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Deja Vu

There's absolutely no reason why this movie should work. The script is terrible, the direction cheap and unimaginative, the plot ridiculous and the supporting cast are seemingly carved out of cheap soap. Yet somehow, some way, Denziel Washington picks this appalling dreck out of it's own shit, and searches deep inside himself to put in a performance of such subtly and charisma, he carries all on his broad shoulders with tremendous style. Without him, this movie would have crashed and burned before the opening credits had even stopped rolling. Such is the power of Denziel Washington. Pay your respects.


Denziel Washington/10

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Deja Vu

There's absolutely no reason why this movie should work. The script is terrible, the direction cheap and unimaginative, the plot ridiculous and the supporting cast are seemingly carved out of cheap soap. Yet somehow, some way, Denziel Washington picks this appalling dreck out of it's own shit, and searches deep inside himself to put in a performance of such subtly and charisma, he carries all on his broad shoulders with tremendous style. Without him, this movie would have crashed and burned before the opening credits had even stopped rolling. Such is the power of Denziel Washington. Pay your respects.


Denziel Washington/10


lol. He is indeed brilliant. Notable mention: Training Day. He is fucking awesome in that movie. He's pretty good in American Gangster too.


DW FTW!: peace:

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Deja Vu

There's absolutely no reason why this movie should work. The script is terrible, the direction cheap and unimaginative, the plot ridiculous and the supporting cast are seemingly carved out of cheap soap. Yet somehow, some way, Denziel Washington picks this appalling dreck out of it's own shit, and searches deep inside himself to put in a performance of such subtly and charisma, he carries all on his broad shoulders with tremendous style. Without him, this movie would have crashed and burned before the opening credits had even stopped rolling. Such is the power of Denziel Washington. Pay your respects.


Denziel Washington/10


I absolutely loved this film, was watching it with friends and as it is with all films, it turned in to a comedy most of the time, but I think the whole thing was directed and executed perfectly.


Mr Washington is a winner, once again.


I agree with this rating wholeheartedly.


Denziel Washington/10

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For Your Consideration


Nice 'Extras'-like film, with many comedians and Ricky Gervais.




Forrest Gump


Classic film, and it always makes me cry. Hadn't watched it for a while, and on this viewing I hated Jenny with a passion. She's just a bitch! Why does Forrest love her so much? She use's him all the time! My only criticism about this film, is that the background music (which is wonderful) is over-used.






Finally, a decent film I've seen which stars Al Pacino! Fantastic shoot-out towards the end, but the film was 30minutes too long though.




Wallace and Gromit : Curse of the Were-Rabbit


Love it to bits! So funny and great animation.



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The Myth


Surprisingly good movie starring Jackie Chan and Kim Hee Seon. What i expected was a weak, yet slightly entertaining 2 hour time wasting session and what i got was a strong, entertaining movie well worth 2 hours viewing. It has great stunts, acting and is complete with typical Jackie Chan humour. As this was the Chinese/Mandarin/Cantonese version of the movie, it is more bloody and gory than the American rated version. I will give this 9.5/10.

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The Dude-sons.

Amazing Quality film. Four Finland guys who live on a ranch explaining there life and themselves with wicked stunts like human dart boards and my personal favorite "Getting even with Mr Hitler".


Good 9/10 for laughs

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Knocked Up


Fantastically delivered memorable lines fill this wonderful film, the performances overshadow the bland aesthetics. With a warming and serious side that compliments the humour perfectly, one of the best comedies of recent times.



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Knocked Up


Fantastically delivered memorable lines fill this wonderful film, the performances overshadow the bland aesthetics. With a warming and serious side that compliments the humour perfectly, one of the best comedies of recent times.




Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!! [/ben_High_On_Mushrooms_Watching_Cirque_De_Solei]

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Snakes On A Plane



Watched this expecting not to like it, only watched it because it was the only thing I hadn't watched on my Sky+



I loved it! The deaths were hilarious but at the same time bloody disgusting, I mean the sex scene was fucking brilliant :D




Oh and erm...."Enough is enough! I have had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane!"

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Snakes On A Plane



Watched this expecting not to like it, only watched it because it was the only thing I hadn't watched on my Sky+



I loved it! The deaths were hilarious but at the same time bloody disgusting, I mean the sex scene was fucking brilliant :D




Oh and erm...."Enough is enough! I have had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane!"

