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Rate the last film you saw


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Except it isn't wrong. End of discussion.


Prove it. I've demonstrated my thesis. Demonstrate yours.


Why do people keep going to these things? How do they keep getting this crap made?


Seriously, this one I've got to see by myself. I mean, both nº1 and the bottom 100 on IMDB and a clean 0% at Rotten Tomatoes, seriously, I've got to! :heh:


Remember folks, you're not an individual until you agree unconditionally with whatever somebody else says.


Oh, fuck off! I have an opinion. I just admit when it's wrong... I don't feel bad about it or stop doing it because it's wrong, I just accept it for what it is. One thing is being a soulless drone, another one is having an opinion and being willing to admit when it's wrong. The fuck do I care if the Rolling Stones are (were) a great band? I fucking hate them to my guts. I can't stand them. They're still a great band, though. :( Fuckers.

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I think that this thread is all about opinions, to be honest. It's surely supposed to be a place where forumers can come to see recommended films to watch or avoid, based on hopefully some decent reasoning on teh user's part. I do actually tend to listen to certain posters more than others, but that's not to do with how they rate things, or how accurate they are to The True Value of the movie - it's in regards to how close their opinion is to mine.


I think this thread should be treated as thus -- but that shouldn't discount discussions about the movie.


Seriously O_W - I think we all get the point. Well, I certainly do. Perhaps we should just ban using a form of scoring, and instead ask people to review movies wall-of-text styleé. That way their post will be subjective, regardless of the movie.


Plus, like, teh topic title says "in your own opinion" sooo... ;)

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Why do people keep going to these things? How do they keep getting this crap made?


I know! I only went because my mates wanted to see how bad it was, I didn't wanna give them two so-called writers any more money so I said I ain't paying :shakehead . They paid for me so next time, I'm paying them to see something decent, rofl. :awesome:




It's been ages since I last saw this movie. I found the video tape so I decided to watch it and I still love it.


I really enjoyed it.


BTW, love the new topic title, hehe :heh:

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Finally saw


There Will Be Blood


Ugh. Most boring film Ive ever witnessed. Okay...I take it back, its not THE most boring, but Christ its up there.








*hasn't actually seen it yet, but is stil screaming, since he's sure he'll enjoy it when he does see it*

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All The Boys Love Mandy Lane


Hmm, I'm too sure what to say tbh. It was far better than I expected for sure, especially with such a low budget. I did like the way the film looked, it had a different style to it to most modern slasher flicks. The twist was rather good, I (probably stupidly) never saw it coming. Above average for the usual slasher flick for sure, but still nowadays that's not really saying much.



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If you want to be considered a smart lad then differentiate between situations. On the one hand you have people discriminating due to ignorance and on the other hand you have people rating media that everyone rates differently and can never be 'definitely correct'. Even if more people say they prefer something that doesn't mean jack.


When people are rating things 8/10 the quality of the film does not decide their rating completely. This is why you are completely wrong in saying their opinion is 'factually incorrect'. Every time you see someone's rating as something quite good for a film you deem to be 'factually inferior in quality', they aren't just judging the quality of the directing or film. They might not like the plot or the fact that something is of lesser quality (e.g. the budget-style film Billy Elliot) but still prefer it to something that is in your books 'factually superior in quality'.


So please be quiet. It's rather annoying.


1 : I said it was a bad example.


2 : You already know what I'm going to say, we can have this argument forever and we'll never agree.


3 : Ok, I'll be quiet. :heh:



Finally saw


There Will Be Blood


Ugh. Most boring film Ive ever witnessed. Okay...I take it back, its not THE most boring, but Christ its up there.






Jailbait. :shakehead


I think that this thread is all about opinions, to be honest. It's surely supposed to be a place where forumers can come to see recommended films to watch or avoid, based on hopefully some decent reasoning on teh user's part. I do actually tend to listen to certain posters more than others, but that's not to do with how they rate things, or how accurate they are to The True Value of the movie - it's in regards to how close their opinion is to mine.


I think this thread should be treated as thus -- but that shouldn't discount discussions about the movie.


Seriously O_W - I think we all get the point. Well, I certainly do. Perhaps we should just ban using a form of scoring, and instead ask people to review movies wall-of-text styleé. That way their post will be subjective, regardless of the movie.


Plus, like, teh topic title says "in your own opinion" sooo... ;)



I don't have a problem with most posts here... it's just, you have to understand, movies are my favourite thing in the world... and that when guys like d666 come up rating Death Race a 10/10, it's like watching someone rate Margaret Thatcher 10/10 in a beauty scale... It's a mockery of everything I believe in. :S Can you blame me for tellling him he's wrong? And they all use the "opinion" trump card, so no wonder it always ends the same way. I mean, this doesn't make you flinch on the inside?? :



Death Race


I loved this movie, it was just simply awesome in every way. The story, the action, the acting, everything, just loved it.







