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It's obviously nowhere near as good as the first, but it's pretty enjoyable nonetheless, and ties it up nicely too. Though, with a fourth being announced...I'm a little worried. First Cox and such were going to appear in it, and now it's rumoured it'll just be cameo's. If they kill them off at the start, it would make the entire first three pointless.


I hate when main characters from previous films are just disregarded pointlessly.


Cyclops and his role (or lack thereof) in X3 offends me.


However, the biggest example of this has always been the bridge between Aliens and Alien3, and the reaction to

Newt and Hicks being offed, off-screen.

I never minded it actually. I think had they go on to be some alien-busting super-family, it would have irked me.

Lies Jimbob, Scream is fantastic. The mix of humour, irony and self-aware characters with some genuinly classic death scenes thrown in just make it amazingly fun to watch. The same goes for the sequel. It's not all "Omg, like let's totally go and check out that noise in the dark room, it'll be totally fun. I know, lets be sexually suggestive while we do it too!", like horror movies have developed into nowadays. It's no wonder critics loved it.


Plus, Gale Weathers has to be the best character ever. Love her to bits.


Sarah Michelle Gellars death in the second is one of my favourite horror movie scenes ever. Though, that's probably just my Buffy fetish kicking in. Though, nothing beats Drew Barrymores scene in the first, it's amazing.


Even i have to admit the first opening scene is good, but in the 2nd and 3rd ones they are predictable.


Its the irony of these movies, they are a good starter for horror but once you've seen films like Halloween which are i have to say "scarier" in my opinion then Scream and the 2 follower movies lose the scariness that they once had.


Why would you compare the Scream series to Hallowe'en? They've got nothing to do with each other as films, save references to Hallowe'en in Scream. One's a suspenseful, scary classic horro film, one is a series of entertaining, knowing films that have a few jumpy bits but also a lot of funny bits.


Just watched Scream 3 for the first time.


I wasn't as good as the first 2, and while the ending was a bit like "..." it did actually tie it up quite nicely (not that the series couldn't have ended after the second one easily).


Courtney Cox's hair was so fucking distracting. What was going on there? She's so sexy in the first one/second one too, and then comes on here looking like some...vegan...lesbian...freak. Sack the stylist (9 years late but yeah).


I liked Parker Posey's character, as she had development. One of the beter scenes was

her death. However copied it was from the second one (emember the recording studio bit?).


But yeah...supernatural bits felt slightly tacked on blah blah. Dissapointing opening scene too. No where near the first two opening scenes.




The movie Halloween doesn't have any apostrophes in it.


I don't think Jimbob's comparing the films, he's just saying that, as a slasher-suspense movie, Halloween does a better job. Sure, he's missing the point of Scream in this respect, but he still has some sort of vague point. He sees Scream as a 'starter for horror', and it is an interesting point; if the Scream films are all about the humour of the genre, then what differentiates them from the Scary Movie series? Scream does indeed refer to other movies, but it does so in a way that tries to catagorise itself as a separate entity to them, yet a part of the genre.


While Scary Movie is mostly enjoyed when having seen the other movies, Scream doesn't demand such a thing, and as such I think it can be seen as a stepping stone, as Jimbob describes it. it is most definitely post-modern in execution; it doesn't want to admit to which level we should place it, so a proper evauation is hard because you don't know precisely to where you should compare/place it.


I would, too, define it as a very excellent stepping-stone into the horror/terror/slasher genre. Comparably, though, we would have to take into account the serious tension elements of the films it wants us to watch (friday 13th, halloween, nightmare on elm street, etc), and in that regard it most certainly does not match up... But I think this comparison, as with both posts by paj and jimbob, are non-sensical anyway, so, heh, whatever.



Whats "The Number 23" like?


Decent I thought... others reckon it's crap though so I guess it lies somewhere inbetween *shrugs* I'd still say it's worth a watch though. :blank:

Posted (edited)


Its the irony of these movies, they are a good starter for horror but once you've seen films like Halloween which are i have to say "scarier" in my opinion then Scream and the 2 follower movies lose the scariness that they once had.


