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I don't know if I reviewed this here, but you're totally right. Incredible documentary with some absolutely ludicrous moments, Billy's spies phoning in reports being one such moment.


Recommendation seconded.


Indeed, I guess that part of the documentary really highlighted where the other players priorities lay. It was incredibly brave of Steve to go to that arcade, sit down and just start playing and playing DK. I was amazed, moved and actually inspired by his determination to go on the record and reach the kill screen. The whole film was supercharged with emotion, devotion to it's source material and 100% infallible belief that the record could be broken by Steve. A wonderful piece of film that probably says more about people, American culture and being a role model/father-figure than many films have ever acheived.

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Utterly awesome. The pacing is well done, the effects are done really well and the style of the movie just...works. It's also he type of scary that I actually find terrifying.



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Utterly awesome. The pacing is well done, the effects are done really well and the style of the movie just...works. It's also he type of scary that I actually find terrifying.




Man I want see that.


Star Wars: A new Hope 9.5/10

and the next evening Star Wars : The Empire Strikes back 10/10

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I Am Legend




An cop out of an ending and bad CGI does not an movie maketh :)


I Robot, Will's 2004 vehicle, was a whole lot better imho.

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I Am Legend


Muchos better than i thought it would be, having gone to see it only cause my shitty local cinema (luton) wasn't showing No Country for old men.

Anyways it was good, though the mutant things looked pretty lame. Like a cross between zombies and those rubbish monsters from the descent.

shoulda just stuck to zombies.


7.5 / 10


Jackie Brown


Not quite as good as Pulp fiction, but pretty damn awesome all the same. Clever plot, good characters, and all in the slick Tarantino style. Only resevoir dogs left to watch now... (in terms of Tarantino films)


9 / 10


May do a double of Cloverfield and NCfOM next weekend, they both seem to be getting the thumbs up from people

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The Sixth Sense.


Seeing this film for the first time in a couple of years, and yes it's a fantastic film. The part with lil Miss. Barton puking up everywhere still scares the living daylight out of me :(


Wicked film. 9/10.

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The Sixth Sense


Awesome movie. The bit where he goes to the toilet and you see the woman walk past the camera still freaks me out big time. Also, Mischa Bartons throwing up chracter is pretty scary too.


I love thr twist too, the first time I saw it, I had no idea what the twist was which probably helped with me liking it more. Some really great acting too.



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Remember The Titans


Been a while since I last saw this and id forgotten how much I like it. Ive always liked sports success movies but this one is very good with the added racism angle.

Plus its the first time id realised that its a young Hayden Panettiere in it aswell.



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"And your mother too"? Sounds like some kind of comeback... :heh:


yeh its one of the lines in the film if I remember, the one character says that he fucked the others girlfriend and then he says Y tu mamá también, I think. Great film though.


Just watched Ronin, was on ch. Five, haven't seen it for ages. Pretty good film, while not a classic it does have some pretty cool car chases. 7/10

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Takeshi Kitano's Brother

This guy's the man. While, in structure it's a normal Mafia game, in the little things it's very different. Pretty darn good. Gotta love Kitano.

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Remember The Titans


Been a while since I last saw this and id forgotten how much I like it. Ive always liked sports success movies but this one is very good with the added racism angle.

Plus its the first time id realised that its a young Hayden Panettiere in it aswell.




To be honest I thought it was a movie about racism with the added sport success angle.


Amazing movie though.

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yeh its one of the lines in the film if I remember, the one character says that he fucked the others girlfriend and then he says Y tu mamá también, I think. Great film though.


Just watched Ronin, was on ch. Five, haven't seen it for ages. Pretty good film, while not a classic it does have some pretty cool car chases. 7/10


It's just alot of porn and cancer :)


I loved the ending tho! I had no idea what it was when i first saw it, i thought it was pretty good displaying life in mexico that way.

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Rocky II


Got bored waiting for Vista Premium to install so watched this to pass the time. Excellent sequel which in some ways is better than the original but not by much in my opinion. Good plot to the whole movie which carried on exactly from where the last movie left off. 9.5/10

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Well its a true story so basically its both angles :P


Man I need to buy this film, it's Damn good.


They're not showing No Country For Old Men at my local cinema! What gives?? :(


Me too! The Odeon in Lincoln wasn't showing it. :(


Had to watch AVP2 instead.

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Laputa: Castle In The Sky


One of the lesser Ghiblis, but as a slice of magic and fantasy it's still damn hard to beat.




Me too! The Odeon in Lincoln wasn't showing it. :(


Me three, it's sucks all kinds of testicles.

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It's just not quite up there along with the likes of Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke or Grave Of The Fireflies.

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Red Dragon


I've never seen it before, didn't realise until I watched it that it was anything to do with hannibal, thought it was brilliant =]



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Saving Private Ryan


I had completely forgot that the P.O.W the gang release towards the middle of the film...


...end's up in the final battle, and kills Tom Hanks!


I was like 'OMG'.

Great film, which has many scene's that bring goosebumps upon your arms.




Raiders of the Lost Ark


Timeless classic.



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Brokeback Mountain


We actually watched this in Ethics (we had a big 3 lessons day for it) today to discuss issues about homosexuality and then as a little tribute to Heath.


I've said everything about how much I love it in a previous review back in the thread abit, so, watch it!








Seen it before, but I still enjoy it. Some good moments, and Will Smith is great as always.



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I kinda felt like re-watching the 3 godfather movies. Again.


The Godfather

Sublime & subliminal. I really can't say much about it, as there really is no "bad" parts, it's all equally great. Magnificent.



The Godfather: Part II

My favourite of the 3. Same as above, unrelentingly good.



The Godfather: Part III

The black sheep of the triogy, and it's understandable why, the premise is pretty much great, but the atmosphere is a little too comfortable to be part of a Godfather movie. Other than that, Andy Garcia is great as Vincent. It's good, but nowhere near as good as the first two. A flawed classic, but still, a good movie.




Also, seen that I'll be watching Juno soon, I decided to rewatch:


Thank You For Smoking

Still great. Gotta love the smart dialogue, overall humour and the truly felt message it delivers. I love it.


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super troopers.


utterly stupid, pointless and odd. best watched with a few cans to fully appreciate. its not big and its not clever, but has some cracking lines, had my mates saying "enhance" all week.

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NCFOM starts Feb. 8th here so I'll see it then.


Juno: the kid's a prick. I don't find that shit cute. Michael Cera is the real star, as usual. Far funnier than the loud-mouth. And Jonah Jameson is great.

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