Paj! Posted March 2, 2009 Posted March 2, 2009 I've only seen Red Dragon of them all, and it's pretty meh. Nothing WRONG with it per se...just indifferent to it.
jayseven Posted March 2, 2009 Posted March 2, 2009 You ought to see SOTL, and maybe Hannibal. Much better movies.
mcj metroid Posted March 2, 2009 Posted March 2, 2009 Triple_C said: The Silence of the Lambs[/b] 9/10 Another great movie, I can't wait to watch the others. it really goes downhill dramatically from there jayseven said: You ought to see SOTL, and maybe Hannibal. Much better movies. I really would not say hannibal is much better than red dragon... I mean It's too odd.. in all the wrong ways.. and jodie foster isn't in it while the character is.. I hate when that happens with movies
Paj! Posted March 2, 2009 Posted March 2, 2009 jayseven said: You ought to see SOTL, and maybe Hannibal. Much better movies. Oh yeah, I'm aware. Keep meaning to get around to it. Might actually invest in SOTL if I see it cheap somewhere.
Beast Posted March 2, 2009 Posted March 2, 2009 SOTL and Hannibal are great, didn't think much of Red Dragon tbh. I liked Hannibal Rising though. They're all good books as well so if you liked the movies, you'd probably love the books. Death Note After looking for this movie on DVD and failing, I decided to give up on Saturday. Then at 7.00 that day, what should I see but an advert saying Death Note was on Film4 later on that night, lol. I got my DVD recorder ready and recorded it, then even more fantastic news, there's a sequel on next week so I'm gonna tape that too, lmao. I thought the movie was really good and it stuck to the series pretty well so I can't wait for the sequel next week. 8/10 West Side Story A really entertaining movie but was so funny in parts (like at the beginning when the gang were supposed to be bad and they terrorise everyone through ballet and the fights made me laugh as well, haha) 7/10 Paj Meen Ah said: Anyone else ever tried to keep a list of films you've watched...throughout your life? It seems like it would be LOADS but then I really want to just do it one day. I'd have to somehow organise it though. In Genre maybe. I have got one. I'll have to put a link in my signature or something, lmao. I've had it since I was 13-14 but I've put nearly every movie I've ever watched on there because I was so bored one day and ever since, I've kept it updated. I used IMDb to do my list.
Triple_C Posted March 2, 2009 Posted March 2, 2009 A friend lent me Hannibal today, I'll watch that. Not sure if I'll bother with the others. EDIT: I've just been wikipeding and I'm slightly confused. When you say Red Dragon, do you mean Manhunter?
jayseven Posted March 2, 2009 Posted March 2, 2009 Triple_C said: A friend lent me Hannibal today, I'll watch that. Not sure if I'll bother with the others. EDIT: I've just been wikipeding and I'm slightly confused. When you say Red Dragon, do you mean Manhunter? Red Dragon is the "remake" of Manhunter... Manhunter came out in teh 80s before SOTL and doesn't share any of the same cast at all. There's a different atmosphere to Manhunter than to any of the other subsequent movies*. *from what I hear -- I mean, as I said I've not seen hannibal rising or red dragon!
Chris the great Posted March 2, 2009 Posted March 2, 2009 jayseven said: Red Dragon is the "remake" of Manhunter... Manhunter came out in teh 80s before SOTL and doesn't share any of the same cast at all. indeed, i think it was just made so hopkins could be in each one. red dragon is actualy ok, not as good as hanibal and certainly not as good as silence of the lambs (two words FUCKIN' CLASSIC) but its a good watch if you dont expect to much.
Paj! Posted March 2, 2009 Posted March 2, 2009 Marie Antoinette The word "lovely" is entirely appropriate to describe this. A lovely film to watch, up until the end, which obviously isn't as pastel and iced as the rest. But yeah. I really want to eat pastel-coloured cake now. I loved how she had pink hair to actually match her sweet fetish for a single scene. Nothing too amazing, but a pleasant and very beautifully shot, with a kick-ass soundtrack! (Which I can't find anywhere that isn't completely "Album Only") 7/10
Coolness Bears Posted March 2, 2009 Posted March 2, 2009 I watched How to Lose friends and Alienate people, which is a good title for my life. It wasn't that great! It was okay it is quite a nice film but it didn't have much to it a bit simple and a few laughs here and there. I was hoping for more funnies but unfortunately it didn't deliever. (Needed more Nick Frost, like almost every film does :p) A good watch for a Sunday afternoon but the story was predictable and it didn't go anywhere interesting and the characters weren't developed enough for me to care about them too much. Still I think it is not a bad film I just wanted more! 3 and a half Bears out of 7.
