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Rate the last film you saw


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I Am Legend

Pretty damn good! Haven't read the book so I can't say if its any good compared to that, but I thought it was great the way it wasn't a normal zombie like film. And I felt that Will Smith made that film. Apparently Arnold Schwarznegger (sp?), or however you spell was supposed to play it. Can you imagine that?!?!:shakehead


Made me jump quite a few times as well.


All I have to say is



"Please say hello"


That was pure class.


Easily a 9/10 for me =]

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I Am Legend

Pretty damn good! Haven't read the book so I can't say if its any good compared to that, but I thought it was great the way it wasn't a normal zombie like film. And I felt that Will Smith made that film. Apparently Arnold Schwarznegger (sp?), or however you spell was supposed to play it. Can you imagine that?!?!:shakehead


Made me jump quite a few times as well.


All I have to say is



"Please say hello"


That was pure class.


Easily a 9/10 for me =]


Just watched it yesterday, and agree with every word you said. :smile:

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Just watched it yesterday, and agree with every word you said. :smile:


I watched it last night as well and I must say I wasn't expecting much at all, there were a few parts of the film that were frustrating and the ending was weak, the the atmosphere and the pace of the film was perfect for me. I made a change seeing a film that didn't drag on (even though it was slow paced) and a load of content wasn't pushed into the 100 minutes it lasted.


I Am Legend - 8.5 / 10

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Finally got to watch this film, and seriously I do not know how he got away with any of it. Didn't find it much more than titter-enducing, but the ending with Pamela Anderson was insane :P The frat boys on teh campervan thing probably did suffer a bit from editing, but ultimately the film is about laughing at Borat, not the americans (although many times you just think "what the HELL are they saying?!"


Still, my face was inched a bit too close towards a grimace through too much of the film 6.7/10

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The House On Haunted Hill (1999)


I watched this when I was younger and it scared the hell out of me, but I'd completely forgotten it so I thought I might watch it again. I expected it to be terrible but I was pleasantly suprised. It made me jump in quite a few places...actually thats a lie, it made me jump in alot of places. Ali Larter and Geoffrey Rush were great too. It went a bit down hill as it got to the ending, I just wish there was more of the crazy doctor, his one scene on camera, where he was sort of robotically moving whilst holding a meat cleaver was pretty eerie. Definitely one of the better horror remakes out there, not wonderful, but alright.



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I have to say this. Read the book I Am Legend because its a different, and much better, story. Good film, but it not only completely misses the message in the book, it says almost the opposite.


I think that was on purpose, they knew they couldn't relay the message and story of the book, so they just invested in ambience and feeling.

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I Am Legend




Let down ending.


The leader zombie didn't make sense.


They could of made it into a longer film and showed more interesting things.


But instead they shortened it so it fitted the cinema goer.


Effects were sub-par. Especially the close ups of the infected.


Still good though.

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Such a great movie; over-rated, but great. The first hour is good, second hour great and the third hour is brilliant. I'm really glad Clare Danes declined the part of Rose, it wouldn't of worked with anyone else but Kate Winslet. She's brilliant in the movie and does so great acting. The effects are brilliant, the tiantic looks nothing but awesome all the way through. It's just so annoying that the ending isn't completely happy for those two, and ends up being a bit bitter-sweet.


Also, if the ending doesn't make you almost cry (i.e make your eyes fill up) then you're dead inside. :p



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I Am Legend


Will Smith wakes up after 28 days to discover that he's of of the last men on earth after everyone else has been turned into slavering flesh eating mutants by the "rage" virus. No, hang on...


Anyway, great first half but suddenly all goes downhill and dumb when the girl turns up. A damn shame really.



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I Am Legend


Will Smith wakes up after 28 days to discover that he's of of the last men on earth after everyone else has been turned into slavering flesh eating mutants by the "rage" virus. No, hang on...


Anyway, great first half but suddenly all goes downhill and dumb when the girl turns up. A damn shame really.




Thanks for spoiling it :indeed:

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History Boys (*a couple of little spoilers*)


Brilliant, I really enjoyed it. The social issues covered in the play were covered well and usually in a light hearted, funny way. Some of the characters were great fun to watch, especially Scripps (all the swearing), Mrs Lintott (Had some really funny lines) and Dakin (He was hot). Dakins was great thoughout, he had a couple of pretty funny scenes, especially the whole asking his teacher(Irwin) for a blowjob scene.


I thought it was going to end at one point, and then instead it turned all sour which I thought was strange at first. But, the ending was actually really nice. People should really watch the film, it's great.


I just wish I was starting GCSE/A-levels in a few years instead of now, seeing as the play's being added to the english syllabus, I might have actually enjoyed english.


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I am Legend


Awesome first half.


I was pissing my pants the first time he went inside to go after his dog. I like thrill like that, when you haven't actually seen what he's up against.


As soon as he met the woman, the film became bad.


At the end I felt I wanted more. It's a good movie, but not exceptional.



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Thanks for spoiling it :indeed:


Nah, if I REALLY wanted to spoil it:


His dog gets infected, and he has to put her down. Really sad stuff.




See? That's a proper spoiler, best scene in the whole movie. Oh man, if you haven't seen the film yet, don't click spoiler. Not kidding. Seriously, no. In fact, you may as well just leave after that, stop the rest of the movie from spoiling your memory of it.


Why are people saying the second half is with the girl? It's like, 20/30 minutes.


Really? It sure as hell felt a lot longer.

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I gotta agree with you lot about the last quarter of I am Legend, when the woman and her son is introduced. Was a bit boring, but on the whole I really enjoyed the film.


Anyway, today I saw Shaun of the Dead for the first time. Was really good. 8/10.

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