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Yowser, that's nasty. My comesserations to you. Some people are just weird. I used to have a few people in my secondry-school that used to come on to me like this cause they figured I was an easy target, but lucky for me none of them could throw a punch to save themselves. You should seriously tell the school and cops, and don't stop pushing until he's got expelled/charged/assraped at least.


I do wonder though - I mean, why do people do this? They seem to do it almost just so they can have a fight on the nearest available person. Why? What exactly is going through their heads? I mean, they must be doing it for somekind of reason. These aren't just 2D characters in a film or videogame, who fight because they're supposed to, these are actual living, breathing individuals we're talking about here. Why do they feel the need to pull this shit?

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Hey guys, I just back from hospital after ebing there about 11 hours and it went all well. Cheers for all your support.


I have my vision and it will be ok hopefully, they make a small cut in my cheek to push my bone upwards and a larger cut on my eye brown to put the piece of metal in and screw it on my bone. They also made a cut on my hair line to put the camera in. My stiches come out this Thursday.


For everyone talking about police my school and my Mother already contacted them that day.


CID were at my house yesterday and took clothing, the guy got arrested yesterday as well and put out on bail, he got expelled from school and won't be allowed to take his exams there either. I had a couple of witnesses that I know of to back me up on what happened and also a couple that I don't know of. Apparently he's basically screwed. It will go to youth court for GBH because of the extent of the violence and the fact that even after he headbutted me I just calmly stood there and told him he calm down.


My friend by the way stood and watched in horror, and altough that may seem a bit off I don't blame him at all; if he got involved he'd be in the same as I'm in. It took one of the guys friends who is mates with me as well to grab him off me; this of course after him punching me 3 or 4 times while i was knocked out on the floor.


P.S. Laughing gas kicks ass.


EDIT: The police already gave my contacts for this police compansation board where I get money from them which is paid back from money they get from criminals.

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Good stuff. Hopefully the attacker will be subject to some youth porridge.


I can fully understand the reaction of your friend. When this happened to my friend Paul I remember feeling just completely numbed by the audacity and brutality of a complete and utter stranger.

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P.S. Laughing gas kicks ass.


EDIT: The police already gave my contacts for this police compansation board where I get money from them which is paid back from money they get from criminals.

Well atleast you've got justice and had some laughing gas...lucky bastard. There was no justice when i got mugged, but the guy who mugged me wernt very luck the other day.

He mugged me a year back, saw him sunday running out of sainsburys from security, nudged him as he ran past me and got caught. Serves the bastard right.

He didnt recognise me, mainly because of my hair has significantly grown the past year, boy i would of loved if he knew who I was...


Hope ur feeling better dude :smile:

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Chavs ruin it for everyone, i can't bring myself to go out today, my mate just had his 'board nicked and they threatened us if we didnt give them ours too.. even though i didn't i'm still worreid they'll go to the skatepark to see if we turn up.


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That's fucking shocking. I can really relate as a similar situation happend with me. Don't really need to go into it, but unfortunately they weren't caught. It sounds as if the **** who got you will get good punishment for it though, thank goodness.

Keep strong, and don't think everyone is like that. There are a lot of genuinely amazing and nice people around, as well as the amazingly nasty ones.


Edit: So 'tw*t' is filtered but 'fucking' isn't? Eh?

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Chavs ruin it for everyone, i can't bring myself to go out today, my mate just had his 'board nicked and they threatened us if we didnt give them ours too.. even though i didn't i'm still worreid they'll go to the skatepark to see if we turn up.


Shit, that's not right. That's worth reporting to the cops - it's not high priority obviously, but it's still intimidation. With a bit of luck, thay may send one of their community officers if they're available. Best make sure your with friends when you go out - these assholes love to intimidate people, so do everything you can to show your not controlled by them.

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Cheers man.


Yeah it's best not to let your confidence get fucked up though, that's the most important thing. It's a shame for people to be scared to go out.


I'm out and about at school and stuff as soon as I get my stitches out. I'm not going to let me social life be screwed up by some guy who headbutts (seriously, who the fuck headbutts?).

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Shit, that's not right. That's worth reporting to the cops - it's not high priority obviously, but it's still intimidation. With a bit of luck, thay may send one of their community officers if they're available. Best make sure your with friends when you go out - these assholes love to intimidate people, so do everything you can to show your not controlled by them.

He did, got polcie but they'd left, i caleld him later on to see if he ever found them and when i rang he was at the station giving his statement..

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Man Wes that is unlucky, how old was the guy who did it? I once got dapped in the face three times by some kid in a Lonsdale top who looked literally 11 years old. I couldn't do jack-shit back cos he had a bunch of other 16-18 year old retarded shits with him. That is humiliating. Never mind, spend the money you get in compensation on Radiohead at London tickets, sell one to me, everyone's happy. :P Any chance of photos Wesley. Without trying to sound too fucked in the head? Hope you get well eventually buddy.

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Headbutts are a very efficient scrapping tool. I mean if you're in a fight there's no point dallying about - go all out at the fucker. If you do it right (as you might now know) you can cause some serious damage. Especially to your own life, as the guy now will find out!


And Awesome on teh laughing gas - had some myself today! Too short though... But hey, anything with balloons is fun.

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