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Rate the last film you saw


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I know it's not a film but I needed to rate the trailer.


Was at the IMAX for the first ever public showing of the trailer. Just symphonically stunning. The style is perfect for 3D and having been disappointed with the overload of Avatar's visuals the bolded neon lights of Legacy and the subdued darkness were crystal clear.


The music has somehow made me even more eager to here the rest of Daft Punk's score.


There was the younger Jeff Bridges, who looked amazingly cool, and Olivia Wilder who looked amazingly slick.


All in all...


...it somehow lived up to my astronomical expectations.



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For some reason I was drawn to watching this today, one of my favourite films, but I hadn't thought about watching it in a while. Took it from my DVD shelves and put it on my desk for later, so when I came back home tonight, I could watch it.

While at the toilet at the bar my friends band were playing at, the name VASQUEZ was written really neatly on the wall. Coincidence I thought. (name of a character in this film)

Then I "remember" seeing "Reiner" written on something, I think it was a CD cover, though it's like the memory has no context. I remember seeing it, but not where or when, just that it was earlier tonight. And one of the first names in the credits as Aliens begins is Reiner. I'm already bleeding.

Then the film.


It just...sums up everything great I love. The final act - bury me. Sweaty/klaxons/industrial hallways/steam/danger = yes. And I think after multiple viewings the underrated best part of this film is the

absolute "Bitch, please" moment, during the "silence and understanding" as Ripley attempts to leave the Queen's nest. The threat of the flamethrower puts the Queen off sending her drones to attack, so when the eggs begin to hatch, Ripley gives the Queen a look of "Oh bitch. No you didn't" and wastes.



And obviously the ending is too great.


"Come on! COME ON!" - something I say in day-to-day life.






Alien: Resurrection


Obviously worse, but we have fun watching. Jokes are told, and it has some lovely visual elements, like that completely pointless transluscent bag thing Ripley is in for 2 seconds of the film. It adds though.

Edited by Paj!
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The Crazies


I've seen this movie 10 times before, under different titles.


Predictable and cliche. Had no depth whatsoever.


No bits made me feel "Oh that's quite cool.", which I usually find in horror movies.


Nothing wrong with it, but nothing right about it either. A waste of 2 hours.



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Schindler's List


Never seen it in full (and the bits I'd seen were about 4 years ago so this was effectively a fresh view).


It was good. Obviously sad/moving/horrific, and though we all know "how awful the holocaust was", this still managed to bring it home again. An interesting and inspiring story with good performances, it managed to avoid cloying sentimentality, which I was scared it would drift into.

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The Crazies


I didn't expect much considering it's a modern horror film, but it far exceeded my expectations. Whether that was because I expected something bad I don't know, but still. The story was gripping, the acting was above par for a genric horror movie and I absolutely adored the camera work. The camera was literally always in the right place at the right time to add to the tension. I loved it. I hate when films (read transformers) just sort of...throw the camera around in an attempt to make the film seem more fast paced. This was perfect. Genuinely added huge amounts to the film.


Completely understand why it's been getting relatively great reviews from critics. Just praying they don't ruin the ending with a sequel.



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Superman III


Starring Christopher Reeve as the Man of Steel. Probably the better of the two Richard Lester movies (i prefer Donner's cut of Superman II). Ok, numero III isn't brilliant but it is perfectly watchable. Just don't get me started on Superman IV: The Quest for Peace, of which i may be reluctant to watch again.


I'll give this a 7/10

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Put it simply - Meh.


If it wasn't for my main man Rickman I would've turned it off halfway through then not come back, unlike what I actually did.


I got that recently, still need to watch. It seems like the kind of film I'd rather enjoy despite it being not that great. I mean it has Sam Rockwell and Martin Freeman and Zooey Desh so ya know.




Rewatched Gigantic which I utterly adore for no particular reason. I love how it's not obviously emotional, no obviously anything, and all so nothing-y. Kind of like Lost in Translation only even more so.

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I think a good part of the reason it was nominated for editing is because the editors had to go trough about 200 hours of footage to cut together this film.