mcj metroid Posted March 2, 2009 Posted March 2, 2009 Triple_C said: A friend lent me Hannibal today, I'll watch that. Not sure if I'll bother with the others. EDIT: I've just been wikipeding and I'm slightly confused. When you say Red Dragon, do you mean Manhunter? thats the worse one in my opinion.. silence of the lambs is fantastic.. one of the best
EEVILMURRAY Posted March 3, 2009 Posted March 3, 2009 Jumanji I KNOW MANY OF YOU WATCHED THIS YESTERDAY. It's the kinda of film where you wished the stuff in it was real, but then a second thought makes you change your mind as having a rabid lion trying to munch on yo' ass isn't as fun as it looks. Eight Shabba's
Jav_NE Posted March 3, 2009 Posted March 3, 2009 Ratatouille Stuck this on as i was bored last night. Its a weird one because its not really a funny film, its more of a feel-good story. I like it alot, but at the same time never feel too amazed by it. Probably why this is only the second time i've watched it despite owning it on Blu-Ray for over a year. Strange for me. But, like i say, nice film, sweet story and very well animated (as always). 7/10
Beast Posted March 3, 2009 Posted March 3, 2009 EEVILMURRAY said: Jumanji I KNOW MANY OF YOU WATCHED THIS YESTERDAY. I know I did *high-fives* Australia Was on for almost three hours and it's not my type of movie but I thought it was alright. It got better as it went on for me. The beginning was boring, the middle was alright and the ending was quite good. Not something I could watch again in the future TBH. 6/10
soag Posted March 3, 2009 Posted March 3, 2009 High School Musical 3 Complete and utter shite like the first 2. 0/10
EEVILMURRAY Posted March 3, 2009 Posted March 3, 2009 soag said: High School Musical 3 Complete and utter shite like the first 2. 0/10 Did you/others around you start dancing and shouting something about the Wildcats? You should watch it a few more times. Apparently it increases the enjoyment.
soag Posted March 3, 2009 Posted March 3, 2009 EEVILMURRAY said: Did you/others around you start dancing and shouting something about the Wildcats? You should watch it a few more times. Apparently it increases the enjoyment. Well the missus was singing along with zac and the rest of the cool gang of teenagers so kinda, and I was still bored. Notice how noone suffers from acne in disney highschool movies.
Paj! Posted March 3, 2009 Posted March 3, 2009 soag said: Well the missus was singing along with zac and the rest of the cool gang of teenagers so kinda, and I was still bored. Notice how noone suffers from acne in disney highschool movies. They're also all 26 and still at school.
Beast Posted March 3, 2009 Posted March 3, 2009 Weirdly enough watched this today and I still like it. Was better at the Gold Class cinemas though. 7/10 Death Note...again Still love it and I love the seasons 8/10 Twilight Thought it was really good but the book is better. I wonder how they're going to do New Moon though, that book's as boring as hell. 7/10 Thirteen Ghosts remake Watched it with my girlfriend, she thinks it's funny and I do as well. It was so ridiculous, lol. Liked the ghosts though tbh 6/10 I BADLY wanna see The Unborn, looks soo funny!
Jimbob Posted March 3, 2009 Posted March 3, 2009 Kevin and Perry Go Large Awesome movie that follows Kevin and Perry in Ibiza. Can't believe this is 9 years old when i saw it in the cinema when i was 14. Still as good as i remember it was. 9/10
Paj! Posted March 4, 2009 Posted March 4, 2009 Private Benjamin Felt like the biggest joke of 1980 cinema. Although it hit and miss, mostly missing when Goldie Hawn's character was just being too stupid. ALSO I love the fact she was nominated for the Best Actress Oscar. She was actually pretty godd, I won't lie. There were several bits I laughed at. "I would slap your face!" I love the fact that at the end, I said out loud, "Tori Amos' life story" (private joke). 6.5/10
chairdriver Posted March 4, 2009 Posted March 4, 2009 Paj Meen Ah said: I love the fact that at the end, I said out loud, "Tori Amos' life story" (private joke). I loved when we were looking at those pictures actually of Tori Amos, and I said "Tori Amos" in that suggestive tone. Lol, me and Paddy were reminscing about PJ Harvey winning Best Supporting Actress for Cosi today. And the film winning best animated sequence.
Paj! Posted March 4, 2009 Posted March 4, 2009 chairdriver said: Lol, me and Paddy were reminscing about PJ Harvey winning Best Supporting Actress for Cosi today. And the film winning best animated sequence. I love. One of the 7 moments of pleasure in our lives. The post-Bjork comedown watching rubbish australian comdies starring PJ Harvey.
Beast Posted March 4, 2009 Posted March 4, 2009 Kevin and Perry go large! Could watch this again, it's just brilliant. Harry Enfield and Kathy Burke are fantastic comedians! Would LOVE to see a Wayne and Waynetta movie! 8.5/10
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