaks? I think it messes with the formatting on things like Tapatalk as well.


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32 minutes ago, Eddage said:

Is there a way to change how paragraphs are working in the (not so) new forum?

Currently pressing 'enter' starts a new paragraph, but as far as I can tell there is no way to just do a new line. Is it possible to go back to the old style where pressing 'enter' was a line break and if you wanted it to be a new paragraph you could just use two line breaks? I think it messes with the formatting on things like Tapatalk as well.


I think for me pressing Shift + Enter does a normal line break, Enter does a paragraph. Not sure if that works for everyone?
But I agree, it annoys me a bit that it starts a new paragraph when pressing Enter, when all I want to do is move to the next line. :p

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We can...I just figured if we change it now it would confuse people.
But if we get a few more in the "please change it category" sure thing.  Democracy and all that.

It may confuse people for 5 seconds but since it will be changing it back to how it was for years and years I don’t see how it be a problem.
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Is there a way to change how paragraphs are working in the (not so) new forum? Currently pressing 'enter' starts a new paragraph, but as far as I can tell there is no way to just do a new line. Is it possible to go back to the old style where pressing 'enter' was a line break and if you wanted it to be a new paragraph you could just use two line breaks? I think it messes with the formatting on things like Tapatalk as well.    



Yeah I mentioned this before, because of this formatting difference it always looks odd on either Tapatalk or the web browser.   


You can pretty much consider anyone who uses Tapatalk to want this change.

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Two line breaks and a paragraph are completely different things. If you want to restyle paragraphs and spacing later you can't do it if we're just putting linebreaks everywhere.

This is the normal way for the majority of text editors, etc.. And I will never do anything ever whatsoever to adjust the way the forum works for tapatalk especially now the forums are totally responsive.

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Two line breaks and a paragraph are completely different things. If you want to restyle paragraphs and spacing later you can't do it if we're just putting linebreaks everywhere.
This is the normal way for the majority of text editors, etc.. And I will never do anything ever whatsoever to adjust the way the forum works for tapatalk especially now the forums are totally responsive.

Well whatever you call it, N-Europe used to have it so pressing enter took you to the next line, which made more sense and seems to be more liked, based on the reactions here at least.
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I understand the difference and you're stating it right. However, a new paragraph on return is a standard these days. To be honest, it's not even an option on this text editor. If you want it to look right on the forum, you'll have to do one return and accept that it will look wrong on tapatalk.

A couple of people may be against it here, but I think you're completely outstripped by the silent majority who simply use the forum with no problems and find no reason to enter this thread :p

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I noticed this change in spacing instantly, yes I get that it's annoying, I don't like it personally but I have adapted to it.

If I really want something to look right and take out spaces etc then I'll just edit it in notedpad and then it's fine, yes I'm using a desktop PC, so I'm aware that this might not be an option if you're posting on mobile but... isn't this paragraph on return standard partly because of the popularity of browsing on phones? I could be wrong but I'm sure it was never this way about a decade ago.

Most of the changes which have happened on the forum have been made for the benefit of mobile browsing, haven't they? I'd say that the plus points still outweight the negatives.

Anyway, my concensus on it is that it is fine most of the time but sometimes I have had to reformat things in another text editor, especially when making certain kinds of lists - but there are ways on the forum to make list formats as well - on the whole though, it has made posting articles a lot easier for a lot of the staff, so there's that too.

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I have never seen another forum/social media site that does it like this though. On Facebook/Twitter/Instagram it's just line breaks as well as other forums (admittedly I don't frequent many) I go to, so no, it's not standard.

I can understand if you were writing articles using this but when you're just making (mostly) short posts on a forum that very rarely need any type of fancy formatting I think it's worse than how it was before.

Also the silent majority probably don't care either way.

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22 minutes ago, Eddage said:

I have never seen another forum/social media site that does it like this though. On Facebook/Twitter/Instagram it's just line breaks as well as other forums (admittedly I don't frequent many) I go to, so no, it's not standard.

OK, so it isn't standard... I just thought that it might be but I have nothing to base this on as I just use my desktop PC to browse the forum.

This is useful feedback, so it seems that there is an issue with the formatting, or rather... this is how it functions regardless of device being used, be it PC, mobile or other device.

I can see it from both sides but hopefully overall, using the forum has become easier since we've switched over, I hope so anyway.

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Ok, you people seem to be skipping past the "not an option in this text editor" part while you all weigh it up.

And Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are for posting little sentence long snippets, they're not forums, they're not for paragraphs and paragraphs of body text and discussion.

Here are a handful of text editors from the first page of google, try them all out:








Or better yet, open Microsoft Word...

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I was just going to ask to make paragraph gaps variable (like Microsoft Word allows you to do), but then I scrolled up and...

On 24/04/2018 at 1:10 PM, Eenuh said:

I think for me pressing Shift + Enter does a normal line break, Enter does a paragraph. Not sure if that works for everyone?

...that's new information to me, and solves the gripe I had with the paragraphs. So now I'm suddenly content with the system in place :heh:

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