I have not seen it yet so I can't comment on the quality of said editing.

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Superman III


Starring Christopher Reeve as the Man of Steel. Probably the better of the two Richard Lester movies (i prefer Donner's cut of Superman II). Ok, numero III isn't brilliant but it is perfectly watchable. Just don't get me started on Superman IV: The Quest for Peace, of which i may be reluctant to watch again.


I'll give this a 7/10

7/10 for a Superman film that barely has Superman in, and has no Lois or Lex. It has streetlights fighting each other. It just ruins the first few films for the sake of cheap comedy, even Pryor doesn't help save it in that department.


The only semi-bearable thing about it is Annette O'Toole as Lana Lang.


Surely you meant -7/10

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The Hurt Locker


Awesome. It grates me a bit that the film has won awards/nominated awards for editting. Certainly the editors show competence at it, but....yeah. Dunno. Didn't detract from the experience though. Amazing movie.



Loved this film, think it deserves all the praise and awards it's receiving. So glad Odeon brought it back for a week, was stunning on the big screen.

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7/10 for a Superman film that barely has Superman in, and has no Lois or Lex. It has streetlights fighting each other. It just ruins the first few films for the sake of cheap comedy, even Pryor doesn't help save it in that department.


The only semi-bearable thing about it is Annette O'Toole as Lana Lang.


Lois was in the movie, ok for about a few minutes at the beginning and end only. This was meant to be the final movie in the series. The fight scene between "Bad" Superman and "Good" Clark Kent was a good scene.


It is a good movie overall, not as great as Superman and Superman II though. But 10x better than Superman IV


Surely you meant -7/10


For Superman IV: The Quest for Peace, this would be the score i'd give it.

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An incredible film about the day of a man (Firth) who has just lost his lover and is planning to commit suicide. The best acting I have seen from Firth, the visual style of the film is probably its best feature. Just watch the trailer then go see it I don't want to give to much away but I will be following Tom Ford's future films very closley.

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Speed 2: Cruise Control was on tv tonight, and since I was home alone I decided to just kinda watch it. It's actually such a bad film it makes me laugh; the acting is really atrocious in places. Though I think maybe it's meant to be that way (like in one scene about four or five people saying "Oh shit" in a row haha). Yeahhhh, definitely not a masterpiece at all. Just brainless film watching. =P

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Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas


I honestly don't think this film can be given a score, as such. I watched it, I loved it, I was confused by it, I didn't fully understand it. I was also tired and had had a spliff not too long before it and the bed was comfortable, which probably didn't help. But after my colleague recommended I get in to Hunter S. Thompson, and having read a few of his pieces of writing now myself, I think I may have to. I'm picking up the book tomorrow, I'll be interested to see how Thompson writes about the experiences depicted in the film.

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Loved this film, think it deserves all the praise and awards it's receiving. So glad Odeon brought it back for a week, was stunning on the big screen.


I watched a blu-ray rip the other night and it left me breathless. When I could speak I said 'Dan, you massive cockpiece. Why didn't you see that at the cinema?'

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Alice In Wonderland


I believe this is the first time I've quoted IGN, but the lad just hit the nail on the head, so:


"Alice in Wonderland isn't a horrible movie, (...) no, this Wonderland is just listless, bland and derivative – a mere technical undertaking from a disinterested filmmaker. Tim Burton recycles much of the same watered down, consumer-friendly Goth guff that he's peddled for over a decade now, giving us a joyless Wonderland bereft of anything fantastical or whimsical enough to suggest why Lewis Carroll's stories have enchanted people for the past 145 years."



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I'm seeing Alice this afternoon with a group of friends...if no one arranged to go I wouldn't have bothered, though I like the property.


I'm just bored of how grey and semi-cgi murky his recent Johnny Depp vehicles (sorry, films) are.


Both Sweeny Todd and Charlie... were like "...". Instantly put them back on the metaphorical shelf.


Batman Returns is my fave Burton live action film, I really like Edward Scissorhands too. I heard Ed Wood is good but haven't seen it.

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