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Rate the Above Poster's Avatar and Signature


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Ghostbusters or Airplane I assume?


In other news, I like your avvie. Ho-Oh is a legendary, and so would fall into a cliche bracket, but he's come full circle, since you never actually remember he exists, so your choice of him is uber-uncliched. Dislike how the sig isn't as rough around the edges as the awesome avvie (should be). And the image as it stands with the japanese text is a bit dull. The sig should be as great as the avvie, but isn't.



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I'm going to put aside my dislike of Harry Potter.


Av: Good framing of the images, the transition from image to image is inconsistant though. 6.5/10


Sig: I like the colours. Looks good to me (despite the obvious Harry Potterness of it all!). Colours or AV and Sig match nicely. 7.5/10

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I'm going to put aside my dislike of Harry Potter.


Av: Good framing of the images, the transition from image to image is inconsistant though. 6.5/10


Sig: I like the colours. Looks good to me (despite the obvious Harry Potterness of it all!). Colours or AV and Sig match nicely. 7.5/10


You don't like Harry Potter? :confused:


Thanks for the scores considering you don't like it :)



I like it. I like the black-and-white feel of it, I think it suits the image.




I think it's a very nice signature, although I don't think that and the avatar go together, I still think it looks good.



Seriously, how can you not like Harry Potter????? I think it might be me since I'm a bit of a massive fan, lol. I can't wait for it to come out on Wednesday!

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You don't like Harry Potter? :confused:


Thanks for the scores considering you don't like it :)


Seriously, how can you not like Harry Potter????? I think it might be me since I'm a bit of a massive fan, lol. I can't wait for it to come out on Wednesday!


I don't know why, but I just don't like them. Granted, I haven't actually seen/read any of them, but nothing in the trailers made me want to watch/read them.



I feel kind of bad now for stealing the last post. So the next person can rate mine (slightly changed av. Woo!) and Dazz's to make me feel better.

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Avatar: It reminds me of those tacky freebies you could get for AIM back in the day. Buddy Icons I think they were called. Blergh. Nasty. 2/10

Signature: Tooooo much text. Like the signature despite not enjoying the film. 5/10.



Avatar (and signature actually): I like it, but god knows why. Actually, it's the same for your signature. I've come to associate the two with you now. :heh: 7.5/10.

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9/10 Overall


Almost perfect. I would detract for using the cliched Pikachu, but that image for some reason has me overcome withy love for him and his little mousy face. :o


I take away a point because overall, it makes you looks like a member of staff, which you aren't. :p Lovely font though.



I'm thinking of a Pokemon set...might ask someone to make a me a good one.

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And I foolishly forgot to mention above that all credit goes to Eddage for making the signature/avatar combo. (Though at the time I did have a little thing in my sig saying so instead so I guess I'm covered somewhat :heh:) But yes.


Please rate Paj's next.

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I'm rating Emerald Emblem's, since he was the last to actually rate someone else's...


Dunno what it's from but it looks awesome, both the sig and avvie!


Avatar 8/10

Sig 9/10


Oh and Paj, I don't really see how Dyson's sig makes him look like staff, it's not like it's the N-E font or anything!?

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Avatar: It reminds me of those tacky freebies you could get for AIM back in the day. Buddy Icons I think they were called. Blergh. Nasty. 2/10

Signature: Tooooo much text. Like the signature despite not enjoying the film. 5/10.



Avatar (and signature actually): I like it, but god knows why. Actually, it's the same for your signature. I've come to associate the two with you now. :heh: 7.5/10.


I'm not gonna lie but I did actually get it from the Harry Potter website and I think it said AIM so...yeah.


TBH, I REALLY love your one. I know this may sound really cheeky of me but could you do me a signature and avatar in the style of that please? I would really appreciate it. :)

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I'm not gonna lie but I did actually get it from the Harry Potter website and I think it said AIM so...yeah.


TBH, I REALLY love your one. I know this may sound really cheeky of me but could you do me a signature and avatar in the style of that please? I would really appreciate it. :)


You're gonna have to ask Eddage for that - he's the master behind my signature at the moment. Unfortunately there's something which stops me from being able to use any graphics program effectively :heh:


I just reread my rating of your signature/avatar and it came off a bit shittily! Sorry about that :laughing:


I'm rating Emerald Emblem's, since he was the last to actually rate someone else's...


Dunno what it's from but it looks awesome, both the sig and avvie!


Avatar 8/10

Sig 9/10


Oh and Paj, I don't really see how Dyson's sig makes him look like staff, it's not like it's the N-E font or anything!?


Totally missed this post somehow!


As I'm sure you're aware I love your signature/avatar hence why I asked for one similar to it. I love love love it :D And the N-E font just seems to work well with anything after all! Curvy.


Signature: 10/10 - All of the above and more. Can't think of a way to improve it!

Avatar 9/10 - Effective and swish.

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I much prefered your older one if I'm honest. I like this one, but I just hate the shade of red used. It's just annoyingly bland. Love the pic of Pika though!




Don't like the av at all, it just seems a bit meaningless.






Yup, I've changed mine again. I know it's pretty small, but it looks so much better that way. At least for this design, anyway. :)

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AV: 6/10

Like the close crop, but other than that it just seems a bit meh to me. Mainly because the border is quite hard to see, making it look like a normal square.


Sig: 8.5/10

I have no idea what it's all about, but I like the look of it. Especially the matching colours.



I have a special request for people. I need help deciding which one to go for out of these 2. I like the JSRF one for the font and the fact that I love JSRFs style, but I like the other one because it's my own photo, making it entirely my work. Help me decide!





2: Beach


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Definitely the JSRF one. That other one just looks like a picture cropped and a border placed on it, so it looks like less time has been spent making it and just doesn't look as good.


(Outside voice: "But Villan, isn't that what your sigs AND avatars have been like for well over a year now?")


Fuck off, took me three whole minutes to make these Totoro pics. Go bollocks! :mad:

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