Ah, forget about it, I'll just stop coming into this thread or the music thread altogether. :(

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I don't have a problem with most posts here... it's just, you have to understand, movies are my favourite thing in the world... and that when guys like d666 come up rating Death Race a 10/10, it's like watching someone rate Margaret Thatcher 10/10 in a beauty scale... It's a mockery of everything I believe in. :S Can you blame me for tellling him he's wrong? And they all use the "opinion" trump card, so no wonder it always ends the same way. I mean, this doesn't make you flinch on the inside?? :


1. Movies are my favourite thing as well. I have a major passion for them believe it or not : peace:


2. OK, gotta make this a little clear, I'm not rating on whether the movie was good or crap, I'm rating on how much I enjoy them like some people do. It could be the crappest movie ever to you and I might like it. It's like saying people adored Disaster Movie and I'm saying you're wrong, it's crap! It's not wrong, I just disagree but I ain't gonna let that bother me. It just depends on whether I like them or not. But, to avoid complications, I'll rate on how much I enjoyed it AND whether the movie was good (storyline, actors, plot...)


3. Margaret Thatcher, ewww!


4. Uh, yeah, we sorta can blame you because no-one's wrong, you just disagree :heh:;)


5. Well we all don't have to if you stop saying we're wrong, hahaha ;)


6. Nope because if they like it, then they like it. If they think Daddy Day Care is a masterpiece, then let them, but I disagree. They ain't wrong, but they're not right either because there's no fact when it comes to an opinion.


So, lemme re-do Death Race




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All The Boys Love Mandy Lane


Hmm, I'm too sure what to say tbh. It was far better than I expected for sure, especially with such a low budget. I did like the way the film looked, it had a different style to it to most modern slasher flicks. The twist was rather good, I (probably stupidly) never saw it coming. Above average for the usual slasher flick for sure, but still nowadays that's not really saying much.



I never knew it was a slasher flick! Ag!


I don't have a problem with most posts here... it's just, you have to understand, movies are my favourite thing in the world... and that when guys like d666 come up rating Death Race a 10/10, it's like watching someone rate Margaret Thatcher 10/10 in a beauty scale... It's a mockery of everything I believe in. :S Can you blame me for tellling him he's wrong? And they all use the "opinion" trump card, so no wonder it always ends the same way. I mean, this doesn't make you flinch on the inside?? :


I don't blame you, but I think that with certain posts there's immediately the thought "ah, O_W's not gonna like this..."


I do credit you for not relenting in your mission to convert the world ;) it's just that it's very, very hard to be atuned to the Universal Score Scale. Give it a couple of years or a couple of re-watches and people will reflect on their own scores and alter them.


In fact, surely that's a point? People rate films based on their enjoyment the first time round. I wonder if they'd rate them similarly on a rewatch or three?

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A film about students so clever and so good at maths that they can effortlessly count cards in 21. So they do, under the supervision of their lecturer no less, in Vegas every weekend. It's a really good film because they manage to develop characters, intense situations and a story around the simple premise of counting cards, which, lets face it, would get boring pretty quickly. It's pretty clever how they explain the whole counting cards ordeal too, but it still doesn't make much sense to me! I suppose they couldnt exactly tell us all how to do it precisely, but oh well. Based on a true story as well i believe. Well worth checking out.




Forgetting Sarah Marshall


I really got into the characters in this. That girl Jackie from That 70's Show does a great job, and Russel Brand doesn't do too bad either. The songs in the film are hilarious too, especially his "Inside Of You" song, and the lead character's Dracula Puppet theme song. Those are probably the highlights, but there are a fair few funny moments throughout and its a generally a pretty feel-good movie that we can all relate to (break-ups and so on). It's great because its a romantic comedy written by guys, and focusing totally on the guys perspective of a break-up, and that's something i dont think i've seen before. Guys get hurt too etc, so that was really refreshing. Anyway, i'd recommend giving this a go if you're in the mood for such a film.



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Legally Blonde


Didn't like the start much, got better as it went on.


There was something about the film that I disliked....can't think of what it is though.


Anyway, enjoyable little chick flick, watching the second soon XD




The first is much better than the second if I remember correctly. Damn, now you've made me want to watch them both again, I've not seen them in aaaaggges.

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My favourite musical, and one of my favourite films, just superb.




You haven't seen many musicals, have you? :heh:


It's not bad, but it's not great either... it's... "good", I guess. I'll never get the travesti of it winning best movie at the oscars... I mean, look at the competition! The Pianist, The Hours, Two Towers... why the fuck did they pick chicago? Even Gangs of New York would've made more sense... But yeah, The Pianist not winning is one of those huge mysteries that will forever haunt the academy... Meh...

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It's amazingly sexy. It's just that a few points that Maddox brought up in his "review" were actually correct.


It deserves at least 7 Shabba's.


I love Maddox's review. One of the best reviews ever written... it's not exactly a very fair one, but a damned good one.

I like episode III. Although I recently watched the six star wars with my brothers, and I sincerely found III quite lacking, in comparison to the first 2 times I saw it... The same for episode VI... IV and VI are majestic, III and VI are good, II is okay, and I is just plain filler, with two great action scenes (the race and the final confrontation).

I - 4/10

II - 6/10

III - 7/10

IV - 8/10

V - 9.5/10

VI - 10/10


This is how I see it. :)

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You haven't seen many musicals, have you? :heh:


It's not bad, but it's not great either... it's... "good", I guess. I'll never get the travesti of it winning best movie at the oscars... I mean, look at the competition! The Pianist, The Hours, Two Towers... why the fuck did they pick chicago? Even Gangs of New York would've made more sense... But yeah, The Pianist not winning is one of those huge mysteries that will forever haunt the academy... Meh...


No I haven't, as many don't appeal to me.


But would love to try more...



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