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Kit-Kat - LEGENDS!


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Im starting to think Kit-Kat is the BEST chocolate ever, they have finally introduced a peanut butter Kit-Kat!


Have you guys tried it yet? I bought 5 bars (Health risk, i know) and im truely addicted to it, i constantly had peanut butter chocolates in the US but they never really took off over here.


So, the main question here is, do you like peanut butter chocolate? (If you have a nut allergy and you eat peanut butter chocolate any ways, I salute you!)

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So, the main question here is, do you like peanut butter chocolate? (If you have a nut allergy and you eat peanut butter chocolate any ways, I salute you!)


Ive not spied this anywhere, but that quote made me laugh. I too would salute someone who put themselves through this just to eat the chocolate!

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I agree, Lion peanut butter bars taste heavenly. Now if only they would import Reese's Buttercups.

Muahaha, a palce in my town sells those. Gorgeous, me and my mate got a few of those kit kat bars on friday night too. When we sleep over, we don;t drink alchohol, we eat as many sweets as possible :laughing:

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Reese's Cups are the most god-awful thing. Ever.
Burn him! Burn him at the stake!


For the record, the only place i've found near me that sells them is Woolsworths. I am regularly in there stocking up on those delicious cups of the Reese variety.

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American chocolate, in general, is crap. It tastes waxy because it has to be to survive the heat over there or something (someone told me that, but they may have made it up).

I completely agree. I hated Hershey bars in new york, quite alot of chocolate just tasted horrible.

Peanut butter M&M's, reese's and butterfinger was the only chocolate i ate (all containing peanut butter..), but when it comes to the candy...different story.

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Two problems with that:


1)Not many places stock them (ASDA stock a few)

2)Arab_Freak lives in egypt



Inf act, the place that sells them sells all the american stuff, cups, hershey's white with choc, hershey's plain, hershey's kisses, mmmm kisses

Similar here, except only one or two of my local shops sell Hershey's stuff, but four or five sell Reese's Cups.

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Ive not tried the kit kat thing but having just come back from New York i ate lots of and also brought back Reeses penut butter cups and best of all Reeses Pieces (little smartie things filled with penut butter - yums)


However i do agree that any other Hersey chocolate bars are rubbish they taste like puke.


But i did pick up some Nestle "Baby Ruth" bar's simply because thats what chunk gives sloth in the goonies! i just had to buy some.


Anyway yes i will definately be trying these kit kat legends!

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I'll try one monday, I can't imagine the combo is great.

Quite funny Bill Bailey saying how Kit Kat chunky isn't enough for him so he melts 4 of them together into a classic Kit Kat.


I'll co-sign what Odwin said, Hershey bars suck.. it's because they use crap milk in their products.

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