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The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor


First of all: the new Evelyn is probably one of the most annoying (and badly acted) characters I've ever seen in a film, and the person who played Alex is worse than Hayden Christensen.


Rick and Jonathan are great as always, but it's missing THE Mummy. Sure, change is always good but surely they could have done something similar to the second one, where Imhotep is still involved. Who cares if it makes no sense - the series has never been about making sense.


Some CGI was awful, and the action scenes were decent but not great. A few funny bits (but nothing hilarious) but pretty much nothing compared to the first two.



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Bought it on dvd finally, so watched it again. It's an amazing film, and parts near the end never fail to make me a bit teary eyed. I'm still annoyed it won Best Picture over Brokeback, but they were both fantastic films so I suppose I can't complain. Some terrific acting, and a great story. Needs to be seen.




The New Mummy


Annoying, sometimes boring and the two new characters (Well one new, one replacement) are so terrible, it's laughable. A few good moments, but mostly terrible. It's ruined the series.



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Spiderman 3 6/10

Zodiac 8/10

The Dark Knight 10/10

Old School 8/10

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But I didn't say I even wanted the narrows...


Well what part of Gotham other than the narrows had a "personality" in Begins?


Arguably Wayne Manor, but it's not like that was an integral part.

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The Mummy


As always it was nice to see the film, the characters are brilliant and the story is good too! There's nothing really for me to critise to be honest as I love the film


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Hard Candy.


Really good. Good acting. Good story. Semi-predicatable. Only after a certain point. Before said point it was totally unpredicatable. Good.


Really good.


Good good.



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alvin and the chipmonks


i watched it, i giggled, i loved it.


the fact that im 21 and watched afilm about singing chipmonks makes me fear that im still suffering the effects of certain dutch imports last night.

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I thought it felt like Gotham at night.


The scene with the Joker trying to get to Dent en route with the Rocket Launcher etc...

When he forced the convoy 'underground', thought that was awesome and it felt like Gotham when Batman was driving the Batpod.


I think it was partly because we saw next to nothing of Gotham during the day in Batman Begins, it was near enough ALL at night, with perhaps the only exception being Bruce travelling on the monorail with his mum and dad.


I guess, Gotham is just like many other cities during the day, it's at night when it true characters are revealed.


Did miss Wayne Manor in this film though, be nice to have it back in the third.

One of my favourite scenes in Begins is the first time Bruce plays the piano keys and decends into the Bat Cave!

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Batman Begins 9.5/10


The Dark Knight 8.5/10 [atm]


The Departed 6.5/10


Black Hawk Down 9/10

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I agree with these points! (Although I still thought it was amazing)


Its good to see someone agrees with my Gotham City opinion instead of people disagreeing saying "Gothams not all narrows" :indeed:


Glad someone agrees with me! :heh:


There is a reason Gotham was like that IMO. It was Dent's Gotham, on the mend from the corruption inflicted during Begins.


It was a strange change though, I'll give you that.


That's an interesting idea. I think this was more reflected in the visual aspect of the city as in it looked pretty damn spotless. I just feel we got less of a feel of Gotham as a whole.


Well what part of Gotham other than the narrows had a "personality" in Begins?


Arguably Wayne Manor, but it's not like that was an integral part.


We had the luxury in Begins of having Gotham integral to the plot. When Bruce is with his parents when he is young at the beginning they are on this almost fantastical monorail. Then we get to see the streets more and eventually the slums. We also saw Wayne manor and the Wayne head building along with that whole train scene which allowed us to see a lot of the city. It just gave the impression of depth and, other layers, in regards to Gotham.


I still think it was a good film, I just think the direction was a bit off.


Edit: And I just realised Retro_Link said quite a lot of that! :heh:

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The Mummy - Tomb of the Dragon King


I went to see this with Paj and we just laughed and laughed.


"Stop mucking about, you two!" - Line of the century.



Probably the most I've laughed since I watched Planet Terror.


5/10, just because it was so entertaining to watch.

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that's just a waste of sarcasm.


chill out dude :)


it IS the big film at the moment sure :)


mamma mia


i understand I'm feeding the steotype by going to this but it was highly enjoyable in the end.


I give it a 72%

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Sin City


Excellent movie and I'm really glad I got to see it in the cinema made it even more special. I've not really seen a movie like that before. Great. :grin:


6 Bears out of 7. :D

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There Will Be Blood


Why the hell was this so praised?! Someone tell me please, because i was bored as hell throughout the whole thing. Nothing much happened, the story was dull and it was damn long. Yes, the acting was amazing in parts, but that doesn't make a great film alone. I was so glad i only rented it after it finished. What a waste of 3 hours or whatever it was.



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There Will Be Blood


Why the hell was this so praised?! Someone tell me please, because i was bored as hell throughout the whole thing. Nothing much happened, the story was dull and it was damn long. Yes, the acting was amazing in parts, but that doesn't make a great film alone. I was so glad i only rented it after it finished. What a waste of 3 hours or whatever it was.





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Now now let the man express his views no need to shoot him down. The film certainly tested my patience in places.

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