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Rate the last film you saw


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The Truman Show


Good Jim Carrey movie, funny, serious , sad and entertaining all in one. Jim plays Truman who has lived in a soap for all his life and is unaware of it. Everyone around him are actors except him, which makes it so much funnier. 9.5/10

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The Truman Show


Good Jim Carrey movie, funny, serious , sad and entertaining all in one. Jim plays Truman who has lived in a soap for all his life and is unaware of it. Everyone around him are actors except him, which makes it so much funnier. 9.5/10


Ahh, but the great thing about it aren't the funny parts. This is a Peter Weir movie we're talking about, after all.

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Ahh, but the great thing about it aren't the funny parts. This is a Peter Weir movie we're talking about, after all.


Agreed, i didn't find it particually funny, but moving none the less, the fact that they were all actors made me feel bad for Truman, and the ending i loved, despite the fact that i feel it was cut abit short.


Oh, yeh, film


The Notebook. I guessed the plot within the first 2 scenes but they don't confirm it till like 15 minutes before the end, still a sad ending



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I really dont get the hype for Blade Runner. It was a good film but not great, although I can appreciate that it was pretty groundbreaking for its time its not something ill be rushing to rewatch.


Yeah, I was like that the first time I wtched Blade Runner. I suppose it was because I found the purposely slow pacing polarising. However, after watching it again, I realised how well it deals with rather strong themes, like humanity, scientific ethics etc.


Not to mention, it has one of the most epic opening shots in film ever.


Mcoy watched


L.A. Confidential


Mcoy think it's a classic movie and gives it 9/10


Love this film. Hell, it's one of my absolute favourites. I could probably write pages on it. Good call.






This is my second time seeng this, and I enjoyed it a lot more this time around, probably because I wasn't distracted several times from it. It's a Scorsese gangster epic simlar to Goodfellas, but, whilst I don't think it was as great as Goodfellas, you could tell that Scorsese put his heart and soul into filming Casino, and it pays off in the end because nearly every scene feels so vivid when recalling watching this. It was a little over long, but it was still an excellent crime-drama. Not for the faint hearted, though.



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Golden Compass

The first half was heart breaking, they told the most important stuff in 10 seconds in the opening scene changed and butchered a lot of stuff and rushed to keep the movie shorted. After Iorek it got kinda cool. Visually it's amazing and the casting's terrific. Nicole Kidman is exactly like I imagined mrs wtvr on the movie. Also, wtf at the ending? 15 more minutes and it would be the same as the book, not to mention that the scenes are in the trailer!

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Golden Compass

The first half was heart breaking, they told the most important stuff in 10 seconds in the opening scene changed and butchered a lot of stuff and rushed to keep the movie shorted. After Iorek it got kinda cool. Visually it's amazing and the casting's terrific. Nicole Kidman is exactly like I imagined mrs wtvr on the movie. Also, wtf at the ending? 15 more minutes and it would be the same as the book, not to mention that the scenes are in the trailer!


They had to end the movie on a happy note... It's christmas.

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I'm seeing a movie on Saturday but I'm not sure which. Out of Hitman, Golden Compass and St. Trinians, which should I see? (i.e which would I, and a few mates get the most enjoyment out of?)


Is that the selection? Oh dear... well i'd go and see the golden compass to see how much they ruined it for myself. :)


Don't know much about Hitman but it's a videogame movie so....


I also don't know much about St. Trinians but with a bunch of friends it could be a laugh particularly if it's extremely bad! :D

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Wait until Sweeney Todd comes out and go see that. Or stay in and watch the Film 4 lineup. Trust me, you'll be much happier.


So the answer would be none? Right, we'll go see St Trinians then. Btw, I disagree with your review of Pans, it deserves to be a point higher!


Edit: Agreed Coolness. St Trinians it is.

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Btw, I disagree with your review of Pans, it deserves to be a point higher!


I can assure you that's a very strong eight, just above Pulp Fiction and the LOTR movies. The Godfather and Dr. Strangelove are niners. Ten would be Le Circe de Rouge, or something equally amazing. And I mean really, really amazing.

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I can assure you that's a very strong eight, just above Pulp Fiction and the LOTR movies. The Godfather and Dr. Strangelove are niners. Ten would be Le Circe de Rouge, or something equally amazing. And I mean really, really amazing.


I've only ever given two tens in this thread, but anyway, when you put it like that (though I've never seen "Le Circe de Rouge") you're probably right. As you say, definitely a strong eight.

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Southland Tales

New film from director of the hugely overrated "Donnie Darko". Now don't get me wrong, I didn't watch this hoping to hate it, I watched with an open mind prepared to hear him out, maybe it was the classic, intelligent sci-fi actioner that Richard Kelly had promised with all of those lame soundbites.


What it is in reality though is a mess. I'm not sure Richard Kelly even knew what he wanted to say in this film. He fills it with so many needless characters and plots, and a ridiculous backstory. If the film had been boiled down the basics and not a load of self-indulgent, so-called "political" wank then it might have been an okay sci-fi film. But despite what he would want you to believe, straight forward sci-fi is a genre that Richard Kelly seems to look down upon.


So in conclusion, more of a mess than I expected. The aesthetic of the film is horrendous, the choice of music ridiculous and the majority of the dialogue is horribly written. Richard Kelly needs to stop trying to be Philip K Dick and David Lynch and instead improve his own style. That is, if he has any talent.



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Southland Tales

New film from director of the hugely overrated "Donnie Darko". Now don't get me wrong, I didn't watch this hoping to hate it, I watched with an open mind prepared to hear him out, maybe it was the classic, intelligent sci-fi actioner that Richard Kelly had promised with all of those lame soundbites.


What it is in reality though is a mess. I'm not sure Richard Kelly even knew what he wanted to say in this film. He fills it with so many needless characters and plots, and a ridiculous backstory. If the film had been boiled down the basics and not a load of self-indulgent, so-called "political" wank then it might have been an okay sci-fi film. But despite what he would want you to believe, straight forward sci-fi is a genre that Richard Kelly seems to look down upon.


So in conclusion, more of a mess than I expected. The aesthetic of the film is horrendous, the choice of music ridiculous and the majority of the dialogue is horribly written. Richard Kelly needs to stop trying to be Philip K Dick and David Lynch and instead improve his own style. That is, if he has any talent.




That pretty much settles it. The final nail in the coffin. You know... I was eager to watch it... like, a year or so ago... Now I just don't want anything to do with it.

It reeks of masturbation.

Oh wel... *sigh*

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Am I the only one who disliked Pan's Labyrinth?


And you're right Gaggle. Was looking at the next few days lineup on FilmFour, and it's exceptionally good considering it's a free channel (on freeview anyway).


All in the next few days... City of God, 21 Grams, Road to Perdition and Y Tu Mama Tambien. Heck there's even some watchable guilty pleasures too; Hide and Seek, 24 Hour Party People, and Coach Carter.

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