I give it 5/10


the 5 being for Samuel l being in it.

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Alien Abduction: The McPherson Tape - 7/10


I do love this movie, even though the effects are awful and the acting is a bit iffy its still really tense in places and I love just how little you see of the aliens through the handheld.

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Bend it like Beckham


I have now seen this film like 5 times. Its a good film but I've seen it too many times. It just finished showing on BBC3 and I ended up watching it with my bro and sis. Good movie.



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Along with The Grinch it's the only Ron Howard film I can enjoy. Really underrated sci-fi comedy really, some bits are a little hit and miss but the sections featuring the senior citizens are fantastic. Terrified me when I was younger, can't see why though, it's sentimental to the core and hilarious in parts.



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Along with The Grinch it's the only Ron Howard film I can enjoy. Really underrated sci-fi comedy really, some bits are a little hit and miss but the sections featuring the senior citizens are fantastic. Terrified me when I was younger, can't see why though, it's sentimental to the core and hilarious in parts.




Ah-ah! :D I love that movie.

And the sequel also. =D Wich is rather crappy... :yay:

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Ah-ah! :D I love that movie.

And the sequel also. =D Wich is rather crappy... :yay:


I get Cocoon and the Lawnmower man mixed up =( i think i saw the lawnmower man...


Still was an alright film, 6/10

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Forrest Gump


Actually a 10/10 movie for me. Really sad. I had like the bit where you arent crying you are inside. And then my sister hit me in the face with a dictionary so a stray tear fell.






A joke film. I love Michelle Phiffiereiri and the newcomer lead guy did well. Sienna Miller felt unnecesarry. She didn't fit into it well.

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The Lost Boys


Fantastic cheesy 80's flick with some good laughs. The frog brothers rule!




POTC : At World's End


Enjoyed it much more on DVD than I did at the cinema. Weak first half but great second half. Doesn't come close to the first Piartes film though.



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I Am Legend



Was a bit slow in places, but when it was at it's high points, it was so exciting and jumpy :D


Didn't like the ending to much, but that didn't spoil it for me.



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Black Snake Moan

Freaking awesome. Beautiful, touching, interesting, all the shebang.

Samuel L Jackson is King, Christina Ricci IS FUCKING HOT!

and.. wtf... Justin Timberlake?

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She's the man


"Oh god" I thought. I knew this was going to be terrible, and yet I had te urge to borrow it off a mate so I did. I watched it with a friend after doing some revising and I hate to say this, but I laughed out loud quite a few times. *Shudders*


The braces girl was bluddy hilarious, when she was chosen to be the guys lab partner and she said "I'm going to be the best lab partner you've ever had" in a pyschotic way whilst vibrating I couldn't breath I was laughing so much. Also, the massive catfight (a violent on at that) was awesome. The story was interesting, and the acting was...as expected.


Much, much better than I ever thought it would be, I really enjoyed it. One of the funniest movies I've seen in ages.



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Shallow Hal


Quite a good movie.


I cried at the bit where you see for the first time that the little girl has really bad burn scars.


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I Am Legend.


Really good film, in my opinion. Some slightly awkward CGi, but no-where near as bad as what people let on to be. Also, Will Smith played the role really well, and actually made me feel really sad for him :(


Now, for the controversal part of the review that might brew up some debate and possibly an argument of some kind. The ending. Personally, I liked it, why? Because these days, we live in a overly Politically correct society where film-makers are too scared to have religious overtones in their films because they're scared that people will protest against it, accusing it of being racist, while this film did add a rather large Christian overtone near the end, and tbh, we need to see more things like this in films these days, so hopefully we might be able to see an end to all this utter madness about religion in cinema.


On the whole, it was a very, very good movie, and it had some genuinely great chemistry between Robert Neville and his dog, Sam.



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Reservoir Dogs


I'm finding pretty hard to review mainly 'cause of all the praise I had heard of it. I didn't find it awful or bad by any means but amazing? or even good? It's hard to say.



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The Shawshank Redemption


Some people say this film is scmultzy, though between the suicides, multiple gang rapes and people being beaten to death, I somehow never got that impression.



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