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Rate the Above Poster's Avatar and Signature


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The sig and avvie combo are good, I like...


The "Link HUD" as you call it... not so much. Was this the thing you were having trouble with in Photoshop?


It just doesn't fit at all, looks too cluttered with all the different aspects. Also far too many pictures of yourself :heh:


Sig/Av: 8/10

"Link HUD": 4/10

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I like the "hud/hub". It looks cluttered because of the two pics of your head on the left, get rid of them, or make them smaller and border them so homogenity with the rest is restored.


I'm thinking about a new combo for me.


Eddage 10/10

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I like it! not sure which anime its from is the the text " pull the trigger" added in after the fact? if so i dont think its in the same style as the yes.

and you could get the quote smaller or closer to the sig?


otherwise 8/10 + avatar = impeccable

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One has roudned edges, wherease the other has regular corners. That's the only critisism I can think of, and it probbaly looks better the way it is anyway.




I like this I do, has a nice sorta-handrawn feel, and the broken line bored is kewl


eight out of ten




Even better. One of the best on the forum - though the anime used looks a little generic, the layout and text makes it moar speshul.


nine point five out of ten

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Gotta love Invincible!


With your sig I kind of feel like bloody Invincible should be standing out a bit more from the backgrounds but I still like it. 7.5


Avatar is a nice shot, maybe the colours feel a bit washed out but thats the same problem I had with space shots in Invincible, its just how they are coloured. One thing though is that I feel maybe the border should be a bit thicker to show the different colours. 8/10

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I like the av, the fact it's cut-off semi-bothers me, but not really. 8/10


Sig is nice too, but the line and underlines word really annoys me. Looks like a line you forgot to get rid of on the picture, and generally makes the whole affair too busy. 6/10

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Note: thank you Eddage for solving my transparrent problems, now if only my artistic problems could be fixed so i could have a decent av-sig combo


why do people wonder about a border for the sig? can't think it would do anything to enhance it just trap it really


So should I change mine after about 2 years or not :D


Do, or have you lost the photoshop touch? maybe something in after affects, no need of really HAVING to change it just mess around with ideas and see how they work

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Nice grunge effect over all suits the name, should prob change the Albert Einstein bit from white to darkish grey make it readable


Sig 8/10 clear(ish) & simple


Av 5/10 good but nothing distinguishing too much black and greys

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Avatar: Ugly shape that reminds me of cartoon network. Don't quite get what DW (OW?) stand for either. I like how it's background is transparent though - makes it blend in well.



Signature: I like how it blends in at the left hand side, but the fact it's obviously rectangular at the right hand side ruins the feel. I don't like the "e" either -it's too fat, and I don't like how I keep seeing a smily face on the right hand side. I like the design apart from that though.


I really hate the quote. It's a copy of a joke no one found funny in the first place and is totally irrelevant to everyone concerned. Why, of all interesting remarks/witty remarks conceivable, did you include that one? Leaves you with nothing.



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