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Rate the last film you saw


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I"this film is great because it's so realistic" The .



as a lover of everything that is unrealistic and cheesy i would have killed him:)



Black Christmas


Second tim of seeing it now,and it's still alright. A good laugh basically. A few jumpy moments an the end was brilliant (well the death was anyway). A few funny moments too.





honestly the worse film i have ever seen in the cinema.. gets a 1/10 from me and I'm nice enough sometimes.

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Stephen Kings It


One of the wierdest, freakiest and down right mental movies I've ever seen. Mr Pennywise was brilliant, though the effects made me laugh in places. Quite a chilling movie. Though after readind about the book I wish it would have followed the novel more closely.




Saw bits when I was very young and it scared the beejesus girl out of me. Up until I was approximately 14 I couldnt even look at the video box as it would scare me too much. Shat myself hard. Then one day I plucked up the courage and just looked at it and such.

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Recently been on a bit of a Superman binge, having watched the first 5 series of smallville, then the 5 films.


I thought Superman Returns was actually, in terms of how decent the other films were, quite entertaining and the characters were less slapstick and pantomine-ish. Shorty has already pointed out to me the main reasons why super-fans don't like the film, reasons that sort of hollywoodise the hero a bit, and will clearly lead away from 'proper' superman... But as we observed in the previous 4 superman films, there are several things that were made up simply for the film which were a lot less developing than the kid from this film.


I felt Brendan Routh was trying to play Cristopher Reeve rather than superman, and lois lane was just any old actress to me... But in terms of enjoying the film... 7.5/10 :)

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Recently been on a bit of a Superman binge, having watched the first 5 series of smallville, then the 5 films.


I thought Superman Returns was actually, in terms of how decent the other films were, quite entertaining and the characters were less slapstick and pantomine-ish. Shorty has already pointed out to me the main reasons why super-fans don't like the film, reasons that sort of hollywoodise the hero a bit, and will clearly lead away from 'proper' superman... But as we observed in the previous 4 superman films, there are several things that were made up simply for the film which were a lot less developing than the kid from this film.


I felt Brendan Routh was trying to play Cristopher Reeve rather than superman, and lois lane was just any old actress to me... But in terms of enjoying the film... 7.5/10 :)





(Seriously though, thats a fucking shit film)

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heh :P Well I based my review on having watched all 5 of the superman films in about as many days. I've always understood that everyone thinks it's shite - perhaps that why I enjoyed it more? Because i went into it with a lower expectation...


Why is it a fucking shit film?

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I tend to like parts of Superman Returns. The action sequences are brilliant and I definately prefer Brandon Rouths style of Clark Kent than Reeves (I hates Reeves version of CK). The story though was pretty awful, they really need to get some real world peril or something challenginf in the sequel

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(Seriously though, thats a fucking shit film)


And you rate Transformers?


Biggest crazy I've ever seen!


Superman was ok-good. It actually inspired awe in me at a few points while in the cinema. (When he chases the plane down to earth)


Transformers was the opposite. I didn't care for the source material, and I generally hate robots that are unbeatable and have no reason to be on earth at all. At least the Terminators are beatable, and are actually evil, unfeeling humans that are actually scary.



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A rollicking good history lesson in treachery, love and murderous sectarianism backed up with a varied cast studded with Oscar & Bafta winners, relative unknowns, and then-unknown-now-famouses, including Daniel Craig, playing a smooth but deadly super-spy/assassin. Of all things.



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Wasn't a big fan of Superman Returns either; but then again, I'm not a Superman fan to begin with.


