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Rate the last film you saw


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To me Alien Versus Predator was the biggest mess in recent hollywood history. It literally ruined the legitimacy of the mythology of an awesome saga in the Aliens movies and made an evil character look like a pussy with the predator.


I hope Paul WS Anderson dies.


How did it do either? If anything, it restored some of the mess that was made in Alien: Resurrection. That film made the aliens seem weak, but this film made the Aliens seem fearful, again.


The Preds were badass, throughout. They didn't seem like "pussies" at all.

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A predator wouldn't create an aliegence with a woman. It'd just bite her face off.


If it helps, the plot is loosely based on one of the Alien versus Predator books, called Prey.


They can communicate anyway, and humans and predators do have respect for each other. As is evident right at the end of Predator 2, when one of them gives the pistol to Danny Glover.

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We'll have to see man. The fact it is a 12A really makes me question it, as more censorship may dumb down the films values and lose the characterisation with John Mcclane, as we wont see him in his pure state e.g. swearing and blowing shit up with ott violence. I feel like they may change the direction of the character and make him more up to date with hollywoods current hero's e.g. more sophisticated and with the times. I wanna see a every-day man in a blood soaken vest, not an FBI agent with knowledge on gadgets.


I prey its good, but I remember Alien V Predator being put out as a 12A and having a questionable director and it was turdhouse. This could very well have the same end result imo.


The John Rambo trailer suggested the film would stick very much to its 80's roots, The Die Hard trailer didnt.


This film really is 50/50, could be awesome, could be crap.


I don't think an official BBFC rating has been given to LFoDH yet, but the US rating is certainly a kick in the crotch. But I'm not fretting to much. As long as the action sequences are good enough.


And while were on the subject, they need to start another balls-to-walls action franchise. We haven't had one in a while. I suppose there's Crank, but that isn't going to turn into a franchise.






They method I used to view this may have been slightly illegal, but since the Wienstien brothers decided that they were going to split it into two movies for UK release afterall pissed me off so much, I thought 'fuck 'em' and saw it online. I will pay for a ticket to one of them though, I suppose. Tarantino & Rodreguez deserve the money.


Anyway. Great film. Planet Terror was the better of the two, but they were both great. Planet Terror, I would actually consider one of my favourite zombie movies ever. It was just all so violent, so thrilling and so creepy. Death Proof started off way to slow. There was just too much talk. However, all that can be forgiven because DP later showed one of the greatest car sequences I've seen in a while. The trailers were awesome, but I won't go into any detail about them, because I'll just spoil them. Overall, a hell'uv'a fun films. Ratings...

Planet Terror- 9/10

Death Proof- 8/10

- Machete- 8/10

- Werewolf Women of the S.S.- 6/10

- Don't- 8/10

- Thanksgiving- 10/10

Overall- 9/10


Also, I saw...


Saw- 7/10


It was OK



Lord of War- 9.5/10


I love this film. An entertaining flick with a mix of political and moral themes

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American Psycho was on last night.


Damn that film is hilarious. I was all a chuckle for most of the proceedings. Cept the murders. they're less funny.




Besides, once you know ending, you realise your free to laugh about the whole thing anyway. Or can you?


One of my favourite quotes ever:


"You're my lawyer so I think you should know: I've killed a lot of people."

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I liked the Alien vs Predator movie. I'm a huge Alien fan but took the AVP film for what it was; something different, completely cut off from any of the alien films.


It just featured them. I want another Alien film, as does Sigourney Weaver...they should do it before she gets too old.

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I liked the Alien vs Predator movie. I'm a huge Alien fan but took the AVP film for what it was; something different, completely cut off from any of the alien films.


It just featured them. I want another Alien film, as does Sigourney Weaver...they should do it before she gets too old.


It'd have to be done right, though. And, after seeing Alien: Resurrection, there is a definite possibility that you can fuck this franchise right up if you haven't got the right director, actors and writer.

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AVP was done by the same guy who did resident evil...eeewwww!


I thought AVP was quite shite to be honest, felt it was only for die hard fans of both series.


in the meantime...

Fantastic Four(original)


After seeing many people talking about the second one being better than the first I decided to give the first a look.

It's an alright film, nothing notable special.

It acting is meh, bordering on sheer annoyance à la human torch.


Contrasting most marvel movies it isn't about fighting any sort of super villian as such but learning to cope with their abilities which...is kinda boring when all you want them to do is kick the shit out of some bad guy.


in conclusion, I give it a 4/10 hopefully the second one is as good as people say.

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Just watched Ghost Rider for the first time. Awesome movie! Great effects, just a great movie. Only thing I didn't like was the skull head. I think the skull animations could of have been better however.




Hahaha ok im not one to shit on your opinion but i'm shitting on your opinion. Just about everything that could be wrong with a movie was wrong with that.



it's really a 5/10 movie. 9.5 suggests batman begins quality.

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I don't see the problem with Alien Resurrection, the directors cut anyway. It's my second favourite Alien film and has some fantastic sequences. It's by no means the best film out there, but there's something about it that I really like.


Maybe it's just because i'm a Jeunet fan.


Oh, and Winona Ryder. Her presence alone makes it superior to the sausage fest of Alien 3.

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I don't see the problem with Alien Resurrection, the directors cut anyway. It's my second favourite Alien film and has some fantastic sequences. It's by no means the best film out there, but there's something about it that I really like.


