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Have you seen Oldboy and Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance?

Same director and is a part of the Vengeance trilogy


Both very good, Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance is closer to Lady Vengeance.


Mr. Vengeance is great, but meant for more hardcore cinema buffs. Lady Vengeance and Oldboy are more accessible, and also very good.

I love them all. All 3 of them.

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Ignore them, Superman Returns is fantastic. : peace:


But why? Super Hero comics like Superman, Spider-Man etc are about action and fights with villains. That is 100% fact. Of course comics are ongoing and so have varied storylines, with room to expand on characters and development and so will have the odd character exploring story arc, that may not focus on action.


Superman Returns was a massive wank off to the previous films....the previous films which are now dated and IMO ridiculous. There was basically one action scene. Huge flaws (Supermans weakness is kryptonite. This is a physical weakness. If Batman wears a kryptonite ring he can kick the shit out of Supes....but in the movie we witness him life a comet of kryptonite. Now I get it, hes pushing passed the weakness and has huge willpower...bull shit. No amount of willpower could of helped him lift that. Its a physical disability. But thats not even my gripe with it. Nothing happened. For 2 and half hours nothing happened. And he had a kid. Who killed someone.


God theres so many things wrong with that film its not even funny.


Spider-Man is okay. Defoe is excellent...in fact everyone in it is excellent, but its just not a hugely amazing film.


2 is amazing. I enjoyed 3 for the most part.




Semi Pro


Good old Ferrell action. All the actors were good, Will Arnett and the other announcer guy had some particularly funny lines, and it was just thoroughly enjoyable and fun.



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Annie Hall: 8/10. Growing up my parents always told me that Woody Allen was annoying so we would never watch his films when they were on TV. It's the same with Larry David now. But I like Woody Allen, I like his humour and I like his films. I have Everything You Wanted and Manhattan to watch later.


To watch tonight: Junebug, The Science of Sleep, possibly Duck Soup.

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The Heartbreak Kid


Ben Stiller get married, but then realises that his wife isn’t all he thought she was. A poor man's 'There's Something About Mary'.




The Number 23


Was expecting so much more from this film. What a disappointment. Very slow and boring. Where the hell was the plot?!



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Have you seen Oldboy and Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance?

Same director and is a part of the Vengeance trilogy


Both very good, Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance is closer to Lady Vengeance.


I watched Mr Vengence last night and didn't like it as much as Lady. Maybe it is more for film buffs and full of stuff I didn't catch but the vengence was more widespread, everyone was getting vengence on everyone else.

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I watched Mr Vengence last night and didn't like it as much as Lady. Maybe it is more for film buffs and full of stuff I didn't catch but the vengence was more widespread, everyone was getting vengence on everyone else.


Precisely. Mr. Vengeance is an exercise on vengeance and the way it keeps coming back to you.

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No I got that. The idea that if you do wrong, someone will get revenge and there is no such thing as the 'perfect' muder. Maybe it was just I found Lady more relatable, and someone I could feel sympathy toward. Mr kept jumping around between its characters that, while still a treat to watch, I felt no sympathy toward anyone. (Perhaps, intentionally as they all brutally kill)

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When I said "Batman and Spider-Man", Spider-man meant all 3 films. (Mainly the second)



But why? Super Hero comics like Superman, Spider-Man etc are about action and fights with villains. That is 100% fact. Of course comics are ongoing and so have varied storylines, with room to expand on characters and development and so will have the odd character exploring story arc, that may not focus on action.


Superman Returns was a massive wank off to the previous films....the previous films which are now dated and IMO ridiculous. There was basically one action scene. Huge flaws (Supermans weakness is kryptonite. This is a physical weakness. If Batman wears a kryptonite ring he can kick the shit out of Supes....but in the movie we witness him life a comet of kryptonite. Now I get it, hes pushing passed the weakness and has huge willpower...bull shit. No amount of willpower could of helped him lift that. Its a physical disability. But thats not even my gripe with it. Nothing happened. For 2 and half hours nothing happened. And he had a kid. Who killed someone.


God theres so many things wrong with that film its not even funny.



Superman is the worst superhero in recent times. Simply because he is unrelatable, and just stupid. Who wants to see someone who can't lose beat someone up?


Sure, there could have been a villain, but presumably that'll be in the second one, and this was re-establish him in classic terms.


