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I've never been a massive fan of the Disney-Pixar films..I like Incredibles, and the Toy Stories are good too.


I'm more of a fan of the classic animated films. (Not because of the animation, bear in mind)

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My favourite is most definately Toy Story! :grin:


Wall-e comes so close but just falls short. I find it hard to order the pixar movies as it changesa ll the time. I haven't seen Cars yet but I love all the others particularly Finding Nemo, Ratatouille and Incredibles.:)

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Mean Creek


Always been meaning to watch this, so I saw it and decided to buy it. I loved it, the story held together throughout and watching the kids try and deal with what they had done was fascinating.



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Just saw wall-e...

Absoutely awesome :D I loved the first 40 minutes or so; one of the rare occasions when a movie truly looks like art in motion. Just incredible.


Evvvvvaaaaa! 9/10.

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Herbie: Fully Loaded


I love Herbie, always have, always will. Plus ever since Mean Girls I quite like Linsey Lohan.


10/10 Yeah, I know 10 is a lot but I'm in a giving mood. :heh:

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Think there are a few fans of Shrek 2 on here.


Yup. I'm one of them. But 10/10 is stretching it. It's a solid 7, if you ask me.


I think Finding Nemo is incredibly overated. It's no where near the same level as Toy Story 1/2.


While it's not as good as Toy Story 1/2, it's certainly not overrated. It's a pretty damn great flick.


I completely disagree with you, it's definitely one of Pixar's best, up there with Toy Story.


Nã. The only ones who can compete with Toy Story 1/2 are Ratatouille (and it's not quite "there") and possibly Wall-E, which I haven't seen yet (damn this country to hell with the fucking dubs... take fucking forever...)


The Incredibles is my favourite. It's amazing.


Dan, I fucking hope that was just a bad joke. :blank:

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Herbie: Fully Loaded


I love Herbie, always have, always will. Plus ever since Mean Girls I quite like Linsey Lohan.


10/10 Yeah, I know 10 is a lot but I'm in a giving mood. :heh:


I didn't like the fact they made the car have expression. Never needed it before.

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Hopping back to Pixar (I was at work afterall). My order;


Toy Story (first, still remember seeing it as a child and being amazed)

Wall-E (maybe. could do with seeing it again but the opening was amazing)

Toy Story 2

The Incredibles

Monsters Inc


Finding Nemo



I've excluded Bugs Life because I haven't watched it in ages. Thats next on my list. And to be fair, Monsters Inc, Ratatouille and Finding Nemo are all tied. They're all as great as each other.


Coming up next, Pixar shorts :p

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far as I'm aware. It has Woody Allen and Sly Stallone and Sharon Stone (I Think) as the leads :D

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far as I'm aware. It has Woody Allen and Sly Stallone and Sharon Stone (I Think) as the leads :D


steak sauce. :awesome:


I have seriously watched to much How I met your mother the past few days!

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I didn't like the fact they made the car have expression. Never needed it before.


Yeah, I agree. There was one bit where it went all 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit' but for the most part it was good fun.

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I hated Antz.


Anyway, my dad bunged on Matrix Reloaded last night.


Jesus...it wasn't good to start with but it's aged horribly. The "we know what you're going to do" and "it's about understanding" lines are very annoying, and the effects are terrible. A lot of the moves are done in a way where they may as well just have left the string there. And the CGI now look rubbish (the Neo Vs Smiths fight part with the pole and the trucks exploding).


This film is more of a comedy now - laughing at the stupid lines, the string work, the stupid uses of slow motion in places, that none of the actors seem capable of showing emotion, the bad GCI-only sections and various other things.


It shows the bad thing about CGI in films. It may look fine when it's first out, but it never stands the test of time (that only applies to CGI in live-action films - full CGI films age a lot better due to artistic style).



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This film is more of a comedy now



It was always a comedy, the whole series was made into a bad joke by the sequels. Keanu Reeves should never have any more than two lines in a film, and even then, he should be interrupted by a better actor (ie anyone) after attempting the first syllable.


The most recent film I saw was Bender's Big Score.


If anyone was ever in any confusion over why Futurama was cancelled in the first place, well, there's your justification right there.



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Antz is pantz, so much so that i had to resort to calling it so!


I'm not a fan of Dreamworks, apart from Shrek (bar The Third... that was awful). They just seem to make a similar film to Pixar that isn't as good... Antz, Shark Tale... i'm sure there are others.


Bugs Life is pretty cool, but not in the same league as Toy Story, Wall-E, Finding Nemo and Ratatouille. I need to watch Incredibles again, you all seem to love it but i dont remember it being that good =/

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My friend saw Mamma Mia, her story is hilarious.


Yeah so...Mama Mia. OMG ive never seen anything like it! First of all the cinema was FULL, when the film has been out for 3 weeks! Then as soon as a song came on a whole line of middle aged crazy women in the front row would start dancing in their seats. Honestly i couldnt beleive it. Then loads of people started singing along to the abba songs and clapping along (including my mother) I nearly died with a mix of laughter/embarrassment. Then at the end there was a spontaneous round of applause, and as we were walking out the cinema staff were there laughing saying 'Its the odeon musical again'. And i havent even talked about the film! Which by the way was pure cheese, god when they randomly burst into song i cringed so much! And im not THAT sinical, ive even seen the musical at the theatre and had an enjoyable time...but that was the theatre, its different. GOD!


Nice glasses joke, kudos.

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My mum has been to see Mamma Mia twice now and both times people were singing along with it

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My mum has been to see Mamma Mia twice now and both times people were singing along with it


I emailed her back (my friend at work, not your mum, lol) saying "Look at me, my reaction cannot be described in words"


And just was awe-struck. If I was there I would of had to have left, and would of been in a bad mood and angry at the human race. I genuinely would have been pissed off.

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