One of the reasons why scream works so well, is that the identity of the killer is kept secret right up until the end, they keep you guessing throughout. It kind of transends the genre, by referencing itself and then paying homage to other horror movies before it's time. With it's both interesting and complicated plot, humour and self-aware characters...I kind of find it hard to call it a true horror movie. I just love that it's totally aware of the fact it's a movie, and parody's that, with the scenes like Randy watching Curtis being stalked, while the killer is behind him doing exactly that. Also, bits like:


Killer: Do you like scary movies?

Sydney: What's the point, they're all the same, some stupid killer stalking some big-breasted girl who can't act who is always running up the stairs when she should be running out the front door, it's insulting.

*runs up the stairs*


Then, the constant switching between comedy and horror moments, that manage to not feel at all forced, such as the final scene in the movie. I suppose it's not really a true "horror" movie (Though, when watching it in the right setting, it has it's scary/tension filled moments), which is why I find it hard to see it compared with stuff like Halloween and Friday The 13th.

Edited by Slaggis

Land of the Dead


Really not very entertaining. Was just looking at the reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, god knows how it got so many positive ones. The gore is not realistic, the flesh being ripped apart looks like noodles.



Land of the Dead


Really not very entertaining. Was just looking at the reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, god knows how it got so many positive ones. The gore is not realistic, the flesh being ripped apart looks like noodles.




Did you notice the Cameo parts that Simon Pegg and Nick Frost had?

Posted (edited)
Land of the Dead


Really not very entertaining. Was just looking at the reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, god knows how it got so many positive ones. The gore is not realistic, the flesh being ripped apart looks like noodles.




Could it not be a tribute to old zombie movies? Haven't seen it myself so I can't really comment further.


The Uninvited

Nothing special. Pretty generic horror movie with a "done before" twist at the end.


Girls ill mother dies in fire.

Girl gets sent to nut house due to poor coping skills.

Has nightmares about the fire, but can't remember exactly what happened that night.

Dad finds love with ill mothers carer.

Girl cured of being a nut, goes home.

Dads new bit o crumpet is a bit nasty.

Girl and sister discover new bit o crumpet killed their mum and stole the dad. Done it before too. Ghost of previous family warn the girl.

Girl and sister get left alone with bit o crumpet.

Girls sister kills bit o crumpet.

Dad comes home. Reveals sister died in fire.

Turns out girl witnessed Dad cheating on mum, tried to torch house, killed Mum and Sister instead, went insane, stayed insane, finished off "innocent" mistress. Turns out the real person who killed the first family was someone the girl shared the nuthouse with. All paranormal stuff was in nuts head.





Edited by Goafer

I just watched Scream 3 again, with my sister. I just watched it last night but really wanted to see it with my sister too, and tonight it was on TV...coincidence?

Did you notice the Cameo parts that Simon Pegg and Nick Frost had?


No I completely missed it. :heh: I saw it when I watched the 'Simon Meets Romero'. Not surprised I missed them really, they looked pretty dead. :hehe:


Could it not be a tribute to old zombie movies? Haven't seen it myself so I can't really comment further.


Tbh, it's just not very good. I first saw it in the cinema and wasn't that blown away. Thought I'd give it another go. I love zombie films but this was a bit of a lame duck.


I'd be interested to hear what other people thought of it.


Land of the Dead? Yeah, it's just fucking shit. Made me start to go off zombie films. No heart in it at all, far too clichéd and, sadly, just makes romero seem out of touch with modernity.


I just realised I have seen it before and actually have it on DVD. Wow, I'm pretty forgetful. It was only the mention of the cameos by Simon Pegg and Nick Frost that reminded me.


I can't remember much of it to be honest, but I remember it being pretty "meh".


Planet Terror


A simple, entertaining, grindhouse film with some awesome moments, plus it has a woman who uses a GUN for a LEG... I enjoyed it anyway. :)




Seen quite a few movies:


17 Again - Actually enjoyed this one. Very good US teeny movie which is normally the kind of film I hate. Zac Effron was awesome lol. 7.8/10


Fast and Furious - Not bad....although I gotta admit that I fell asleep through parts of the film. Action bits were good but wasn't amazed. 5.5/10


I Love You Man - Enjoyed this. Very funny and I thought the cast were awesome. Got a bit cheesy towards the end but definitely gonna watch again come DVD release time. 7.5/10


so, Wanted eh?