I assume the island he lifted wasn't totally kryptonite. Otherwise why did it show the small glimmers of green purposely? Either way, it's Superman, he's stupid.


For a Superman film, it did something different from the norm, which I applaud.


But, ReZ, isn't this just you claiming Transformers is better than Atonement all over again? :indeed:


Not everything has to be all up in your face.

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Mr. Vengeance is great, but meant for more hardcore cinema buffs. Lady Vengeance and Oldboy are more accessible, and also very good.

I love them all. All 3 of them.


Love them too.

They all have the same theme but yet are so different.

They all cover a different "kind" of vengeance and the consequences of them.


One thing i love about Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance is that there is no good or bad action only a great big gray area.

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No I got that. The idea that if you do wrong, someone will get revenge and there is no such thing as the 'perfect' muder. Maybe it was just I found Lady more relatable, and someone I could feel sympathy toward. Mr kept jumping around between its characters that, while still a treat to watch, I felt no sympathy toward anyone. (Perhaps, intentionally as they all brutally kill)


You have no sympathy for someone who kills? :heh:

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But, ReZ, isn't this just you claiming Transformers is better than Atonement all over again? :indeed:


Not everything has to be all up in your face.


Who mentioned that?


Anyway I thought we agreed not to talk about that till I see Atonement?



Superman Returns fails in all respects IMO. I can't imagine why anyone would like it. Its just truely horrible to its genre and Ive stated loads of things that are wrong, its a big contradiction of itself blah blah blah blah.

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And Then There Were None

Nine guests are trapped together in an island house, but who amongst them is their mysterious host, murdering the others? An enthralling murder mystery both tense and funny. Why isn't more comedy like this?



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Love them too.

They all have the same theme but yet are so different.

They all cover a different "kind" of vengeance and the consequences of them.


One thing i love about Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance is that there is no good or bad action only a great big gray area.


I agree, but personally I have found texts which do this better, or at least I have more interest in. But grey morality is always best.


You have no sympathy for someone who kills? :heh:


Only Dexter...and a lot of people actually. But its sympathy built over time. The only person I came close to was the deaf guy.

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Who mentioned that?


Anyway I thought we agreed not to talk about that till I see Atonement?



Superman Returns fails in all respects IMO. I can't imagine why anyone would like it. Its just truely horrible to its genre and Ive stated loads of things that are wrong, its a big contradiction of itself blah blah blah blah.


How is it a big contradiction? It never states "Oh my god, no Jimmy! As if Superman could lift an island laced with Kryptonite, that's impossible!".


The fact is, Superman is stupid, and can do anything. Anyway the island wasn't a completely kryptonite island. Just bits of it. And if you remember, HE DIED after doing it. Actually getting what he deserves for once.


Why should it be normal to it's genre? I'm glad Singer did something different with it.


It can't be as good as the other Superhero films because Superman is impossible to relate to. Attempts have been made (Lois & Clark, the TV show), but aren't true to the comics enough. It was a good, interesting take on Superman.


Worst thing was that Kate Bosworth just doesn't strik me as Lois Laney enough. She's too baby-faced. Teri Hatcher was best I think, then Margot Kidder.

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Wild Zero

If you didn't like it, then you just didn't get it. It's got zombies, UFOs, guns, rock n' roll, transvestites and headshots. B-Movies ftw.


Waking Life

Seen loads of times now. I always forget how uplifting it can be.


No scores because I should've been doing an essay, which automatically gives them minus points for distraction.

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Batman Begins


Felt like watching it after I watched Supes the other day.


It's very good, and does Batman on film as he always should have been done. Only gripe is that it's not very well paced. Cillian Murphy is awesome, and was great as Dr.Crane, but if his scenes as Scarecrow/scaring people were actually made to look even mildly scary/tense, it would have worked a lot better.









When he gasses Rachel in the lift, there could have been even a little bit of a chase scene, for example.










Overall, 7/10.

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Superman Returns




Batman Begins


Overall, 7/10.


Oh boy....:shakehead


How is it a big contradiction?


Respecting the old films and the source material, yet giving Superman a son, and that son killing people.


Why should it be normal to it's genre? I'm glad Singer did something different with it.


Who said it had to be "normal"? Id of been glad is Singer/the writers did something good with it.

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