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Rate the last film you saw


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Watching it now. Wish I wasn't but I am a good friend :blank:

So lucky I have the laptop here cos otherwise I would be falling asleep as this film has almost no plot.

And now Im hungry.


Nigga, you in for some serious head bashing if you ever insult that movie again! :mad:

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X-Men 3 The Last Stand.


Saw the first two ages ago, and never watched this for some reason until last night.


Gets a big "meh". Nothing really outstanding about any aspect of this film, although nothing was particularly bad



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Doomsday- Seeing as I liked The Descent and Dog Soldiers I thought I would like this, as I'm fond of the directors over-the-top tongue-in-cheek cheap horror gore. However the problem I found with this was that it seemed to have twice the budget but half the ideas of the other films and seemed to take itself a bit too seriously for what was a frankly ridiculous plotline. Seems to be another case of nice idea, but could have been done better. Also I felt the guy who got cannabalised should have been deep fried in batter, it is Glasgow after all.




Blood Diamond- Second time of seeing it and still has pretty large impact. It doesn't shy away from how the atrocities and greed of a few can destroy the lives of a majority. Leonardo Di Caprio's "Rrrhoodisian" accent could be a little patchy occassionally, but other than that it's a pretty top notch film.



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Shy is great, and so was Transformers. I loved his cheeky/nerdy persona.


no, he was an annoying dork who spent his time attempting to get girls. he was annoying in every way, not a single redeeming quality.



wasnt as annoying as the shitty robots mind.


i suppose its ironic that ive spent more time explaining why i want the time i spent watching that film back then i spent watching the film. still, i save the length of time of any future transformers films, so its not all bad.




back on topic, watched gladiator (with a gladius in hand) for about the 5th time. never gets old, great story, great acting, great action. the right level of gore without going ott. even the little kid was ok in it.



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In Bruges


Two Hitmans are sent to Bruges by the dude who ordered the hit, after one of them accidentally kills a child. The two Killers are a bit like father and son and both enjoy the city in their very own ways and during the first half the film is very very funny without letting the viewer forget that these are violent bad tempered criminals. Then the style cleverly and quietly changes to a more dramatic side with a few people getting hurt or killed in the process.

Good actors and good dialogue, a very good soundtrack as well and funny characters however everything feels a bit too dreamy at times.



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I'm going to rewatch all 4 of the original 90's films (Watched Batman Begins again recently), to psyche myself up for the new one.


Actually really great...I was never that fond of Nicholson as Joker when I was younger; I preferred the animated series version. But this time, I could really appreciate him. I love Kim Basinger too, she was strangely hot, for being a bit dorky looking.




Batman Returns will get the perfect 10. :)

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I'm going to rewatch all 4 of the original 90's films (Watched Batman Begins again recently), to psyche myself up for the new one.


Actually really great...I was never that fond of Nicholson as Joker when I was younger; I preferred the animated series version. But this time, I could really appreciate him. I love Kim Basinger too, she was strangely hot, for being a bit dorky looking.




Batman Returns will get the perfect 10. :)


Just for totally pointless trivia, this was the first film to be given a 12 certificate by the BBFC when it came out in '89. I only remember cos I was 11 when I went watching it and was crapping myself in case I didn't get in the cinema!!

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I saw the mist last night.

Im not into horror movies but man,this one was good. Well it was expected cause of the director (Frank Darabont). I've heard a lot of trash for this movie but you guys have to realise that this is NOT about the monsters. It tries to show you how people react in situations like this. When someone is in fear, he can change everything in case he will get out alive, he will believe anything that promises it will save him.The ending was wow and believe me, its not scary because of the monsters.


Well,see it for yourselves

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Blade Runner: The Final Cut (Blu-Ray)


"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain."


Stunning film.



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