Enjoyable romp- I thought it captured the spirit of Millar's book quite well- although the plot is almost entirely different and I have a few quibbles.


firstly, the whole bullet curving, adrenaline stuff: not good- or rather less good because everyone can do it. The whole point of The Killer in the book is that those are HIS powers- when he's armed with anything, he becomes a living weapon by instinct, not training. He's scary, unique and more important for it. I think they missed it a bit there.


Similarly, I never got the impression Wesley was happy to find out he has those powers. Maybe it was a bit too nihilistic for the studio to green light but in the book, Wesley enjoys the killing. He loves the life it leads to and he does whatever the fuck he wants. They totally cut some of that from the film- Mcavoy spends most of his time looking faintly bemused and awe struck in shitty tracksuits when really he should be striding down the street in louis viton suits, fucking fox in silk sheets and giving the world that crushed him a glorious 'Fuck You'.


still, the film generally got it right. particularly in the action scenes- the last of which is deliriously spectacular, silly and marvellous in equal measure and perfectly captured what The Killer is capable of- and the office worker bits (LOVE the keyboard). I really enjoyed it, despite the gripes.

If there was a must see film , what would it be?

Im trying to up my movie collection, doesnt matter if its still in the cinema.


Have you seen everything from Quentin Tarantino yet? In my eyes pretty much all of his films are 'must see' at least once... having said that though I still haven't seen Deathproof :o indeed I only watched Planet Terror last night which I know isn't his but he has an amusing cameo role lolz.


Journey To The Centre Of The Earth 3D


Wow, didn't expect it to be any good at all, and I really enjoyed it. Saw the Blu-Ray 3D version, and was glued throughout. Only downer was that the opening 15 minutes were kind of boring, if I'm honest. One it got going however, it never stopped. Kind of looking forward to the sequel now.



If there was a must see film , what would it be?

Im trying to up my movie collection, doesnt matter if its still in the cinema.


My own personal recommendations:


Shawshank Redemption:

I always saw it as one of those overrated films that eveyone puts on their list to sound cool. It actually deserves it's following. It is an amazing film.


Stand By Me

Just a really nice film. It's about 4 boys who find out the location of the body of a missing kid and set off to find it. It's all about their journey there, bonding and stuff.



It's about an albino kid who has some strange link with lightning. Another really nice film.



It's sort of a martial arts movie with a really good story. Jet Li's character, Danny, was brainwashed as a kid to be quiet when he has a leash on, but a mental killer with it off. His gangster master gets badly injusred in a deal and Danny goes free. He meets up with a nice family and learns to live properly. It's a really pleasant film.



An old fashioned detective story told in a modern high school. It's just amazing.


Any of the Cube films

A sort of survival horror where people wake up inside a cube with loads of cube shaped rooms. I just like it for the bizzareness of it all.


The Motorcycle Diaries

A real nice movie about Che Guevarra and Alberto Granados road trip on an old motorbike. It's another film about bonding on a trip funnily enough.


Pans Labyrinth

A very dark fairy tale. That's all I can describe it as. And amazing of course.


Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

I love this film. It's a funny mystery type film with really likeable characters.


Black Hawk Down

One of my favourite war movies.



If watching chavs be chavs really annoys you, probably best to give it a miss. But I really liked it. It's about a bunch of chavs being chavs, but 2 of the characters realise it's all a bit shit and try to grow up. At least that's how I remember it, I haven't seen it for a while. Adulthood is good too.


Speed Racer

A stunning film. The story is cheesy and very cliched, but I guess it was supposed to be. The car action is second to none though. Very over the top. The best manga to live action film I've ever seen.

Posted (edited)
If there was a must see film , what would it be?

Im trying to up my movie collection, doesnt matter if its still in the cinema.


American Beauty, Crash, Donnie Darko, Brokeback Mountain, The Good Girl, Milk to name a few.


American Beauty is fantastic on every level, and most definitely my favourite film ever. The acting, the story and the way it grips you throughout just can't be beaten. The Good Girl, for the fantastic script, and Anistons performance of a woman trapped in a hum-drum life and has to decide whether to take her last first chance (With Gyllenhaal). A genuinely funny and touching movie, love it to bits. With Brokeback and Milk, I hate that people refuse to see them just because of the content of the movie, especially Brokeback. It's a gripping love story, that just happens to be between two men (Even though there's actually more hetrosexual sex in the movie). The ending is...incredibly emotional.


..I'd say the others are obvious ones, so don't really need an explanation. :)

Edited by Slaggis
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