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Rate the last film you saw


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If you scan through this thread you'll see that Oxigen regularly uses the argument that it is a fact that "X" film is good or bad, but that personal opinion can look past universal quality. So critically and technically Clerks 2 may be the worse film, but Oxigen still prefers the experience of it to the original Clerks.



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If you scan through this thread you'll see that Oxigen regularly uses the argument that it is a fact that "X" film is good or bad, but that personal opinion can look past universal quality. So critically and technically Clerks 2 may be the worse film, but Oxigen still prefers the experience of it to the original Clerks.




Touché. :smile:

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No idea what took me so long to watch this 'omnibus' of shorts set in and around the matrix universe.


Liked it a lot. Worst one was "The Detective" - I felt like it utterly failed to put across any theme or message, and the involvement of Trinity made me groan. 8/10

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I took Clerks 2 back. The 'Head' didn't have your film Oxigen, or any Mel Brooks films for that matter. And you can't get your money back, even if your DVD is still shrink-wrapped. So I look forward to that shop failing, just as Joop failed, then we can get a proper store. Even HMV is better in some accounts.


I didn't watch Clerks 2 because I didn't want to risk it. I'd take Clerks back if I hadn't removed the shrink wrap and watched it once. I like Kevin Smith, and I like Chasing Amy, and Dogma a bit, and JASBSB an even smaller bit, but Clerks didn't hold my attention. I've watched plenty of films with small budgets and first-time actors that hold my attention, and I like to think I have a pretty good attention span.


It's kinda like Marion and Geoff. Watch a scene or two if you have literally nothing else to do, just for the chat, but hard to get through the whole thing. I mean Death Proof is full of chat but there's a momentum. There's no momentum in Clerks, which I guess is something a film student could find useful in an essay when he's searching for some BS to fill it out (The lack of momentum allegorizes...), but not great for a movie.


In better news: I got Police Squad!!


EDGE scores


Death Proof, third watch: 6/10. I really really like the first set of characters, so the first hour, and then the final chase sequence. I also liked the scene outside the convenience store with the second set of girls. But the rest was fat. Has anyone seen the theatrical cut? Which bits are missing?

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I took Clerks 2 back. The 'Head' didn't have your film Oxigen, or any Mel Brooks films for that matter. And you can't get your money back, even if your DVD is still shrink-wrapped. So I look forward to that shop failing, just as Joop failed, then we can get a proper store. Even HMV is better in some accounts.


I didn't watch Clerks 2 because I didn't want to risk it. I'd take Clerks back if I hadn't removed the shrink wrap and watched it once. I like Kevin Smith, and I like Chasing Amy, and Dogma a bit, and JASBSB an even smaller bit, but Clerks didn't hold my attention. I've watched plenty of films with small budgets and first-time actors that hold my attention, and I like to think I have a pretty good attention span.


It's kinda like Marion and Geoff. Watch a scene or two if you have literally nothing else to do, just for the chat, but hard to get through the whole thing. I mean Death Proof is full of chat but there's a momentum. There's no momentum in Clerks, which I guess is something a film student could find useful in an essay when he's searching for some BS to fill it out (The lack of momentum allegorizes...), but not great for a movie.


In better news: I got Police Squad!!


EDGE scores


Death Proof, third watch: 6/10. I really really like the first set of characters, so the first hour, and then the final chase sequence. I also liked the scene outside the convenience store with the second set of girls. But the rest was fat. Has anyone seen the theatrical cut? Which bits are missing?


Seriously, watch Clerks 2. I absolutely promise you you'll like it. I swear!

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I'll be very honest with you... one of the great things about the movie is that nothing happens. He's the last man on earth... that's what made the first "half" so brilliant to me, it illustrates the loneliness of being the last human being alive perfectly. Then, when things actually start happening, it goes downhill... But for it's first half, I commend it.


May I make a suggestion to you?

Watch this movie:

The Death Of Mr. Lazarescu


I'd very much love to hear your thoughts and interpretation on it.


I agree that the film was supposed to be empty in feeling, but the way it was done was boring....They could have removed the whole section of nothingness and it wouldnt have impacted the story in any way.

