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Rate the last film you saw


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I agree with the Bresson thing, though I'd say Herzog and Fassbinder were pretty close as well. Haven't seen all of their work but what I have seen has been entirely fantastic, but they have both been so goddamn prolific that I don't see how they can keep it up.

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Funny Games US


Been waiting to see this since I watched the original to see how it compared. Mostly for the acting of course and hearing it in English as its a shot for shot remake.


Thought all the performances were good, id say I probably prefered Tim Roth as the father, not really decided on if I think Naomi Watts was better as the mother. But I definately think the original Peter and Paul were better and as the change in language didnt make much difference id have to say I still prefer the original.



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Forgetting Sarah Marshall


Epic amounts of lollage. All good stuff. Mila Kunis is awesome. The little characters and smaller parts that it has are all great, and theres a few very nice elements as well. Also Russell Brand is pretty good in it. Paul Rudd is as amazing as always. Mila Kunis is god damn fine aswell.



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The Omega Man


The first 5 minutes of this 1970's adaptation of 'I Am Legend' are pretty good, but once the "vampires" show up, it's impossible to take this film seriously. Very very stupid.




The Godfather


Brilliant. Been years since I last saw it, and it still remains one of the greatest films ever.


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What Women Want

Been meaning to see this for a while, and I enjoyed it immesnly. Keep's you entertained and there are a few laughs to be had. Weak ending though.




The Godfather


Brilliant. Been years since I last saw it, and it still remains one of the greatest films ever.




That would mean that What Women Want is also one of the greatest films ever. And Lethal Weapon 1 too. You rock so much! : peace:

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Bring It On


Im sleepy and not in the mood (had to watch it for an assignment) so wasn't the best time to watch it. Its a good stupid film if you're in the mood, but I just wasn't so it would normally score about a six, maybe seven? But a five today.


Considering watching The Virgin Suicides, (The Dunst link is coincidental) but that may be too depressing for tonight.

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American Gangster


Not as engrossing as I had hoped for. Denzel's performance was a little tame and it dragged. Though it's story was interesting and it looked beautiful.




any film with an opening like that gets an 8 off the bat. the last film i saw at the cinema and was glad i had. a 9.5 from me.



might get flamed for this but what ever

super bad 6/10. take out mc lovin and the film wouldnt be funny. not a bad film, just so over hyped. if i wanted to watch a fat prick and a dull pussy id watch porn.

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I agree entirely with your score, although you may be in the mindset that 6/10 means its terrible, but Micheal Cera's character is fantastic. Like an older and more sex inclined George Micheal Bluth. McLovin for me was okay, but definately not the funniest thing in the film, even Jonah Hill's character was better than him and all he had to laugh at was his dick drawings.

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Dancer In The Dark 10/10


Waited for so long to see this, as Bjorks in it.


The first film in ages to bring tears to my eyes. One of the bes films i've ever seen. Just utterly harrowing.


I had this on DVD and watched it with two a group of my friends. The two girl in the bunch cried so hard and so consistantly through the movie that I actually thought that i'd traumatised them. Seriously thought I'd permenantly messed them up. Love it though. Really puts into perspective the value of things in life and the beauty that can be found in adversity.


Shame someone "borrowed" my DVD of it. Fuck you Karen...

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Dancer In The Dark - 10/10


Best film I've ever seen.


I cried at three seperate occasions.



I would say I loved it, but that would imply it brought happiness to me.



At first I didn't think Bjork was that good, at the start where she's telling off her son, it's like "please get a real actress". But at the end, what the fuck was that trying to walk to the gallows? Actually a bit good; there's a reason she won best actress for it.

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Nosferatu The Vampyre - 1978


An absolutly fantastic remake of a classic horror film (in this case, Nosferatu). In this remake, not only does it do a faithful remake of the original, but it actually improves upon the original, adding more depth to the original. Klaus Kinski is just perfect as Count Dracula (in the remake, they changed his name from Count Orlok back to Dracula), and is just... Eery. Also, the film is extremely atmospheric, which is something many horror remakes lack.


Overall, I give this film an extremely rare 10/10.

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Wow, two Herzog reviews within two pages. The original Nosferatu is Werner Herzog's favourite film, and so it was no surprise that his version would be fantastic. I agree totally triforce, and you should really check out the other films Kinski did with Herzog. Fitzcarraldo is the most lauded, but I find Woyzeck to be the best collaboration between them, though if its atmosphere you're going for Aguirre, De Zorn Gottes is the film you want. It's dripping with it and Kinski is insane.

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If this is a Karen I know....I can be very persuasive.


*Cuts to Simpsons parody*


Awww c'mon! Please! Ill be your friend. Oh you're mean.




Whats it about?


Nah not that Karen. If it was her I would have sent the "boys from da shop" to go get it back. Mark'll be my errrr... muscle?

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I do really want to watch Dancer in the Dark but I hear its really bleak and thus I'll need to be in a bleak place for it...which hopefully won't be too soon :/






Wasn't paying much attention for the first half, and had heard the ending was sad (although I would have preferred it if it wasn't all a dream and ended in the rain) but still, not a bad film.


Was getting Hasslehoff give a sexual harrasment seminar like...irony?



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I do really want to watch Dancer in the Dark but I hear its really bleak and thus I'll need to be in a bleak place for it...which hopefully won't be too soon :/


Yeah it is. Last night (the night after it was on TV), chairdriver and I were contemplating watching a film ,and he suggested Sophie's Choice, and I definitely want him to see it as it's great, but we agreed that we were still carrying emotional baggage from DitD.

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