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Rate the last film you saw


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The concept was brilliant. I loved it, reminded me of Portal and the Nightcrawler in one. The story was fast and you had to keep watching. I think for me it ranks number one with the least dialogue in a film, that I've seen.






The concept was indeed brilliant, the film just didn't do enough to bring it to the foreground, what with the dull romantic subplot which actually took up far too much of it's minuscule running time (88 minutes). I had restored faith in Hayden Christensen after watching Shattered Glass but here he just looks a bit lost and his tone again, flat.


The film also needed to raise intensity levels up slightly (elevating it to a 15 certificate) because I felt it was too kid friendly and well, typically Hollywood (again the romance and well, the ending.)


I would have also liked some back-story on the Paladins' and the Jumpers' eternal struggle, the film just felt too 'lite'.


Thankfully Jamie Bell's charismatic performance coupled with some great action sequences and of course, fantastic set pieces raise this film above mediocrity.


6/10 or medium_3.gif

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Guest Stefkov


The concept was indeed brilliant, the film just didn't do enough to bring it to the foreground, what with the dull romantic subplot which actually took up far too much of it's minuscule running time (88 minutes). I had restored faith in Hayden Christensen after watching Shattered Glass but here he just looks a bit lost and his tone again, flat.


The film also needed to raise intensity levels up slightly (elevating it to a 15 certificate) because I felt it was too kid friendly and well, typically Hollywood (again the romance and well, the ending.)


I would have also liked some back-story on the Paladins' and the Jumpers' eternal struggle, the film just felt too 'lite'.


Thankfully Jamie Bell's charismatic performance coupled with some great action sequences and of course, fantastic set pieces raise this film above mediocrity.


6/10 or medium_3.gif

Agree with everything you said there. There were the odd adult bits, them two getting it on. Only just stripping naked though.

Bilson saying Bastard I think once and some other swear words thrown in.

You were just given some basics and told to work it all out. Griffin, whoever plays him..he had a wierd accent. English but what..? Anyway he explains the Paladins and the Jumpers really quickly. Too quick. I wish they'd gone into it more, Griffin saying witch hunts, etc were all the Paladins made me open my eyes. I love stuff like that, National Treasure for example.

Special effects were really something though. Hope they release a sequal but go into more detail.

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Definitely, Maybe


Normal old romantic comedy with Ryan Reynolds. I love that guy. I didn't love this film, but seeing as it was the girlfriend's birthday I'm not going to say no to letting her pick a film =]


Was ok. Islay Fisher (Not quite sure how its spelt) still looked hot. Was boring but I didn't fall asleep so it can't be really bad.



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I'm seeing it later man, it's been on in the West End since last week but the prices there are extortionate and I thought it'd be worth the wait anyway. The critics are saying its P.T Anderson by more grown up, so I'm sure i'll love the shit out of it.


I absolutely loved it. Seriously... Plainview is my new hero.

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Last Night was a put of a moive marathon i watched 3 and a half movies in a Row! But at 4 in the morning i decided it's best to get some sleep so never finished the movie. :)


Transformers: This was a fun Film to watch and i enjoyed it! 4 Bears out of 7


Bourne Identity: This is a good actionFilm with an interesting Plot 4 and a half Bears Bears out of 7


Bourne Supremacy: This built upon the greatness of the first movie 5 Bears out of 7


Bourne Ultimatim: I can't really score this as i didn't finish it but i think it would be the bestone :D

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So... am I the only one who's seen There Will Be Blood around here?


I desperately want to, but I'm going to have to wait for it to come on that art house cinema three towns over. Mainstream distribution cinema apparently finds the idea of showing films that can't be immediately advertised to a broad yet very specific demograph of white 16-20somethings to be an impossible pipe dream. If the Godfather was never released until today, it'd be lucky to get nationwide distribution.

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As others said it went into somewhat breif detail. I thought Griffin (Is that Billy Elliot) was an amazing character. Rachel Bilsons hot. Sam the man is the man. As said a sequel would be good with more depth. The only annoying bit is *spoilers* The whole mum thing. If she really loved him etc she just wouldnt hunt him period. But meh.



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Aye. I go by myself all the time. Sometimes prefer it if its quiet, no distractions etc.


Yeah :) That's a good idea, so far i've missed out on There will be blood and Cloverfield. I watched Juno online :D but those others i need to see in the Cinema!


i'm usually the biggest distraction when i go the cinema with my inappropriate laughter and constant confusion through out the film i'm watching! :heh:

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I quite often see films at the cinema on my own also. Nothing to be ashamed about. It can be quite enjoyable, the only drawback is that you don't have anyone to discuss the film with afterwards, until you talk wih a friend or get online. What I do is go to showings that are on in the morning or dinner time, when it's quiet, thus there is less chance of someone recognizing 'lonely' me :heh:


Anywhoo, last watched :




Better than expected. Nice story and revelations, but don't understand the fuss over Keira Knightley's acting. Was nothing special, but everyone was on top form. Ending was very sad :(




Knocked Up


Enjoyable, but it was 30 minutes too long. 'Crown' scene was pretty sick...



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Run of the mill horror movie. Girl locked in car park where she works, is attacked by the attendant who's gone all pyschotic. Some boring moments, and some truly terrible acting at times. But there are some stand out moments that stop it being average. The scene with her being chased by a dog/killing it, and the killer screaming the 'c' word at her before getting blown up. Also, (It's been mentioned in reviews) the woman has some rather large "assests" that are on show throughout the movie.



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There Will Be Blood

"I. Drink! Your. Milkshake." Fucking fantastic. A surprising amount of people walked out of hte screening and I was sitting in the worst possible place, so I definately need to see it again where there's no distractions, but it was everything I expected.



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