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Rate the last film you saw


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The Running Man


Schwarzenegger at his best (=worst?) again. All the over the top characters are really cool and it has its fair share of one liners too. I really like how they put something in about the media and manipulation of the people but the story leaves some plot holes open you wonder about.



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After hearing so much about it I finally got to see it.

First thing that annoyed me was the art style. Everything looks somewhat realistic but I couldn't stand how the people looked and moved.

I'm also still searching for the meaning of the film. I didn't quite understand what it wanted to say.

But I think it would be quite a bit better if I didn't watch the dubbed version, however, I did.



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After hearing so much about it I finally got to see it.

First thing that annoyed me was the art style. Everything looks somewhat realistic but I couldn't stand how the people looked and moved.

I'm also still searching for the meaning of the film. I didn't quite understand what it wanted to say.

But I think it would be quite a bit better if I didn't watch the dubbed version, however, I did.



You have to watch it a few times to understand it.
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Epic Movie


Avoid. All I can say is avoid. Quite possibly the worse movie ever. Not funny at all. (Even though I recognised all the references)




Resident Evil: Apocalypse


As game-tie-ins go, this one is great. The plot is quite different to the games (so it suits a movie). Action sequences are quite good, too. Overall, an entertaining film.



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Epic Movie


Avoid. All I can say is avoid. Quite possibly the worse movie ever. Not funny at all. (Even though I recognised all the references)



My advice would be to go and see the movie. I am a huge fan of the actor(s) and big fan of the movies it mocked also, and I loved it.


Worst bit IMO ;


When Wolverine sticks his middle claw up....not really funny, because he practically does the same thing in X-Men 2....which was funny. But that was a blatent joke mock that they must not of been aware actually happens...or were and didnt care.


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Hot Fuzz


Very very funny! Better than Shaun of the Dead. So many good quotes, and the huge action scene at the end was the best thing I have seen in the cinema for ages! Reminded me a lot of playing the village level in Resi 4 for sum wild reason. lol We even went to Tesco's afterwards, (no Somerfields open :sad: ) to perform some stunts! :grin:



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Lola Runs


After I heard so much good things about this film I got it for 2€ and it's really worth the money. Actually quite a bit more.

Lola has to make 100.000 Mark (the previous German currency) in 20 minutes. These 20 minutes are played three times only that little things change and what effects that can have.

I think it's a brilliant idea and executed very well and I often asked myself what if I did something different, what would be the outcome.



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Beyond Borders


Touching film starring Clive Owen and Angelina Jolie; the film that influenced her with her work for the UNHCR and child adoptions. Not hard to see why, the film really hits you hard with how poor conditions are in these lesser developed countries and of the danger there are out there with weapon smuggling and such. If there's anyone that can watch this without feeling their heart bleed, they have no soul.


Beneath all that though, there's a nice love story involved too. I wouldnt watch it again, purely because it kind of feels like a once off experience, but it is a rollercoaster one, so for that, i'll give it 7/10.

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Hot Fuzz

Doesn't actually start until 20 minutes from the end. Ironically, the films primary fault is the same one of it's lead character: it just can't switch off, trying to fit middle England satire into a hole that only bombastic, high action lampoonage can fill. Where's the vacumnuss lack of character development? Where's the mindless gunplay? The meaningless blood and violence? The rediculous, bawdy dialogue? Where's the sorry excuse of a plot that was written on the bus? They should watch some 24 or something.


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Sin CIty

2nd time I saw, still as awesome. Such style. Such grace. I weep.


Yeh same here, saw it on Sky Movies last night.....still as brilliant as ever!!!!


Also I saw Me, Myself and Irene last night. Very funny and very good movie. 8/10.

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My kind of film. Spans the life of a man; set in the outlaw world but leads to something deeper. A bit too slow paced in parts, but otherwise a fantastic movie.






Liar Liar


Classic Carey. Had me cracking up throughout the whole film.


"I'm kicking my own ass! Do you mind!"


Watch the outtakes aswell.



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