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Kate Moss

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The news has been rumoured to buying extra kleenex to mop up what they've been knocking out this week as Kate Moss's career takes [what I think is long overdue] a nosedive as her apparent drug indulgence fucks up her career.




After being dropped from H & M, and rightly so, you can't have a druggie as the face of a company with a strong anti-drug thing going.


Chanel and Burberry has now dropped the bitch. I know they need to make an example of her but do they really need to make so much coverage? Why hasn't Pete "****" Doherty been locked up for his blatent use? You see him swagger on to sing craply with Elton John [Who isn't crap] obviously under the influence and nothing gets done.


What's more, the fashion industry is still "backing her". Because leading a models life is stressful. No shit. Simply a case of "If you can't stand the heat..."


EDIT: We can't say T-Wat now?

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I want Rimmel [Haha. Rim] to drop her too, I'm sick of those shitty ads with her in them... Ooh, they blow.

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So they have dropped her now? Originally I thought they said they wouldn't.


I'm glad they did, you can't just say the next day 'Oh crap sorry I won't do it again' and be forgiven.


And for Pete Doherty...well I try to pretend he doesn't exist.

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I'll widen another orrifice of hers if she comes anywhere near me.


It's probably closed up due to walking with her legs so tight together.

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I'm now in shock we can't say t wat... :(


We can't?




Edit - lol.


Edit2 - Close enough



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i like Pete Doherty, im gutted i never got to see the libertines live... as for kate moss...ah well.

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I think the worst thing about it all is the fact that Kate Moss has a young daughter!!

what was she thinking!


She had all she could ever want and she's blown it!!

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What a waster. What a fucking waster. :wink:


Leading a model's life is stressful? So are plenty of other jobs out there, as well. That's really no excuse. I've never really heard of anyone to take cocaine for stress. :hmm:

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Being paid to be beautiful must be so stressful, I don't know how I'd cope. I think I too would turn to cocaine and, yes, possibly even crack.

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Can someone hurry up and shoot Doherty already. If not that, at least castrate and severely beat him.

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I'd like to see drug testing of all fashion models taking place.


They'd end up having to use some right fatties!

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good, stupid cow winning the top 30 model...HOW THE HELL DOES SHE WIN THE TOP 30 MODELS!!!


she doesnt even look nice for god sake (tbh 90% of the women in that top 30 list didnt look nice)


but still...good lets see less of her, i dont care about that bitch and twa't yet the news keep going on about her like shes some national treasure


i cant say ****, i think ill stick to wanker

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Can someone hurry up and shoot Doherty already. If not that, at least castrate and severely beat him.

Christ no, we'd not hear the end of "cut down in his prime", "the new Cobain" and all that bollocks from sadsack NME reading indie types.

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Being paid to be beautiful must be so stressful, I don't know how I'd cope. I think I too would turn to cocaine and, yes, possibly even crack.

I can understand that as a model she must have been under alot of pressure to keep herself exactly that weight and in good shape; which i'm sure isn't easy,

but that doesn't excuse what she did; especially when you have a young child!

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I can understand that as a model she must have been under alot of pressure to keep herself exactly that weight and in good shape; which i'm sure isn't easy,

but that doesn't excuse what she did; especially when you have a young child!


Sorry, but with all those millions of pounds under her belt, I don't think she's really under any pressure to do anything.

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