Anyway, watched Ratatouille again tonight and even though I was so tired I had trouble keeping my eyes open, I still loved it almost as much as when I saw it on the big screen (though it was even cooler then). Pixar = :heart:

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The utterly wank ZOMG THE KID IS SUPERMANS SON basicaly ruined Superman returns. Not only was the kid deserving of a slap, he was a shit actor and it was a horrible story arc anyway. Other then that I kind of enjoyed it, I wouldnt pay money to watch it. But it was on Sky the other day and I didnt turn it off. 6/10 basicaly

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Prince of Darkness


Good ol' John Carpenter. I didn't watch this properly, but I must say - the transmitted dream thing was certainly creepy. Not a scary film at all, but a nice by-road away from zombies and teen-slashers of the era. I can't say that the film did anything for the generations of movies afterwards though. As always with Carpenter, reliable gory bits, decent enough acting and a script that isn't too cliché. Slower than a lot of action films - first 10 mins have, what, two bits of dialogue, and the actual scene of the action doesn't really appear for half an hour - but once it gets going it's fairly continuous until the end of the film, and it has a nice little thinker of an ending.


Will take a proper 2nd watch (one day!) to grow a proper opinion, but for now I'd say 6.5/10.


5 is average, of course.

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Boondock Saints


Definately either:

A film to watch by yourself




A film to watch with people you know like it.




A film to watch with people seeing it for the first time.



So as such, having seen it last night for the 3rd or 4th time but for the first time with people that hadn't sene it, it was nowhere near as good. 7.898/10


But by yourself, gotta be a sound 9.898/10

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Superman is a super hero. Thus a Superman film should be a super hero movie.


The story was hurrendous. Supes cowers at the slightest proximity to a 5 inche slab of Kryptonite, yet he can lift an entire meteor of it? Dont give me "Willpower" bull crap....its as simple as black and white....Kryptonite fucks him up...you cant push yourself past that.


I HATE how it was such a homage to the last films. Supermans kid....WTF? Then the kid KILLED someone. Sheesh. The most exciting part of the film was the plane crash.


Yes, the plane crash. In a super hero film, the most exciting part was a plane. Thats saying something.


Brandon Routh did an excellent job. In fact, he did the best job he could of done, but its like baking a cake with dust and semen. (No matter how perfectly you follow the method, the ingredients are all wrong...I mean...WWWRRRROOOOONNNNGGGGG! ;))


Its also BORING and self righteous.


Oh....might as well rate it Lol.


Superman Returns - Parts of the film 9/10


The film overall 4.8/10 (And thats extremely generous)


And you rate Transformers?


We disagree about Transformers...I know...you mention it all the time. Youll find more people agree with me about the film than you.

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The story was hurrendous. Supes cowers at the slightest proximity to a 5 inche slab of Kryptonite, yet he can lift an entire meteor of it? Dont give me "Willpower" bull crap....its as simple as black and white....Kryptonite fucks him up...you cant push yourself past that.


Now this isnt me defending the movie so much as I do agree its a pretty crap story but the whole point with that lifting the landmass was that he'd just been supercharged by the sun and he burrows underneith it so the Kryptonite doesnt start to affect him until hes further up.

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Ratatouille - Watched it last night and thought it was bloody awesome! Definitely one of my favourite animated films!


BTW, Superman Returns is so good! But in saying that, I'm not a huge fan of Superman as a whole but I thought the film was pretty good! :smile:


Still need to watch transformers! :shakehead

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As good as the First one!.....and thats saying something as SAW1 is one of my fav films. Some confusing bits in it which i hope will be cleared up in SAW5 but presides that loved every second.

Keeps you guessing as to who the new jigsaw is....and then at the end it all starts coming together and your sat there thinking....WHAT THE...FUK!?


Some great "games" very creative


Order of greatness in the saw films


SAW 1 > SAW 4 > SAW 2 > SAW 3



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Superman is a super hero. Thus a Superman film should be a super hero movie.


Ah - so superman kissing lois lane and making her forget everything isn't RIDICULOUS? Nor is Zod lifting people up with telekenisis? Or BEAMS SHOOTING FROM YOUR HANDS? Or, hell, just flying around the world backwards...That's just the stuff from the first two films :P

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