Maybe it's just because i'm a Jeunet fan.


Oh, and Winona Ryder. Her presence alone makes it superior to the sausage fest of Alien 3.


To me, Alien Resurrection was easily the weakest in the saga. It did have some great sequences (the underwater part really is pretty excellent), but then it also has some very, very poor ones to make up for it. Jeunet may be a good director, but forever will he be the man who unleashed the horror on the world that is the "NewBorn" Alien...what was he thinking? :heh:


Winona Ryder was pretty excellent in the film, and I even think she outclasses Weaver, who just didn't seem too comfortable in that film at all, imo. But, no way is it superior to Alien 3! Charles Dance, baby. :D

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Hot Fuzz - Just as good second time round, and some great extras on the DVD. 8/10


Casino Royale - Not the best or perfect film by far, but I can rewatch this over and over. (Think this was my 5th viewing on DVD) Roll on Bond 22! 9/10


Random theory : when Bond smashes that guy's car at the hotel, does he not seem to resemble Goldfinger? He has a goldish car, he is German and dresses simillar to him....



Looney Tunes Back In Action - Had some good laughs in it, but it's no Space Jam. Takes the piss of some stuff very well. The CGI isn't as good as Space Jam either, especially when the Looney's are with the real actors, which is weird, and where's Lola Bunny! 6/10

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Boogeyman 0/10


this film bored me to tears. The start was promising and then BAM back to the normal and boring horror movie cliche, avoid with all costs


I know what you did last summer 8/10


Actually scared me in places, I really got involved with the sarah michelle gellar character to the point where i was screaming the the TV when she ws being chased. The movies a bit cliche but still manages to do a few things a little differently


The exorcist 2/10


One of the worst and most horrendously boring movies i''ve ever seen. How someone can find this in the slightest bit scary I don't know. The first half hour was terrible, I actually wanted to shoot myself. Not the classic movie I expected at all.

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How can you not like the Exorcist? o_0. I thought it was brilliant. It wasn't scary like in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, or Resident Evil sense where shit jumps out at you. It was scary because there's a little girl possessed by a demon doing crazy shit. And you can't say that the demon face didn't haunt your nightmares.

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The fact you think I Know What You Did Last Summer is a better film then The Exorcist, makes me really worried lol.


Exorcist = Classic. It's pacing is what makes it so damn freaky, it actually makes you care about its characters - rather then opening with a sawn off head, like 99% of slasher flicks do. Trust me in about 3 years time, you will appreciate movies like The Exorcist alot more man. It is one of the most ideologically shocking movies ever made and a solid drama at the same time.


I dunno what it is about religion, but when I see it exploited in horror movies it really scares the shit out of me.


lol u might be right. I had just spent an after noon watching horror movies, and the start of the movie with which I suppose was meant to be build up was just plain boring. But I just didn't find it at all scary, I usually find a physical killer much scarier than anything else. It also could have been the fact every 2 minutes my mates sister was taking the piss out of the movie lol

Maybe i'll sit down at watch it myself someday.



For instance when the mum goes up to the attack to check for rats and instead of rats she finds a random spanish guy. I couldn't help but laugh at the fact she proberbly had not rats in her basement, but illegal immigrants. (sorry if my sense of humour is terrible!)

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Your 15, without trying to sound too condescending, I used to be the exact same as you mate. Only horror movies I rated were stuff like Scream and Halloween Ressurection. The sort of shit, where I knew gore would take place and I knew sexy broads would be there and I would jump at least twice.


Now they are just plain shit to me and stuff like Angel Heart, Audition, Exorcist, Rosemaries Baby, The Hitcher (ORIGINAL!) and Candyman are the only horror flicks I can really appreciate.


I do know what you mean. But the Hitcher (original) freaks me out so much. Its an awesome movie. Gave me horrendous nightmares.


But most "slasher" movies these days are laugh out load funny, unintentionally of course. But you can't say scream is shite! Even if you dont like it its better thsn most of the tat out there. Imo its a complete classic, the drew barrymore scene at the start is how scary movies should be.

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La Haine - Simply 1 of the best films ever made. 10/10


Jusqu'ici, tout va bien.


The exorcist 2/10


One of the worst and most horrendously boring movies i''ve ever seen. How someone can find this in the slightest bit scary I don't know. The first half hour was terrible, I actually wanted to shoot myself. Not the classic movie I expected at all.


My dear friend. You are such a kid, it's scary. :)

Watch Rear Window, by Hitchcock. If you can tell me why it's considered one of the best films ever made, I will love you forever.



Your 15, without trying to sound too condescending, I used to be the exact same as you mate. Only horror movies I rated were stuff like Scream and Halloween Ressurection. The sort of shit, where I knew gore would take place and I knew sexy broads would be there and I would jump at least twice.


Now they are just plain shit to me and stuff like Angel Heart, Audition, Exorcist, Rosemaries Baby, The Hitcher (ORIGINAL!) and Candyman are the only horror flicks I can really appreciate.



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Add "Funny Games" to that list. Most terrifying film I've ever seen. Incredibly disturbing.


Hanneke just finished the English version of it. I was against it when I first heard about it, and it is pretty much shot-for-shot, but it does seem more relevant now, what with all the torture films that have come out of Hollywood in recent years. Hopefully it'll make fans of that kind of "horror" think about what they're watching.

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