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GDC- what will be revealed?


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i am pretty sure the GDC is soon and i am also pretty sure that there have been many a rumbling about what will be revealed there. does anyone know specifics? like dates and times of speeches etc. also what do you guys think big N will show off at this one. are we expecting spectacular fireworks or yet another damp scwib?

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Iwatasan will be delivering a key-note speech entitled "Disrupting Development" at GDC, on Thursday the 23rd of March between 10:30 – 11:30am (local time). The Official Nintendo UK mag did say that Revolution would be discussed, however we all know how wrong they have been in the past (stand also the power supply :nono: ).


The usually very reliable MCV also has an article claiming that there will be new Revo details at GDC. From the MCV article "senior sources suggest Iwata will choose to make key announcements, possibly including pricing and release details" at GDC. So fingers crossed. ::shrug:

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I quess the OMFG!!!1! news will be revealed at E3 but maybe Iwata has some little tidbits ready for GDC. I´m not expecting too much since it´s still basically a conference for developer, not for big news.


But I´m sure there is a pretty high possibility for new Zelda trailer... Or at least I hope so.

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I think final specs, system/controller design, final name and possibly some controller add-ons/controller shells at most. I don't think we'll see any games until E3 though and I wouldn't even count on the other stuff, great though it would be.

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Final design and final name - I'm pretty sure Nintendo will wait with games until the E3 and the specs we'll never find out officially. Maybe a SSB or FFCC teaser though, but nothing more.

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I say it'll be the final name, design, controller shell, release colours, (more accurate than before) dates, and price. Oh, and another controller teaser video

On the game front, I recon we will see a new LoZTP trailer, perhaps some info on the long forgotten LoZ DS, if we are lucky an SSB or Metroid Prime 3 teaser, or, if we are really lucky, trailers (with gameplay footage)

A graphical tech demo wouldn't go amiss either (as long as it's good enough to stand up to the Xbox360 in Standard Definition).

What previously announced games for the 360 and ps3 will be coming on the Rev would be nice(think MoH Airbourne, Stranglehold, or BiA 3)


Oh, and the usual speech (bet you didn't guess that was coming!)

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You'll get nothing and like it. It will be for Nintendo to brag about their innovation over the years, how the Revolution is the next step, how well the DS is doing compared to PSP blah blah... im pesimistic as you've guessed but, ive learnt this to b the best attitude when it comes to Nintendo else you'll be let down far too much, and when they do let something out its rather special indeed.

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Mike-zim i think you've got your wires twisted. Nintendo have religously said, wait til E3. Someone on the forums said before: GDC=big up DS, E3=big up Rev. Simple as, might not even be that good. I would like some new Zelda info though...

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Well according to developers along with some big journalist it's official that Nintendo will announce a few new things on the Revolution at GDC.


GDC will no doubt be mostly DS related info but developers have indeed have been saying recently look out for GDC.

I'm gonna take a shot based on things said at what may be revealed at GDC.

Possible Revolution info release in March:

1) Official Name/system design. Depends on if it reveals any secret they want to keep until E3.


2) Narrow down the release date worldwide. example - "The Revolution will launch between Late October/Very early December Worldwide(JP,EU,US)"


3) Final Free-hand controller design/classic cradle(shell).


4) Some game announcements. 3rd parties included. Even if it's officially how much titles EA,Ubisoft... will have in 06 for the Revolution. Similar to how we have heard publiclly from THQ, Activision, Midway. If were lucky we will get a list of some actual names of games coming to the Revolution or what will be playable at E3. OF course some titles will be secret until E3.


5) Virtual console info. Along with other Revolution Wifi info.


Again I'm not say this will happen. It's just some possibilities.

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they have to clear up this zelda business. GC or Revo or both. hopefully the final name for the "revo" and a maybe a public demonstration on how the controller will work.



remember to keep a clear view, if nintendo don't announe/show of anything it just means E3 will be better for nintendo

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I think that is quite possible that Iwata will announce the final name for the Rev. (hopefully it´s Revolution) Other than that I don´t expect much info on Rev. I think the DS will take the center stage at GDC.


I do expect a new Zelda:TP trailer!

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I'm expecting at least the final name. It needs to be known before E3. I can see how casual gamers would get the Revolution and the real name mixed up as two separate things. Perhaps showing off the controller shell would not be a bad idea either.

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GDC = Games Developper's Conference.


It's gonna relate mainly around Developpers, progess of them, dev kits sent out.. dates for finished products.. targets. Bigging themselves up.


We can't look at it as 'an oppurtunity to offload some information about X' because it needs to be developper centric if you ask me.


Final name does not concern developpers.. Where as something like progress with Nintendo wifi does.. because it's something being implemented at a later phase of development and is no doubt still 'up in the air' with contacts and shit.


Don't get our hopes up 'kay :)

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The Official Nintendo UK mag did say that Revolution would be discussed, however we all know how wrong they have been in the past (stand also the power supply :nono: ).


for heaven's sake people, stop writing off a whole magazine because of one little sentence underneath a picture in one issue!! nintendo probably hinted at this before but have changed their minds, simple as that! and if we were to ignore any news source that reported something major that ended up not being true we wouldn't be looking ANYWHERE for our news, as every medium, magazine, web site, tv show have all found themselve folly to it before, most of the time not through any fault of their own, they were simply reporting what they were told at the time! and ONM never even made a big deal of this, it was a caption underneath a photo, when i read it i believed it but if it ended up not true then so what(?), you gotta expect this at this stage, especially when the revo is being kept so secret. ONM is still the best source of official news.

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