It wasnt like it built a character or aided the storyline, it was more like a city scenery wankfest. I feel I could have fallen asleep for most of the film and would never needed to ask if I missed anything.


The movie recommendation you suggest...count it on my list to be watched...It sounds like it could be interesting.

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First this, it's a really good movie.

But an odd one. For those who read the manga/watched the anime, it's delightful to see the resemblance of the main character to Ginko, lots of seperate stories flowing together and the great portrayal of the mushi. On the other hand, Ginko's personality was a little off and they had to change the stories in order to give a main theme to the movie.

For those who knew nothing about Mushishi, some things might not be as interesting, but they're introduced to really cool new concepts and beautiful sceneries. Also, great acting and cinematography doesn't hurt.

It has a very odd pacing, I suppose that's kind of common in Japanese movies though.

Mushishi <3

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No idea what took me so long to watch this 'omnibus' of shorts set in and around the matrix universe.


Liked it a lot. Worst one was "The Detective" - I felt like it utterly failed to put across any theme or message, and the involvement of Trinity made me groan. 8/10


I love the Animatrix, and i've only seen Amtrix and half of Reloaded.


I have the soundtrack, and it is the shizz.


I just love every short on it. Detective is maybe the least wierd, but it's style is cool.

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Ok, i never post on n-eur, but i have to clarify this


Clerks is one of the best films of modern modern time and independent filmmaking


j&sb, dogma, chasing amy, clerks II and even mallrats are crap , but clerks will be and is one of the most significant films of our time


thank you

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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


Still absorbing it really. I get the impression the movie will mean more on repeated viewings. Some touching scenes in it and the score was excellent, I just thought it was a bit disjointed at times.



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Watch a film called Last Days by Guss Van Sant.


Perfection in capturing loneliness.


Last Day is a pile of shit. Gus Van Sant totally lost his ability to create good movies. A fantastic premise turned into a fucktard of a movie. Dear god, I felt like killing him after it was over. Even I could've done a better job, and I'm only in my first year of cinema... :shakehead


Ok, i never post on n-eur, but i have to clarify this


Clerks is one of the best films of modern modern time and independent filmmaking


j&sb, dogma, chasing amy, clerks II and even mallrats are crap , but clerks will be and is one of the most significant films of our time


thank you


I reccomend you shut up if you don't want to get humiliated.


that's a wicked film


see Being John Malkovitch too if you haven't already. Same writer and kind of similar.


Charlie Kaufman:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

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Best fantasy film I've seen since Return of the King. Nice script, good set-pieces, fine acting and great humour. The ghosts, the guard and Robert DeNiro's character are hillarious! The film also has an all-star cast, which will keep you spotting out for them, and the ending had that feel-good factor.


Claire Danes and Michelle Pfeiffer were pretty hot in this too :wink:



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Last Day is a pile of shit. Gus Van Sant totally lost his ability to create good movies. A fantastic premise turned into a fucktard of a movie. Dear god, I felt like killing him after it was over. Even I could've done a better job, and I'm only in my first year of cinema... :shakehead



Interesting you take that stance. It seems critics mostly favour the film and watchers mostly dislike it for being too dull and boring. I personally think its a very well made film as it captures the isolation of what a kurt kobain would of endured near perfectly and shows that the people around him were not helping. Not alot happens and large sections are just a man walking through a forest, but I think that was needed to properly convey the situation.


Dislike the film, but the death scene and soul passing is beautifully shot.

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Full Metal Jacket: 5/10...I agree with the "empty" and "numb" reviews I have come across. The best moments are between Joker and Pile. In fact the best of the film is on the Island...the rest has nothing to say. Spielberg might not have the aura of Kubrick but Saving Private Ryan is a better movie, is a better piece of film-making and has more to say.

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5/10 for Full Metal Jacket? Oh dear.


The first hour of boot camp scenes shits on the whole of Saving Private Ryan tbh. Saving Private Ryan has probably the best opening in cinema history and then goes downhill from that moment onwards. A very good film, but not a classic. Schindlers List will always remain Speilbergs best war based film.

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